Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

That's a nice cover up for me and/or her being called a liar earlier in this thread.

I have not called either of you a liar and I will take no responsibility for someone else doing so.

From my OP: "An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

The "hateful message" might POSSIBLY bring us closer to real evidence. Do you have a transcript of its wording?

I'm going to have to back off on the word "slashed". I had not heard the woman's actual call on the day the program aired. I heard the host refer back to her call after the commercial break. He said she had her tires 'slashed' and a 'smart aleck' comment left on her car. That was his interpretation.

I just listened to a podcast of the original call. She did not say "slashed". She said the tires were flattened. So perhaps the tires were not actually destroyed.

She had a dashboard sign, not a bumper sticker. It said "God Bless Scott Walker". She went into a store. When she came out her tires were flat and there was a sign on her windshield. It said "haha, your tires flat. Go Scott Walker." (sic)

She was choking up as she told the story. The intimidation worked on her. No more stickers or signs for her.
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That's a nice cover up for me and/or her being called a liar earlier in this thread.

I have not called either of you a liar and I will take no responsibility for someone else doing so.

From my OP: "An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

The "hateful message" might POSSIBLY bring us closer to real evidence. Do you have a transcript of its wording?

I'm going to have to back off on the word "slashed". I had not heard the woman's actual call on the day the program aired. I heard the host refer back to her call after the commercial break. He said she had her tires slashed and a smart aleck comment left on her car. That was his interpretation.

I just listened to a podcast of the original call. She did not say "slashed". She said the tires were flattened. So perhaps the tires were not actually destroyed.

She had a dashboard sign, not a bumper sticker. It said "God Bless Scott Walker". She went into a store. When she came out her tires were flat and there was a sign on her windshield. It said "haha, your tires flat. Go Scott Walker." (sic)

She was choking up as she told the story. The intimidation worked on her. No more stickers or signs for her.
That has union tactic written all over it.:evil:
Well documented FACT of past and present union thuggery

If present "thuggery" is a well documented fact, why don't you present some documentation?

The violence we are seeing from the OWS loons, who also have union backing, doesn't do anything to aleviate fears either.

The only thing I've seen is a report of a person throwing a rock through a window that had a Recall Walker sign in it. You tell me, who is getting so upset at "Recall Walker" signs that they're throwing the rocks through them? Is that the union thugs?

Get a damn clue!:cuckoo:

Yes, you should.
I just listened to a podcast of the original call. She did not say "slashed". She said the tires were flattened. So perhaps the tires were not actually destroyed.

She had a dashboard sign, not a bumper sticker. It said "God Bless Scott Walker". She went into a store. When she came out her tires were flat and there was a sign on her windshield. It said "haha, your tires flat. Go Scott Walker." (sic)

She was choking up as she told the story. The intimidation worked on her. No more stickers or signs for her.

So, tires are not slashed. Then, assuming this was someone doing it, I'd have to assume based on the story as it's been delivered that they were flattened via the valve. That would take quite a bit of time, and isn't likely to go unnoticed by someone. Also, did she specifically say how many tires were flat? Elderly people have the potentially to misspeak grammatically. She might have meant that one of her tires were flat, and she accidentally said her tires were flat. Which would really change the whole thing, as it would likely be more that some juvenile prick simply saw the flat tire and left an ignorant note on the window.

There's also another possibility. Elderly people are often prone to make up stories and problems. They get lonely and bored. It's not uncommon for old people to constantly call plumbers to fix problems that don't exist, simply because they want the company. Or to become somewhat of hypocondriacs simply for the attention. Or even to become mild pathological liars just so they have a story worth telling. I really don't know either way, but at the very least a great deal of skepticism is in order still.
Well documented FACT of past and present union thuggery

If present "thuggery" is a well documented fact, why don't you present some documentation?
The violence we are seeing from the OWS loons, who also have union backing, doesn't do anything to aleviate fears either.

The only thing I've seen is a report of a person throwing a rock through a window that had a Recall Walker sign in it. You tell me, who is getting so upset at "Recall Walker" signs that they're throwing the rocks through them? Is that the union thugs?

Get a damn clue!:cuckoo:

Yes, you should.

[ame=]SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man - YouTube[/ame]

1) When did Tampa become part of Wisconsin?

2) When did this become about the Tea Party instead of Walker supporters and detractors?

3) Who is attacking whom in your video? It doesn't show.
You asked for recent documented union violence, here's some more, and there are hundreds more examples out there.

[ame=]Wisc Union Thug Tries Destroy Tea Party Audio - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Union Thugs Gone Wild - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Teamster attacks TEA party patriot in Sacramento - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]SEIU assaults union supporter in hospital cafeteria - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Newest Union Violence against Tea Party and Walker Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

1) When did Tampa become part of Wisconsin?

2) When did this become about the Tea Party instead of Walker supporters and detractors?

3) Who is attacking whom in your video? It doesn't show.
You asked for recent documented union violence, here's some more, and there are hundreds more examples out there.

[ame=""]Wisc Union Thug Tries Destroy Tea Party Audio - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Union Thugs Gone Wild - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Teamster attacks TEA party patriot in Sacramento - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]SEIU assaults union supporter in hospital cafeteria - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Newest Union Violence against Tea Party and Walker Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Quite the legacy of Jimmy Hoffa Sr. left...
Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Violence and intimidation are used by abortion opponents. Based on your reasoning, recall supporters should be scared. :eusa_whistle:

You still have yet to show anything that has anything to do with WISCONSIN!
Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Violence and intimidation are used by abortion opponents. Based on your reasoning, recall supporters should be scared. :eusa_whistle:

You still have yet to show anything that has anything to do with WISCONSIN!
My god, you are ignorant.

It was just provided to you.


One day, you liberals need to pull your heads out of your boney asses.
Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Violence and intimidation are used by abortion opponents. Based on your reasoning, recall supporters should be scared. :eusa_whistle:

You still have yet to show anything that has anything to do with WISCONSIN!
When was the last abortion clinic bombing?

You really wanna hang your hat on this stupidity? Really?
1) When did Tampa become part of Wisconsin?

2) When did this become about the Tea Party instead of Walker supporters and detractors?

3) Who is attacking whom in your video? It doesn't show.
You asked for recent documented union violence, here's some more, and there are hundreds more examples out there.

[ame=""]Wisc Union Thug Tries Destroy Tea Party Audio - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Union Thugs Gone Wild - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Teamster attacks TEA party patriot in Sacramento - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]SEIU assaults union supporter in hospital cafeteria - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Newest Union Violence against Tea Party and Walker Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Quite the legacy of Jimmy Hoffa Sr. left...
No shit!

Funny how you throw the evidence straight in their face, and they act as though it doesn't exist.

Spineless, is what it is........And definitely defines modern day liberal loons.
You asked for recent documented union violence, here's some more, and there are hundreds more examples out there.

Wisc Union Thug Tries Destroy Tea Party Audio - YouTube
Union Thugs Gone Wild - YouTube
Teamster attacks TEA party patriot in Sacramento - YouTube
SEIU assaults union supporter in hospital cafeteria - YouTube
Newest Union Violence against Tea Party and Walker Supporters - YouTube

Now, go ahead and try to deny that violence and intimidation are not true tactics of the unions......And i'll sit here and laugh in your damn face.

Damn right those Walker supporters have reason to be concerned.

Quite the legacy of Jimmy Hoffa Sr. left...
No shit!

Funny how you throw the evidence straight in their face, and they act as though it doesn't exist.

Spineless, is what it is........And definitely defines modern day liberal loons.
Truth doesn't fit the criteria they've set for themselves in thier alternate realities...

As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

"An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

No she didn't, more lies.

I'm glad to see Walker taking his lumps. I guess that's what happens when you put your personal agenda ahead against the majority of voters'.

It’s about time. The Plutocrats overstepped and now they’re paying for it.

Walker was elected by a majority of Wisconsin voters to fix the fiscal problems of the State. So far he has erased a 3 billion dollar deficit while not raising taxes or laying off teachers, firefighters or cops. So tell me again how he "overstepped?"

You haven't been paying attention have you?
I just listened to a podcast of the original call. She did not say "slashed". She said the tires were flattened. So perhaps the tires were not actually destroyed.

She had a dashboard sign, not a bumper sticker. It said "God Bless Scott Walker". She went into a store. When she came out her tires were flat and there was a sign on her windshield. It said "haha, your tires flat. Go Scott Walker." (sic)

She was choking up as she told the story. The intimidation worked on her. No more stickers or signs for her.

So, tires are not slashed. Then, assuming this was someone doing it, I'd have to assume based on the story as it's been delivered that they were flattened via the valve. That would take quite a bit of time, and isn't likely to go unnoticed by someone. Also, did she specifically say how many tires were flat? Elderly people have the potentially to misspeak grammatically. She might have meant that one of her tires were flat, and she accidentally said her tires were flat. Which would really change the whole thing, as it would likely be more that some juvenile prick simply saw the flat tire and left an ignorant note on the window.

There's also another possibility. Elderly people are often prone to make up stories and problems. They get lonely and bored. It's not uncommon for old people to constantly call plumbers to fix problems that don't exist, simply because they want the company. Or to become somewhat of hypocondriacs simply for the attention. Or even to become mild pathological liars just so they have a story worth telling. I really don't know either way, but at the very least a great deal of skepticism is in order still.

She said her tires were flat. Tires plural. She didn't say how many tires. She didn't say how they were made flat.

I went back and listened to the whole segment. One guy said his father's car was keyed right under the Walker sticker. One person had their bumper stickers scratched out and their car keyed before so now that they have a newer car they're not going to risk putting bumper stickers on it. They'll do facebook messages and put a sign in their yard but not the car again. One person said he had Walker support signs on his windows which got a lot of discussion but so far nothing bad.

A woman said she worked at a utility where she would face repercussions if she let it be known she supported Walker. A union member said he would fear for his life if he openly supported Walker. Another union guy said that at first he was proud of his union until he saw his union president stand up with Michael Moore. Then he didn't want anyone to see that he was affiliated with the union and he took his union sticker off his truck and started talking about his conservative feelings around the workplace. That's how some of his friends became aware of his political leanings and he lost some of those friends over it.

A prevailing opinion among those who called in or emailed and admitted to fear was that they could handle it on their own but they didn't want to have their children face repercussions. In a culture where Dem teachers do things like take students to anti-Walker rallies, in violation of ethics and sometimes in violation of the law, Republican parents have a reasonable fear about the impact that letting their politics be known could have on their children.

The show's host said that his daughters have taken heat from teachers because of how he earns his living. He said his vehicle has been vandalized because people know who he is. Also, he's had death threats. Most roll off his back but one had to be taken seriously and made him have to reconsider a public appearance he was about to make. But apparently he chose to do the event.

He tried not to discount people's fears but he was on the side of standing up no matter what. It was pointed out to him that he gets paid to be political and controversial and others don't, which he conceded. But he was of course on the side of people being as active as possible in their support of Walker.

And so with that I think I'm about out of things to say about it.
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A man who stopped his pickup truck at a site where signatures were being collected Thursday for the recall of Gov. Scott Walker ripped up one of the petitions instead of signing it, Madison police said.

The incident happened at about 10 a.m. in the 800 block of South Midvale Boulevard, said police spokesman Joel DeSpain.

The signature gatherers were holding signs and having vehicles pull into a parking lane when a driver in a red pickup stopped. When given a petition to sign, he ripped it up and drove away, DeSpain said.

The destroyed petition had three signatures on it, he said.

Signature takers were able to get the license plate number, but police had not located the man as of Thursday afternoon, DeSpain said.

Read more: Police: Man ripped up Walker recall petition and drove off
Daily Kos: Scott Walker recall, Day 1, by the numbers

The first day of the recall of Scott Walker is now in the books. Here are some key numbers on what happened:

400,000: The number of technical college students in Wisconsin who Republicans yesterday decided should have more stringent ID requirements in order to vote.

10,000+: The number of recall Walker petition forms the Democratic Party of Wisconsin said were downloaded online. (Update: The DPW now says over 18,000 have been downloaded.)

8,392: The population of New Richmond, Wisconsin, where over 200 recall signatures were gathered.

1,000+: The number of protesters who marched to Scott Walker's house yesterday and signed recall petitions in the driveway of a neighbor who supports the recall.

100+: The number of recall petition signing events held around the state.

58: The percent of Wisconsinites who support recalling Scott Walker, according to a a poll released yesterday
Daily Kos: Scott Walker recall, Day 1, by the*numbers

The first day of the recall of Scott Walker is now in the books. Here are some key numbers on what happened:

400,000: The number of technical college students in Wisconsin who Republicans yesterday decided should have more stringent ID requirements in order to vote.

10,000+: The number of recall Walker petition forms the Democratic Party of Wisconsin said were downloaded online. (Update: The DPW now says over 18,000 have been downloaded.)

8,392: The population of New Richmond, Wisconsin, where over 200 recall signatures were gathered.

1,000+: The number of protesters who marched to Scott Walker's house yesterday and signed recall petitions in the driveway of a neighbor who supports the recall.

100+: The number of recall petition signing events held around the state.

58: The percent of Wisconsinites who support recalling Scott Walker, according to a a poll released yesterday

Geeeze, old rockhead, dailykos has a poll, huh? I'm not surprised by their results....being that it would be a biased poll. I am just betting their is a high percentage of union workers in that poll.
But you being as disengenuous as ever.........
No surprise for Crocks.

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