Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

Conservatives are some of the first people to call others pussies... so quit whining ya pussies. If you like walker, put the signs out. Quit being a pussy worrying about shit that isn't going to happen.
Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

They should be with an asshole like Walker as governor.

Well, I think we've established that you're OK with violence, as long as the perpetrators are from YOUR side. Fine; keep it up, and we'll eventually see just how you like it, when the other side responds in kind, and maybe ups the ante. Frankly, I've lost all patience with you people.
Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

They should be with an asshole like Walker as governor.

Well, I think we've established that you're OK with violence, as long as the perpetrators are from YOUR side. Fine; keep it up, and we'll eventually see just how you like it, when the other side responds in kind, and maybe ups the ante. Frankly, I've lost all patience with you people.

Where were you when the teabaggers were going crazy bringing guns to rallies and political events and whats not?

Where were you when those batshat lunatics were screaming at the top of their lungs in rage against most dem politiocos and even spitting on some of them?

Now you want to act like you will have to RESPOND?

No sir, THIS is the response. Not the other way around.
Conservatives are some of the first people to call others pussies... so quit whining ya pussies. If you like walker, put the signs out. Quit being a pussy worrying about shit that isn't going to happen.

Indeed sir, indeed. :clap2: :clap2:
They should be with an asshole like Walker as governor.

Well, I think we've established that you're OK with violence, as long as the perpetrators are from YOUR side. Fine; keep it up, and we'll eventually see just how you like it, when the other side responds in kind, and maybe ups the ante. Frankly, I've lost all patience with you people.

Where were you when the teabaggers were going crazy bringing guns to rallies and political events and whats not?

Where were you when those batshat lunatics were screaming at the top of their lungs in rage against most dem politiocos and even spitting on some of them?

Now you want to act like you will have to RESPOND?

No sir, THIS is the response. Not the other way around.
When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, camped illegally, raped women, shit on police cars and sidewalks, stabbed a cop, threatened to molotov Macy's, shot at the whitehouse, or claimed they want to see 911 9/11's.

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.
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When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, or camped illegally.

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.

I just posted when they were going crazy.

My two posts in this thread recalled their violent shenanigans.

BTW...where is the PROOF of the fear for their lives.

I haven't seen ONE shread of evidence backing up that bogus claim.

I reject it outright.

Please provide the PROOF that supports that people have a reason to be in fear of their lives for supporting that RW lunatic Walker.

Until then...this thread is a bogus sham.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

What is the name of the "local conservative talk show" you were listening to? I'd like to do some research...
When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, or camped illegally.

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.

I just posted when they were going crazy.

My two posts in this thread recalled their violent shenanigans.

BTW...where is the PROOF of the fear for their lives.

I haven't seen ONE shread of evidence backing up that bogus claim.

I reject it outright.

Please provide the PROOF that supports that people have a reason to be in fear of their lives for supporting that RW lunatic Walker.

Until then...this thread is a bogus sham.
You haven't shown Jack Shit, Sweetpea.....All you did was run your mouth.

BTW, I amended my post....How about you show where the Tea Partiers ever did those things.

And, how about explaining why you liberal douchebags claim to support homosexuals, yet use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population.

You're a fuckin' cartoon, Penelope.
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What is the name of the "local conservative talk show" you were listening to? I'd like to do some research...


21 pages in and not ONE shred of evidence supporting their bogus claims. Not one.

Is the show supposed to be a secret?

What's the name of the show?

When did it air?

Is there audio of people complaining?

Do they have PROOF that supports being afraid for their lives due to support for Walker?

Is there any EVIDENCE of death threats, or anything similar coming from anti-Walker voters?

21 pages in and none of those basic and KEY questions have been answered.

I smell more RW BS...and it sinks to high heaven!
Well, I think we've established that you're OK with violence, as long as the perpetrators are from YOUR side. Fine; keep it up, and we'll eventually see just how you like it, when the other side responds in kind, and maybe ups the ante. Frankly, I've lost all patience with you people.

Where were you when the teabaggers were going crazy bringing guns to rallies and political events and whats not?

Where were you when those batshat lunatics were screaming at the top of their lungs in rage against most dem politiocos and even spitting on some of them?

Now you want to act like you will have to RESPOND?

No sir, THIS is the response. Not the other way around.
When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, camped illegally, raped women, shit on police cars and sidewalks, stabbed a cop, threatened to molotov Macy's, shot at the whitehouse, or claimed they want to see 911 9/11's/

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.

Beat me to it! Really, justifying unlawful violence as a response to non-violent and lawful behavior? Funny how the Left believes in the rule of law and the long as the Left is above the law and the constitution, of course! Damned hypocrites!
Where were you when the teabaggers were going crazy bringing guns to rallies and political events and whats not?

Where were you when those batshat lunatics were screaming at the top of their lungs in rage against most dem politiocos and even spitting on some of them?

Now you want to act like you will have to RESPOND?

No sir, THIS is the response. Not the other way around.
When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, camped illegally, raped women, shit on police cars and sidewalks, stabbed a cop, threatened to molotov Macy's, shot at the whitehouse, or claimed they want to see 911 9/11's/

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.

Beat me to it! Really, justifying unlawful violence as a response to non-violent and lawful behavior? Funny how the Left believes in the rule of law and the long as the Left is above the law and the constitution, of course! Damned hypocrites!
Yep, I gave several actual examples full well showing the violence and intimidation of the Wisconsin union thugs, and of course they gloss over it like it never happened.
Fitzwalkerstan: Violence strikes over Walker recall in Madison

By Mark E Andersen

Walker supporters are sure riled up: Someone threw a rock through the front window of The Victory [coffee shop]on Atwood Avenue at about 6:30 p.m.—a window that had a “Recall Walker” sign prominently displayed.

More: Daily Kos: Fitzwalkerstan: Violence strikes over Walker recall in Madison looks like the only threats and actual violence are coming from your side.
They should be with an asshole like Walker as governor.

Well, I think we've established that you're OK with violence, as long as the perpetrators are from YOUR side. Fine; keep it up, and we'll eventually see just how you like it, when the other side responds in kind, and maybe ups the ante. Frankly, I've lost all patience with you people.

Where were you when the teabaggers were going crazy bringing guns to rallies and political events and whats not?

Where were you when those batshat lunatics were screaming at the top of their lungs in rage against most dem politiocos and even spitting on some of them?

Now you want to act like you will have to RESPOND?

No sir, THIS is the response. Not the other way around.
Well now, look what we have here-attention is invited to the words bolded above.^^
When were the Tea Partiers "going crazy"?

The Tea Partiers carrying those guns were perfectly within the laws protected by the second amendment.

The spitting story has been fully debunked.

Show us where the Tea Partiers ever trashed the places they convened, or camped illegally.

Why do you liberal idiots claim to be for homosexuals, but use homosexual slurs to describe an element of the population?

Have you always been a fuckin' drama queen?.....Must be your feminine side showing through, dumbass.
And then.....
I just posted when they were going crazy.

My two posts in this thread recalled their violent shenanigans.

BTW...where is the PROOF of the fear for their lives.

I haven't seen ONE shread of evidence backing up that bogus claim.

I reject it outright.

Please provide the PROOF that supports that people have a reason to be in fear of their lives for supporting that RW lunatic Walker.

Until then...this thread is a bogus sham.

.....there, bolded again, is the DENIAL that the "response" so proudly claimed, ever took place. My, my, how consistent.....NOT! Let me get this straight, this was "rightful retaliation", completely justified.....but of course, it never happened? MAKE UP YOUR MIND! WHICH IS IT? How curious that you feel compelled to justify what you claim your side never did in the first place, but then, intellectual consistency has never been a liberal strong suit.
I swear, the Left cracks me up. You advocate violence, over and over, it finally happens, and then you can't make up your minds whether to try to justify it, deny it, or accuse the other side of the same. Know what I think? I think you have been drooling over the prospect using violence to "get even", ever since that embarrassing string of losses last November and the results thereof, until your tongues are hanging so far down around your ankles that you can't talk or walk without tripping over them!:lol:

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