Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie.

Excuse me, but I didn't see any assertions of concrete fact in that "most egregious" example you did share, so there's no way it could be called a "lie." See, a "lie" has to be a claim of fact. That's because it has to be a falsehood, and only a claim of fact can be a falsehood. It seems to me that no claims of fact have been presented, only claims of "feeling worried."

I'm not questioning whether people feel worried. I'm questioning whether they have any good reason to feel worried. Can you document enough actual ACTIONS by Walker supporters that would JUSTIFY someone worrying for their safety if they support Walker?

An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

That is not "feeling worried".

And that was called a lie.

Okay, let's talk about facts. Does the woman in question have any EVIDENCE that her tires were slashed BECAUSE of her Walker bumper sticker?

Maybe she's just a bitch and people hate her. Maybe she did it herself just like that woman back in 2008 who claimed that her face was marked by a backwards "B" because she was a McCain supporter. Remember that? The McCain camp just JUMPED on that, and it turned out that the woman, Ashley Tood, made it ALL up.

Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

Dems can not lose easy, usually they stunk, threat and bash their political opponents.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.
Christ, we had a poster on this board, Mike K, who stated emphatically during the heat of the battle that the Republican senators in Wisconsin should be dragged from their homes and tortured.

Yep, none of what you posted surprises me at all.
An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

Let's take her word that her tires were slashed. As already pointed out, she doesn't have (or at least hasn't stated) any reason for her conclusion that they were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker. There are many reasons why someone's tires might have been slashed, some of which don't have anything to do with her.

Again, I don't see any concrete evidence that people's fears are reasonable or realistic. For one thing, if they were we should have seen, not one instance of someone's tires being slashed, but an epidemic of tire-slashing, window-breaking, arson attempts, and similar wrongdoing. Do we?
An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

Let's take her word that her tires were slashed. As already pointed out, she doesn't have (or at least hasn't stated) any reason for her conclusion that they were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker. There are many reasons why someone's tires might have been slashed, some of which don't have anything to do with her.

Again, I don't see any concrete evidence that people's fears are reasonable or realistic. For one thing, if they were we should have seen, not one instance of someone's tires being slashed, but an epidemic of tire-slashing, window-breaking, arson attempts, and similar wrongdoing. Do we?

i am guessing it were old tires and she is trying to defraud the insurance company.
It's not, but it's normal for threads like these to fly off on tangents.

What is relevant is that you have still not presented any evidence to back up your assertion that Walker supporters in Wisconsin are being threatened with violence. That is still, as best anyone can tell, a baseless assertion.

So again: do you have any evidence? Anything, that is, beyond people's vague "feelings," which could be simply paranoia?

I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie. Apparently without video documenting the extent of the damage and all accompanying messages, I can't satisfy the requirements of evidence so what would be the point of trying?

I would encourage you to vigorously pursue and continue your beliefs.

Exactly. It is not good to live in fear.
An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

Let's take her word that her tires were slashed. As already pointed out, she doesn't have (or at least hasn't stated) any reason for her conclusion that they were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker. There are many reasons why someone's tires might have been slashed, some of which don't have anything to do with her.

Again, I don't see any concrete evidence that people's fears are reasonable or realistic. For one thing, if they were we should have seen, not one instance of someone's tires being slashed, but an epidemic of tire-slashing, window-breaking, arson attempts, and similar wrongdoing. Do we?

That's a nice cover up for me and/or her being called a liar earlier in this thread.

From my OP: "An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."
An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

Let's take her word that her tires were slashed. As already pointed out, she doesn't have (or at least hasn't stated) any reason for her conclusion that they were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker. There are many reasons why someone's tires might have been slashed, some of which don't have anything to do with her.

Again, I don't see any concrete evidence that people's fears are reasonable or realistic. For one thing, if they were we should have seen, not one instance of someone's tires being slashed, but an epidemic of tire-slashing, window-breaking, arson attempts, and similar wrongdoing. Do we?
Yeah, and the Wisconsin teacher who was arrested for sending death threats via e-mails aleviates peoples fear, eh?


You liberal apologists are fuckin' hilarious.
That's a nice cover up for me and/or her being called a liar earlier in this thread.

I have not called either of you a liar and I will take no responsibility for someone else doing so.

From my OP: "An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

The "hateful message" might POSSIBLY bring us closer to real evidence. Do you have a transcript of its wording?
An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

Let's take her word that her tires were slashed. As already pointed out, she doesn't have (or at least hasn't stated) any reason for her conclusion that they were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker. There are many reasons why someone's tires might have been slashed, some of which don't have anything to do with her.

Again, I don't see any concrete evidence that people's fears are reasonable or realistic. For one thing, if they were we should have seen, not one instance of someone's tires being slashed, but an epidemic of tire-slashing, window-breaking, arson attempts, and similar wrongdoing. Do we?

That's a nice cover up for me and/or her being called a liar earlier in this thread.

From my OP: "An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

What was the hateful message and what town did this occur in? And when?
Yeah, and the Wisconsin teacher who was arrested for sending death threats via e-mails aleviates peoples fear, eh?


You liberal apologists are fuckin' hilarious.

A singular individual, as opposed to the singular individual of Scott Roeder? Relying on exceptional cases does not make your point.
REally ? I negged you today? Quote it.

No, it wasn't "today." It was two days ago you negged me. It just took me a little while to see it since there wasn't any notification.

I give what I get, remember that, moron.


Well that is BS right negged me right away yesterday...and probably worked your little rep fingers to the bone between times so you could neg me again.

It's pretty funny how easily you lie.

From yesterday:
Hi, you have received -415 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... you liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is showing.

Pale Rider

Note: This is an automated message.

Do you ever tell the truth? Do you know what the truth is? I doubt it.
Maybe I did... I really don't recall and my rep given panel only goes back to 11-16-2011 at 11:05AM. But really, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Now are you done whining ya freakin' cry baby?
Last edited:
Dems can not lose easy, usually they stunk, threat and bash their political opponents.

Did you see the article Seawytch posted on pg 15?

You mean this one?

"Recall Walker" rock thrown through Madison cafe window"

MADISON, WI (WTAQ) - Madison Police say they’re investigating a vandalism incident connected with the recall effort against Scott Walker. Officials said a rock was thrown through a window with a “Recall Walker” sign. And the rock had a note with a reference to JoAnne Kloppenburg.
the only problem I see, is that now the teachers, if this law went through is they would have to pay for stuff out of their own pocket for the classroom, or hold community fund raiser, like texas schools do in the Rio Grande valley. That is stupid to deep giving the rich -super rich tax breaks and have the parasites live off the middle class.
Yeah, and the Wisconsin teacher who was arrested for sending death threats via e-mails aleviates peoples fear, eh?


You liberal apologists are fuckin' hilarious.

A singular individual, as opposed to the singular individual of Scott Roeder? Relying on exceptional cases does not make your point.
No, it goes beyond a singular individual........Well documented FACT of past and present union thuggery and violence through the years also plays a role. And it's also a fact that the Wisconsin story was about the poor wittle unions being called on their extortionist bullshit, and righfully so.......The violence we are seeing from the OWS loons, who also have union backing, doesn't do anything to aleviate fears either.

Get a damn clue!:cuckoo:

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