Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

Ever notice that the most Trumpy members of Congress (H.S. dropout QBert, MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc) are always the dumbest and most scandal plagued?
You can look it up if you like.....

We know he donated to her because she tried to hide 70K of it from the FEC and got caught....

"The FEC's letter says Boebert failed to report the Cruz 20 for 20 Victory Fund PAC as a fundraising partner, even though two reported transfers appear to have come through joint fundraising efforts. Boebert and Cruz both reported the mid-September transfers, which dropped $136,250 in Boebert's campaign account."

Now....this doesn't mean she was an escort or anything like that....but.........for someone to have only met a person once....a person who HAD NO BACKGROUND IN POLITICS OR ANYTHING REMOTELY CONNECTED -- to then a few months later, turn around and donate over a 100K to that campaign...then go on to fundraise for her after that....why?? Because she was a pretty lady?? So is that all it takes to get donors to throw tens of thousands of dollars at you to run for office??

Wildly flinging shit.

First you accuse her of being a hooker - you may not know what a woman is, and sure you Nazi fucks want to erase and replace women - but any real woman is a whore, according to you.

When I point out that you are using a sleazy slander rag, you pivot to other slander.

Fucking clown.
You know me, I love me a new PAWG every other week, but I'm not the one claiming virtue like the Conservatives do. Perhaps it's all just projection from the right.

Well, that certainly fits....along with her husband being a sexual predator.
Ever notice that the most Trumpy members of Congress (H.S. dropout QBert, MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorn, etc) are always the dumbest and most scandal plagued?
Let's talk about that upside down Bible again, and then we'll discuss your credibility.......................... or lack thereof.

You know me, I love me a new PAWG every other week, but I'm not the one claiming virtue like the Conservatives do. Perhaps it's all just projection from the right.
You are dishonorable. You always claim virtue. You don’t actually have any. And as evidence, you share a smear job which doesn’t even pass a sniff test.

Come on Tom. Even if you’re too lowly a creep to do any better, you could at least still try.
No one else gets any say.
Certainly not politicians.
But if one were to get abortions but try to criminalize them for others, that would be news.
Not for anything, it’s too easy to vomit misinformation and claim it as fact.

If this has actual legs, there will be more facts coming…
You know me, I love me a new PAWG every other week, but I'm not the one claiming virtue like the Conservatives do. Perhaps it's all just projection from the right.

I love this self-justification from the left. "Our most popular president (to that point) was getting blowjobs from a fat intern in an Oval Office closet? Hey, we never said that kind of thing was wro-ong, that's you guys!" Of course the truth is that right up until the president cumstain was caught red-handed, it was an article of faith of the feminist left that no male at work could ever have a consensual relationship with a female at word due to the wage gap or whatever. It was all sexual harassment until that very moment.

"An old perv publicly fondles the children of his associates and of strangers? Dude, we openly GROOM kids for that kind of thing, we're not hypocrites like you damn neo-cons!"

I'm libertarian, so I don't give the first f*ck what Boebert or anyone else did to pay for college. Better than student loans/welfare.

I do care about the thousands of underage girls being trafficked across our border, by Biden's partners in crime. But, I know: You support that kind of thing openly, so you're not hypocrites. GJ.
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The liberal war on women continues. Bravo, you chauvinist pig!

Oh no, you don't get to play the victim here.

Nobody cares about who was an escort etc. But when you are an elected official and make all sorts of noise about stopping abortion and how evil sex workers are, you probably shouldn't have been a sex worker or had 2 abortions.
Wildly flinging shit.

First you accuse her of being a hooker - you may not know what a woman is, and sure you Nazi fucks want to erase and replace women - but any real woman is a whore, according to you.

When I point out that you are using a sleazy slander rag, you pivot to other slander.

Fucking clown.
Remember when I said that Ted Cruz donated over 100K to her campaign after just knowing her for a few months....

And you claimed it didn't happen -- and I showed it did....

and instead of conceding you were wrong; you went on to babble more dumb shit???

Yea, that was awesome....

Doesn't look like this is true. As per Dailybeast. This is behind a paywall.

Liberals Rush to Spread Bogus Lauren Boebert Escort and Abortion Rumors​

Democrats say they’re proof of Boebert’s hypocrisy. But they’re getting conned themselves.

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