Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

"No taxpayer should ever be forced to pay for abortion. Abortion is not healthcare, it is murder. I will not stand by quietly. I say Planned Parenthood can go fund themselves." t

That is her opinion, possibly reached after an abortion, which you and others have STILL not provided any proof that any abortion occurred.
You asked what evidence there was that abortions should be illegal.
I provided it.
I don’t care if Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I care that she’s attacked others for exercising those same rights


doesnt this tweet make sense now?
Actually no. Even if it's true, having made mistakes more than entitles her to oppose others making the same mistakes.
I still have not discovered if true or not.
But, you are saying you support her because she made a mistake? or a (R)
I still have not discovered if true or not.
But, you are saying you support her because she made a mistake? or a (R)
I don't care that she did anything, mistake or not. Did she commit a crime? Let's have the trial. So far, she has said nothing. It's just more dirt thrown up against the wall.
Seems fake to me but the pictures that accompanied it are perfectly trashy. What’s not fake is that she is one crazy person.

She ranks as one of the dumbest elected officials ever but.........I have a few issues here.

OK, point out her hypocrisy (which I question which I will get to) but doing it hypocritically is not how you do it.
The argument is that abortion is a private medical issue. By exposing hers (if it even happened) you are violating that privacy.

Second, I'm pretty sure Planned Parenthood doesn't actually perform abortions, they get you can appointment with a clinic that does so if that is the case, the accusation would even be wrong.

If it happened, you need accurate information and you need to expose it in a way that doesn't counter your own argument (if you even could).
The story is nothing without proof. Bottom line.

Interesting to see that the cult wouldn't care if it were true, though.

They're at war. Anything goes. Hypocrisy doesn't count. They'll buy anything.
Actually no. Even if it's true, having made mistakes more than entitles her to oppose others making the same mistakes.
Her "mistakes" are numerous and ongoing...

She's a hypocrite with the mentality of a criminal

"American Muckrakers PAC, who first targetted Rep. Madison Cawthorn by releasing his viral nude video and sabotaging his image is now focusing on 'firing' Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. The information first broke out via the desk of 'Insider' who claimed to have an interview with David B. Wheeler, co-founder of American Muckrakers PAC. Now, the PAC has launched a website titled and are actively looking for any buried proof on the Colorado Rep. So far, on the website, they have revealed that Rep. Lauren Boebert was a paid escort. Their official press release read, "Lauren Boebert was an unlicensed, paid escort and met clients through Text messages show that she was bankrupt at that time and looking for 'side income' and called her work 'pay to play.'

The reason why this time around people would believe American Muckrakers PAC, even more, is that they have already proved harmful to a Rep. and his whole effort of re-election. Of course, some people had some problems with the fact that the PAC is slamming Boebert for being a sex worker and getting abortions. Muckrakers PAC is a non-profit political action committee that is now dedicated solely to ensuring that Colorado's Lauren Boebert's first term in office is her last. After Madison lost the elections, he tweeted promoting Dark MAGA and Boebert did the same."

How is this legal?? How can you be allowed to willfully lie on someone -- even go so far as to claim Boebert was an escort and had 2 abortions....who believes this type of crap?? How can you say that about her when everyone knows she is a life-long strong Christian conservative and would never do any of those things she's being accused of.......also, even if she was a sex worker, so what? What kind of person would judge or try to shame anyone for what they did privately?? Women are already objectified and shamed enough, but you are going to attack her for selling her body to pay the bills?? As long as it was 2 consenting adults and nobody was forced -- why does it matter?? What matters is a politicians present, not their past.....unless its someone you don't like, in that case, disregard everything I said..

I would like to know who is funding this PAC...who is this David Wheeler guy? How are these dark money pacs legal?? The whole name of the PAC, Muckrakers infers that digging up dirt is what they do...Why are these Project Veritas type groups allowed to dig dirt and in some cases, flat out lie and make it up? This is why that Citizens United decision was so disastrous....this is why campaign finance reform should be a bi-partisan issue -- lots of good will come from it once you stop making it legal to essentially buy politicians or ruin them...Whoever the people behind this pac are -- there needs to be someone digging up dirt on them..If Boebert was smart, which i am sure she is -- she will have someone dig up dirt on Muckrakers...

"American Muckrakers PAC, who first targetted Rep. Madison Cawthorn by releasing his viral nude video and sabotaging his image is now focusing on 'firing' Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. The information first broke out via the desk of 'Insider' who claimed to have an interview with David B. Wheeler, co-founder of American Muckrakers PAC. Now, the PAC has launched a website titled and are actively looking for any buried proof on the Colorado Rep. So far, on the website, they have revealed that Rep. Lauren Boebert was a paid escort. Their official press release read, "Lauren Boebert was an unlicensed, paid escort and met clients through Text messages show that she was bankrupt at that time and looking for 'side income' and called her work 'pay to play.'

The reason why this time around people would believe American Muckrakers PAC, even more, is that they have already proved harmful to a Rep. and his whole effort of re-election. Of course, some people had some problems with the fact that the PAC is slamming Boebert for being a sex worker and getting abortions. Muckrakers PAC is a non-profit political action committee that is now dedicated solely to ensuring that Colorado's Lauren Boebert's first term in office is her last. After Madison lost the elections, he tweeted promoting Dark MAGA and Boebert did the same."

How is this legal?? How can you be allowed to willfully lie on someone -- even go so far as to claim Boebert was an escort and had 2 abortions....who believes this type of crap?? How can you say that about her when everyone knows she is a life-long strong Christian conservative and would never do any of those things she's being accused of.......also, even if she was a sex worker, so what? What kind of person would judge or try to shame anyone for what they did privately?? Women are already objectified and shamed enough, but youare going to attack her for selling her body to pay the bills?? As long as it was 2 consenting adults and nobody was forced -- why does it matter?? What matters is a politicians present, not their past.....unless its someone you don't like, in that case, disregard everything I said..

I would like to know who is funding this PAC...who is this David Wheeler guy? How are these dark money pacs legal?? The whole name of the PAC, Muckrakers infers that digging up dirt is what they do...Why are these Project Veritas type groups allowed to dig dirt and in some cases, flat out like and make it up? This is why that Citizens United decision was so disastrous....this is why campaign finance reform should be a bi-partisan issue -- lots of good will come from it once you stop making legal to essentially buy politicians...Whoever the people behind this pac are -- there needs to be someone digging up dirt on them..If Boebert was smart, which i am sure she is -- she will have someone dig up dirt on Muckrakers...

LOL, this is getting damned entertaining. I voted in the Republican Primary and, trust me, I didn't vote for loose morals

"American Muckrakers PAC, who first targetted Rep. Madison Cawthorn by releasing his viral nude video and sabotaging his image is now focusing on 'firing' Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. The information first broke out via the desk of 'Insider' who claimed to have an interview with David B. Wheeler, co-founder of American Muckrakers PAC. Now, the PAC has launched a website titled and are actively looking for any buried proof on the Colorado Rep. So far, on the website, they have revealed that Rep. Lauren Boebert was a paid escort. Their official press release read, "Lauren Boebert was an unlicensed, paid escort and met clients through Text messages show that she was bankrupt at that time and looking for 'side income' and called her work 'pay to play.'

The reason why this time around people would believe American Muckrakers PAC, even more, is that they have already proved harmful to a Rep. and his whole effort of re-election. Of course, some people had some problems with the fact that the PAC is slamming Boebert for being a sex worker and getting abortions. Muckrakers PAC is a non-profit political action committee that is now dedicated solely to ensuring that Colorado's Lauren Boebert's first term in office is her last. After Madison lost the elections, he tweeted promoting Dark MAGA and Boebert did the same."

How is this legal?? How can you be allowed to willfully lie on someone -- even go so far as to claim Boebert was an escort and had 2 abortions....who believes this type of crap?? How can you say that about her when everyone knows she is a life-long strong Christian conservative and would never do any of those things she's being accused of.......also, even if she was a sex worker, so what? What kind of person would judge or try to shame anyone for what they did privately?? Women are already objectified and shamed enough, but you are going to attack her for selling her body to pay the bills?? As long as it was 2 consenting adults and nobody was forced -- why does it matter?? What matters is a politicians present, not their past.....unless its someone you don't like, in that case, disregard everything I said..

I would like to know who is funding this PAC...who is this David Wheeler guy? How are these dark money pacs legal?? The whole name of the PAC, Muckrakers infers that digging up dirt is what they do...Why are these Project Veritas type groups allowed to dig dirt and in some cases, flat out lie and make it up? This is why that Citizens United decision was so disastrous....this is why campaign finance reform should be a bi-partisan issue -- lots of good will come from it once you stop making it legal to essentially buy politicians or ruin them...Whoever the people behind this pac are -- there needs to be someone digging up dirt on them..If Boebert was smart, which i am sure she is -- she will have someone dig up dirt on Muckrakers...

Soros and the Reich are masters of defamation.

Boebert is well loved in her district, it's doubtful your slander will have the affect you think.
LOL, this is getting damned entertaining. I voted in the Republican Primary and, trust me, I didn't vote for loose morals

But it didn't work.

I mean, that's how you Nazis intended to defraud the election, by queering the primary. Reich members like you would lie about changing party to try and knock Boebert off.

But you failed.

Now you think a smear campaign will work?
Soros and the Reich are masters of defamation.

Boebert is well loved in her district, it's doubtful your slander will have the affect you think.
Boebert`s district will change under the new congressional map proposal. She could end up in a district where there are high school grads, not home schooled gun hugging racists. Bye bye Boebert.
So now they are claiming it was Ted Cruz who convinced Boebert to run for office..and he met her back when she was still doing sex work?? Man, these folks have no shame....I am sure Ted and others will sue for slander...

"Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) reportedly had two abortions and worked as an unlicensed paid escort. During her escort work, one wealthy client in Aspen introduced her to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who subsequently encouraged Boebert to run for office."

Why would a married man be fratenizing with a sex worker -- he would never do that.....he is a man of God...
Soros and the Reich are masters of defamation.

Boebert is well loved in her district, it's doubtful your slander will have the affect you think.
People in local communities need to realize it's time to circle the wagons. We still get scammed or vote for something that is lesser than what we need even if on our side. She seems to be a good Representative.

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