Laura Ingraham Links Violent Behavior To Marijuana, the ladies of The View analyze

Laura Ingraham says the reason for mass shootings is marijuana. According to her it makes people violent. Do you agree with her?

no....not unless you already have a screw loose or you are doing other harder drugs like meth or are a heavy drinker...but pot by itself no....
I suppose if they have dual citizenship they could.

Do you have any evidence that was the case with these students?
Weird, I know a lot of Greek-Americans who are both Greek and American like me. Even if I didn't have Greek and American passports I would still be Greek and American.

Tell me, are there no Mexican-Americans? Try to keep your "wokenesss" out of it and answer truthfully.
Weird, I know a lot of Greek-Americans who are both Greek and American like me. Even if I didn't have Greek and American passports I would still be Greek and American.

Tell me, are there no Mexican-Americans? Try to keep your "wokenesss" out of it and answer truthfully.

They are Americans....besides you did not call them Mexican-Americans, you called them Mexicans. We all know why you did this, why not just be proud of your bigotry
They are Americans....besides you did not call them Mexican-Americans, you called them Mexicans. We all know why you did this, why not just be proud of your bigotry

I don't get upset when anyone calls me Greek or American. Why should Mexican-Americans be? Be proud of your wokeness if you will, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
I don't get upset when anyone calls me Greek or American. Why should Mexican-Americans be? Be proud of your wokeness if you will, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

again, you did not call them Mexican-Americans. Quit trying to backtrack your bigotry
Dear snowflake, do you think it is bad to be called a Mexican? Are they embarrassed? Are you embarrassed for them?

Again, you can call me Greek, American or Greek-American. None embarrass me for I am all of those.

It is inaccurate. Plus you are fooling nobody.
Hey, I have killed no one, much less 19 Mexican kids and their teachers.
They aren't Mexicans. They are Texan Americans. We do not have proof of your nationality however. No go away or we shall taunt you a second time!
Oh bullshit. She didn’t talk about a pot and violence connection. She spoke about a marijuana psychosis and violence connection.

There is a difference.

Ordinarily I think marijuana makes people less violent and a bit more passive. So I certainly wouldn’t buy the argument supposedly made by Laura Ingraham. Of course, again, in fairness, the OP’s false claim shouldn’t govern the discussion.

By the way. Whoopi is the idiot who spoke about a rape not being a “rape rape.” So, fuck her and her few remaining brain cells.
By contrast, Laura Ingraham is an amazingly intelligent and accomplished woman. She clerked for a Justice of the SCOTUS. She’s massively more intelligent than Whoopi-cushion or the idiots on this thread who seek to marginalize her.
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Disagree, and your racism is clearly defined in this hateful post. The NRA and the gun lobby are culpable for the murders of children in schools and other innocent people who were in theaters, at concerts or in restaurants, bars or at festivals.

It's always funny when you doped up deviants and commies try to sound all outraged n stuff, as if they haven't been hard at work causing just this sort of atrocities and societal breakdowns since the 1920's.

The PEanut Gallery can note how large the AIDS death toll was and how these fagots are still the Number 1 source of new infections, and now the sickos are spreading monkey pox around along with their usual standard diseases like hepatitis, syphylis, drug resistant staph, and the rest.
Disagree, and your racism is clearly defined in this hateful post.
And those like YOU would cheerfully watch as tens of thousands of Americans who were resisting confiscation of their weapons, were slaughtered by the government. You lot give fook ALL about the sanctity of life. You just want power to rule over others and Skippy, THIS time it's going to take one hell of a lot more than a stolen election and a lying media 5th column to get your wishes.

This bitch is casually talking about strolling in and seizing property from MILLIONS of Americans who still actually believe in 2A rights as inviolable. It's inevitable that your ghouls in DC will eventually try it. You and those like you will find that the line the Right has continually refused to draw, suddenly gets drawn and defended.

When the gutless Rs in DC finally get around to caving on the "red flag" laws, it will be those like YOU who will be eagerly calling or emailing in reports of "dangerous" characters online and doing so from the safety of anonymity. You'll effectively have the power to make an accusation based purely on your opinion and in doing so, destroy the lives of people you simply dislike. THAT whole situation will become a ticking timebomb, as well. Yeah, you hateful liars will bring the country to the point of violence and then be shocked when things explode...
Ordinarily I think marijuana makes people less violent and a bit more passive. So I certainly wouldn’t buy the argument supposedly made by Laura Ingraham. Of course, again, in fairness, the OP’s false claim shouldn’t govern the discussion.
I'd never heard of marijuana psychosis until after Colorado legalized it. As a smoker from the 70s, I can say I never knew of anyone who developed any such extreme disability from weed. From what I understand though, modern weed has many times more concentrated levels of THC and can cause serious mental issues with excessive use. I'd be suspect that weed alone led to anyone slaughtering 21 innocent people. That is an inherent evil in the individual.

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