Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

:lol: The reason there is a lack of signs is because they don't support him.

Well, they say it's Fear. Apparently they are the kind of people that are willing to admit they scare easy and are cowed easily.
They tried to "shut down the system"? Isn't the "system" what Conservatives are supposed to be complaining about? Or is that all a hoax and you serve "the Man" eagerly?

What do you call it when the far left took over the Wisconsin State House and prevented elected officials from having votes? As Barack Obama so famously put it..."elections have consequences". But when liberals lose elections...both in Wisconsin's Governor's race and in the 2010 mid-term elections...then the whole elections have consequences theory is thrown out the window and they organize and shut down the system, demanding that things change.

This is democracy. No one is telling you or your buds not to participate, but the WI legislature was doing something against the peoples' will, and the recall is part of democracy. Don't like it? Then fight it as hard as you can. But stop the whining!

That legislature was ELECTED by the people of Wisconsin. The people that kept them from voting on legislation were the losers of that election. That isn't democracy. That's an attempt at mob rule.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

"An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

No she didn't, more lies.

I'm glad to see Walker taking his lumps. I guess that's what happens when you put your personal agenda ahead against the majority of voters'.

It’s about time. The Plutocrats overstepped and now they’re paying for it.

Walker was elected by a majority of Wisconsin voters to fix the fiscal problems of the State. So far he has erased a 3 billion dollar deficit while not raising taxes or laying off teachers, firefighters or cops. So tell me again how he "overstepped?"
Governor Walker's changes don't affect Police or Firefighters (first responders). Their power to collective bargaining hasn't changed since he came in to office.

They have Unions....aren't Unions evil?

And that is how the message will work against Walker in spite of the reality. Thank you for such a pithy illustration.

No, Walker has never said that unions are evil. First responders need their union advocacy in ways not shared by those who don't put their lives on the line for the public.

Also, this subject is completely distinct from private sector unions. Or should be.

But the Democrat spin machine, epitomized by your snark here, may win the day regardless of the realities.

So, yes, Walker may lose. But what he put his neck on the line for will win.

So you deny that some posters here call all Unions evil?
When Walker took over Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit and the left was calling for tax increases to cover the difference.

Since then Walker has managed to balance the budget, not cut teachers, fire fighters or police and not raise taxes. I don't know but that seems to fit the definition of "successful".

If that is being done over you and your family's bodies....I doubt you would think so.

"Bodies"? From what I can see the only thing that died was Wisconsin's 3 billion dollar deficit. God, you must REALLY hate Walker. The guy had the audacity to FIX something that was broken despite all the attempts made by the progressive left to keep that from happening.

You lose your job, you lose your benefits, you lose your retirement....let's see you take it quietly and calmly because...hey, at least the state's 3 billion dollar deficit has gone down.

You are THAT ALTURISTIC, aren't you? Such a saint.
They have Unions....aren't Unions evil?

And that is how the message will work against Walker in spite of the reality. Thank you for such a pithy illustration.

No, Walker has never said that unions are evil. First responders need their union advocacy in ways not shared by those who don't put their lives on the line for the public.

Also, this subject is completely distinct from private sector unions. Or should be.

But the Democrat spin machine, epitomized by your snark here, may win the day regardless of the realities.

So, yes, Walker may lose. But what he put his neck on the line for will win.

So you deny that some posters here call all Unions evil?

How is what posters here say relevant to Walker's job performance or what he has said and done about unions?

Oh right, it's not.

But that won't stop people from loudly misrepresenting what Walker stands for.
What do you call it when the far left took over the Wisconsin State House and prevented elected officials from having votes? As Barack Obama so famously put it..."elections have consequences". But when liberals lose elections...both in Wisconsin's Governor's race and in the 2010 mid-term elections...then the whole elections have consequences theory is thrown out the window and they organize and shut down the system, demanding that things change.

This is democracy. No one is telling you or your buds not to participate, but the WI legislature was doing something against the peoples' will, and the recall is part of democracy. Don't like it? Then fight it as hard as you can. But stop the whining!

That legislature was ELECTED by the people of Wisconsin. The people that kept them from voting on legislation were the losers of that election. That isn't democracy. That's an attempt at mob rule.

OK, read Henry David Thoreau on "Civil Disobedience." Then study MLK Jr. The read about the pro-life demonstrations on the side walks. Then understand democracy is for everybody. The legislature passed the law, the Governor signed it, and the majority in WI ever since has said, "We will use the law to throw you out and your sorry legislation."

That is constitutional, electoral process, so get used to it.

And stop whining.
Perception is reality, Dragon. If the people feel threatened, then they feel threatened. That is the reality.

If they FEEL threatened, then they FEEL threatened, but that doesn't mean they ARE threatened, and for the purpose of this thread the only thing that matters is whether or not they ARE threatened as an objective fact.

Of course, I know, and knew a long time ago, that the right is not fact based.
Walker stands for Big Business and nothing more. Not for the voters, the first responders, the teachers, or you.
This is democracy. No one is telling you or your buds not to participate, but the WI legislature was doing something against the peoples' will, and the recall is part of democracy. Don't like it? Then fight it as hard as you can. But stop the whining!

That legislature was ELECTED by the people of Wisconsin. The people that kept them from voting on legislation were the losers of that election. That isn't democracy. That's an attempt at mob rule.

OK, read Henry David Thoreau on "Civil Disobedience." Then study MLK Jr. The read about the pro-life demonstrations on the side walks. Then understand democracy is for everybody. The legislature passed the law, the Governor signed it, and the majority in WI ever since has said, "We will use the law to throw you out and your sorry legislation."

That is constitutional, electoral process, so get used to it.

And stop whining.

henry david thoreautjob.

[ame=]Sexy Screenname - YouTube[/ame]
How is what posters here say relevant to Walker's job performance or what he has said and done about unions?

It's not, but it's normal for threads like these to fly off on tangents.

What is relevant is that you have still not presented any evidence to back up your assertion that Walker supporters in Wisconsin are being threatened with violence. That is still, as best anyone can tell, a baseless assertion.

So again: do you have any evidence? Anything, that is, beyond people's vague "feelings," which could be simply paranoia?
That legislature was ELECTED by the people of Wisconsin. The people that kept them from voting on legislation were the losers of that election. That isn't democracy. That's an attempt at mob rule.

OK, read Henry David Thoreau on "Civil Disobedience." Then study MLK Jr. The read about the pro-life demonstrations on the side walks. Then understand democracy is for everybody. The legislature passed the law, the Governor signed it, and the majority in WI ever since has said, "We will use the law to throw you out and your sorry legislation."

That is constitutional, electoral process, so get used to it.

And stop whining.
henry david thoreautjob. rl=]Sexy Screenname - YouTube[/url]

Edit: my bad. All should look at the video.
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OK, read Henry David Thoreau on "Civil Disobedience." Then study MLK Jr. The read about the pro-life demonstrations on the side walks. Then understand democracy is for everybody. The legislature passed the law, the Governor signed it, and the majority in WI ever since has said, "We will use the law to throw you out and your sorry legislation."

That is constitutional, electoral process, so get used to it.

And stop whining.
henry david thoreautjob. rl=]Sexy Screenname - YouTube[/url]

That is your answer? OK, whine away but do not participate in democracy and think you will be taken seriously.

How is what posters here say relevant to Walker's job performance or what he has said and done about unions?

It's not, but it's normal for threads like these to fly off on tangents.

What is relevant is that you have still not presented any evidence to back up your assertion that Walker supporters in Wisconsin are being threatened with violence. That is still, as best anyone can tell, a baseless assertion.

So again: do you have any evidence? Anything, that is, beyond people's vague "feelings," which could be simply paranoia?

I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie. Apparently without video documenting the extent of the damage and all accompanying messages, I can't satisfy the requirements of evidence so what would be the point of trying?
How is what posters here say relevant to Walker's job performance or what he has said and done about unions?

It's not, but it's normal for threads like these to fly off on tangents.

What is relevant is that you have still not presented any evidence to back up your assertion that Walker supporters in Wisconsin are being threatened with violence. That is still, as best anyone can tell, a baseless assertion.

So again: do you have any evidence? Anything, that is, beyond people's vague "feelings," which could be simply paranoia?

I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie. Apparently without video documenting the extent of the damage and all accompanying messages, I can't satisfy the requirements of evidence so what would be the point of trying?

I would encourage you to vigorously pursue and continue your beliefs.
I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie.

Excuse me, but I didn't see any assertions of concrete fact in that "most egregious" example you did share, so there's no way it could be called a "lie." See, a "lie" has to be a claim of fact. That's because it has to be a falsehood, and only a claim of fact can be a falsehood. It seems to me that no claims of fact have been presented, only claims of "feeling worried."

I'm not questioning whether people feel worried. I'm questioning whether they have any good reason to feel worried. Can you document enough actual ACTIONS by Walker supporters that would JUSTIFY someone worrying for their safety if they support Walker?
Given Amelia's penchant for falsehood, I'd wager she made up the entire OP.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
I did not type out a transcript of all the things which were said by the callers on that radio program. I shared the most egregious instance which I remembered from the segment and that was called a lie.

Excuse me, but I didn't see any assertions of concrete fact in that "most egregious" example you did share, so there's no way it could be called a "lie." See, a "lie" has to be a claim of fact. That's because it has to be a falsehood, and only a claim of fact can be a falsehood. It seems to me that no claims of fact have been presented, only claims of "feeling worried."

I'm not questioning whether people feel worried. I'm questioning whether they have any good reason to feel worried. Can you document enough actual ACTIONS by Walker supporters that would JUSTIFY someone worrying for their safety if they support Walker?

An elderly woman said her tires were slashed because of her Walker bumper sticker.

That is not "feeling worried".

And that was called a lie.
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