Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

The CRIME is tying up an ACTIVE LEADING CANDIDATE during a CAMPAIGN you asshole
Again, in your fantasies. And what you just said is specious and worthless, as it assumes the truth of that which you are burdened to argue. But you cant, because you have no argument or evidence on your side. Only authoritative, unevidenced fantasies and feet stomping.

This is like talking to a child.
It means she has to prove her case against a difficult standard. It also means Discovery goes both ways. If she is innocent then more power to her. Otherwise politicians get slammed all the time, and thats just on this board. Thats what you get if you want the big bucks.

Just to be clear, the fascist democrats slandered her, she is not defending herself against criminal charges.

She has to prove that the democrats acted with malice, which is clear.
What an interesting thought.
Not the 'Archduke' stuff......but the "Civil War" stuff.

How do you think it would go, poster Frank?
Geographical sides? North vs South? or East vs West?
Urban-suburban vs Rural?
Coasts vs Fly Over?
Well educated vs not so?
Haves vs Have Nots?
WhiteyTighties vs Folks of Color?
Good Humored vs Humorless?
Independents vs Democrats?
Independents vs Republicans?
Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Nazis vs the rest of us?

Tell us, how you see the sides lining up?

You are the Nazis, Challicotherium.

It would boil down to we Americans vs. you Nazis.
Well, the only way you cult freaks win that is if we keep score by counting hissy fits, conspiracy theories, and Trump asslickings.

What are you going to do, use the wrong pronouns against us.

Remember Nazi, we have the guns. And no, the military isn't going to fight for you.
It would boil down to we Americans vs. you Nazis.

I still ain't gettin' your drift, poster 2008.
Just who are the "we Americans"? And who chooses 'em?
And just who are the "you Nazis"? And who chose those guys?

Partner, this is Adult Swim. You gotta be more specific. More direct. More complete in your answers.
You gotta have game.

Good luck.
Pretty easy to do when they made it all up.
Just to be clear, the fascist democrats slandered her, she is not defending herself against criminal charges.

She has to prove that the democrats acted with malice, which is clear.
They slandered her ONLY if 1: false; and 2 to the malice standard.

I predict there is no actual suit. Discovery will go badly for her given her bar, poisoning customers, etc.
Who's pushing the buttons on Jan 6th? You think that in a middle of Primary that your Jan 6th monsters of tyranny wouldn't go whack the LEADING REPUB challenger for governor of Mich? They've had 19 MONTHS to investigate and he's one of the ONLY PEOPLE arrested lately?

That's damn ignorant of you. And I hope he wins and gets even. Because he's completely INNOCENT.

Just 10 hours before the FBI descended on his house, "loose lips" Biden was on Jimmy Kimmel saying that he "was gonna arrest his political opponents".

Jan 6th committee is working overtime to find Repub candidates running in 22 and refer them to the FBI. Probably spending a couple $$Mill on face recognition experts and investigations.

That's damn ignorant of you. And I hope he wins and gets even. Because he's completely INNOCENT.

Patriots, not Republicans, need to address this
Hey Liam, GFY

If you go through the Leftist Sacrament--killing your own child in the womb--you're supposed to be convinced for life it was The Best Thing You Ever Did.

No conversions the other way. No attempting to convince others that it was a poor choice.

We are ripe for the end of the age. That's all I got.
This thread should be removed... its total bullshit and you are defaming her....
Sounds about right. If somebody has a shred of evidence that Boebert had 2 abortions, let's hear it. Until then, this looks like just another leftist smear job, like the phony Russian collusion hoax. Democrats have become known for this sort of thing. Maybe that's why they are now about as popular as Bernie Madoff (Ponzi scheme criminal).

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