Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I don’t care if Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I care that she’s attacked others for exercising those same rights

Interesting. You simultaneously CLAIM you don't care what she did while desperately hoping everyone will jump on her and criticize her for it. Can we say troll much? Toss a grenade and run away?
Then what was up with the guy who traveled from California to Kavanaugh's house with a gun & zip ties and told a 911 operator that he wanted to kill Kavanaugh?
You mean a crazy person who turned himself in without ever trying to commit a crime? Uh, ok.
It's quite telling how the OP respects a woman's right to choose.
If Boebert vows to bring legal action and tweeted her vow, how is that a theory and not a fact?

Because no one even KNOW that the claims have an ounce of cred. There are UNLIMITED number of partisan battles to fight over that are REAL and exist. Conspiracies are about stuff we DONT KNOW even exist.

When it's CLARIFIED by facts or testimony or ACTUAL NAMES OF PEOPLE MAKING THE CHARGES -- and the MEDIA does its job (dont hold your breathe on that) -- THEN - of course we want to see the court cases resulting from this. When a court PICKS THIS UP - it comes out of conspiracies for certain.

As far as I know (speaking as a member) in this post -- Boebert will be one of a DOZENS attacked this stupid childish way in this election run-up. Dems already have had a TOP RUNNING Repub candidate for Mich gov ARRESTED for "Jan 6th just last week. It looks like they've given up on running on their records, principles and issues and are down to cowardly, juvenile horseshit and pranks.
Dems already have had a TOP RUNNING Repub candidate for Mich gov ARRESTED for "Jan 6th just last week.
Look at what you have done to yourself for the cult. Look at the paranoid fabtasies you buy into. Just embarrassing. And dangerous for our democracy.
Look at what you have done to yourself for the cult. Look at the paranoid fabtasies you buy into. Just embarrassing. And dangerous for our democracy.

Are you saying that I'm making this story up? It could be because you consume shit for news and just haven't heard it. Do I get an apology if I give you 4 or 6 links to this FACT or ya wanna just slink away in shame. This guy DID NOTHING on Jan 6th -- never entered the Capitol bldg. Your heroes are turning into MONSTERS...
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Anonymous threats are awesome. Lulz.

Mod Edit -- Screenshot deleted. Responding to mod message. FCT
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Yes, your fantasy that he was arrested by democrats just exercising partisan will is dangerous garbage, and you should be embarrassed of yourself.

Who's pushing the buttons on Jan 6th? You think that in a middle of Primary that your Jan 6th monsters of tyranny wouldn't go whack the LEADING REPUB challenger for governor of Mich? They've had 19 MONTHS to investigate and he's one of the ONLY PEOPLE arrested lately?

That's damn ignorant of you. And I hope he wins and gets even. Because he's completely INNOCENT.

Just 10 hours before the FBI descended on his house, "loose lips" Biden was on Jimmy Kimmel saying that he "was gonna arrest his political opponents".

Jan 6th committee is working overtime to find Repub candidates running in 22 and refer them to the FBI. Probably spending a couple $$Mill on face recognition experts and investigations.

That's damn ignorant of you. And I hope he wins and gets even. Because he's completely INNOCENT.
Jan 6th committee is working overtime to find Repub candidates running in 22 and refer them to the FBI
Fantasy of course.

But even if crime, not time..

So these are embarrasisng cult fantasies. Very childish.

As if it's anyone's fault but their own that they committed crimes for their orange God. As if it's anyone's fault but theirs and the GOP base that they elected an unfit criminal and continue to support him, compelling GOPers to commit crimes for the orange pile of shit.
Fantasy of course.

But even if crime, not time..

So these are embarrasisng cult fantasies. Very childish.

As if it's anyone's fault but their own that they committed crimes for their orange God. As if it's anyone's fault but theirs and the GOP base that they elected an unfit criminal and continue to support him, compelling GOPers to commit crimes for the orange pile of shit.

The CRIME is tying up an ACTIVE LEADING CANDIDATE during a CAMPAIGN you asshole. Something the FBI and your party did DURING the 2016 campaign to TRUMP staff and Trump himself. ON COMPLETELY FALSE charges of colluding with Russians.

They'll dismiss charges is LIKELY --- after they've RUINED his chances of defeating Wicked Whitmer.

When Biden referred to "not playing fair" -- THAT'S what sinking YOUR party - not the Repubs. And the American people know this. One thing Biden is still CAPABLE OF? Projecting HIS guilts and his parties crimes on "the other side" or randomly onto Putin or any other convenient spittoon.

Look at the SMEARING they are doing to Bobeart here in THIS thread topic. Even rabid leftists checking into this thread saying they're not certain if there's any truth to this vicious sliming, Apparentlty DONT CARE about hurting families/children or ANYTHING ELSE in you pursuit of absolute power. That's what LEFTISTS ARE.. No SOLID principles or positions that cant change on a dime - but solely IN IT for "da revolution" to remake a country.
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There 2 election campaigns the leftists are murdering in their infancy before even the primaries. Boebeart's and Ryan Kelley. How many MORE "mucker-racking" SINS will the Dems try????

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