Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

And right on cue, FROM A BLOG POST, yet, "See, the other side is doing it too!" Doing what? What your buddy here claims never happened? Back at you, in your sides's own words,
They're so stupid, it's friggin' mind boggling.

And i'm still waiting for that Marc clown to show us the violence and destruction perpetrated by the Tea Partiers, that would coincide with all the violence and destruction of the OWS loons.

Seriously, I want to see where the Tea Partiers EVER shit on police cars and sidewalks, masturbated in public, raped women, shot at the whitehouse, threatened to molotov a department store, wished this country suffers 911 9/11's, destroyed areas they assembled at, fought with the police, accosted the press, and on and on and on.

And of course, why liberal idiots such as himself claim to be so supportive of homosexuals, yet throw gay slurs at other elements of the population.

It doesn't matter how many facts and/or evidence you provide.

Rabid RWers will always find a way to dismiss it and/or ignore it.

What are you, Lakhota's echo chamber? Take a real good look at those "sources" you're applauding....yep, I'd really consider any of those "unbiased".:lol:

I think Jester is right; either you guys really ARE that stupid, or you have finally lost it!

BTW, if you think THIS is bad, it PALES in comparison to what I have in store for you if Obama loses next November!

It doesn't matter how many facts and/or evidence you provide.

Rabid RWers will always find a way to dismiss it and/or ignore it.
Where's the facts?

We're suppposed to believe ANYTHING that comes from loony progressive blogs and propganda sites?

You people are fuckin' hilarious!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Come on man, show us all that Tea Paty violence, mayhem, and debauchery that rivals the OWS scumbags.

Can you do it?......Or were you just talking out of your moronic ass, yet again?

And, i'm still waiting for your explanation as to why liberal douchebags such as yourself claim to be supportive of homosexuals, yet throw gay slurs at other elements of the population.

You people are a fuckin' joke!

No wonder support for the OWS loons is dropping by the day.....Clear thinking people see what a bunch of violent, ill-informed, disrespectful, destructive bunch of idiots they truly are.
Ya' wanna really wad their lil' panties?

Just mention the fact that Glenn Beck has been calling this shit for three years....He warned that the lefties would get violent, ala the way the european lefties have for years, and all these lefty idiots called him crazy for saying it!

Lo and behold, he was spot on!

Anyhow, this has been fun.....It's always fun exposing the lefties and their abject idiocy.....Have a good night Gadfly!
Walker was elected by the voters to fix Wisconsin's fiscal mess. In short order he's managed to balance the budget without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, firefighters or police. Now tell me why you think the citizens of Wisconsin are going to "kick the bum out"? The crying, whining and sniveling is being done by progressives in Wisconsin. They lost and they're not happy about it. Even worse for them? Walker is doing what he SAID he would do when he ran for office.

The majority of voters in WI and OH are not happy about taking away collective bargaining rights under false pretenses from teachers and first responders. Yeah, radical Walker will pay the price for taking away from them while giving the same amount in $$$ subsidies to Big Business.

Get used to it. The ride of the freeloading hard right is over.

Walker didn't take collective bargaining rights away from the first responders, and teachers still have collective bargaining rights for their wages.

You tell only a partial lie, but it is a lie nonetheless.
The majority of voters in WI and OH are not happy about taking away collective bargaining rights under false pretenses from teachers and first responders. Yeah, radical Walker will pay the price for taking away from them while giving the same amount in $$$ subsidies to Big Business.

Get used to it. The ride of the freeloading hard right is over.

Walker didn't take collective bargaining rights away from the first responders, and teachers still have collective bargaining rights for their wages.

You tell only a partial lie, but it is a lie nonetheless.

And you sir did tell a partial lie as well. Gov Walker did not take away collective bargaining from first responders.
Walker is an enemy of collective bargaining rights and he darn well will take them away if he gets the chance. But you and your ilk have been exposed for what you are, and now your power is waning forever.

Get used to being irrelevant.
Walker is an enemy of collective bargaining rights and he darn well will take them away if he gets the chance. But you and your ilk have been exposed for what you are, and now your power is waning forever.

Get used to being irrelevant.

LOL Quite a mouthful of BULL SHIT there fakey........................
Walker is an enemy of collective bargaining rights and he darn well will take them away if he gets the chance. But you and your ilk have been exposed for what you are, and now your power is waning forever.

Get used to being irrelevant.

Walker is a supporter of balanced budgets and eliminating government waste. Get used to it, it's the way of the future.
Not at all. WI recalls reversed two of six elections so far, and odds on more next year. Walker's time is over. Ohio voters are protecting the public sector. Mississippi voters are protecting regulated abortion. Arizona voters are telling the nativists and haters "hell, no."

Get used to it. The center will decide the next national elections.
Not at all. WI recalls reversed two of six elections so far, and odds on more next year. Walker's time is over. Ohio voters are protecting the public sector. Mississippi voters are protecting regulated abortion. Arizona voters are telling the nativists and haters "hell, no."

Get used to it. The center will decide the next national elections.

Yep, they will. They too are supporters of balanced budgets and ending government waste.
All voters believe in responsible budgets and elimination of waste, from the left to the right.

Stop the sweeping, silly statements. It makes you sound like a giggling, gushy loon. :lol:
No, it wasn't "today." It was two days ago you negged me. It just took me a little while to see it since there wasn't any notification.

I give what I get, remember that, moron.


Well that is BS right negged me right away yesterday...and probably worked your little rep fingers to the bone between times so you could neg me again.

It's pretty funny how easily you lie.

From yesterday:
Hi, you have received -415 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... you liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is showing.

Pale Rider

Note: This is an automated message.

Do you ever tell the truth? Do you know what the truth is? I doubt it.
Maybe I did... I really don't recall and my rep given panel only goes back to 11-16-2011 at 11:05AM. But really, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Now are you done whining ya freakin' cry baby?

The correct definition is in Laughing at you. If I was whining...I might start an entire thread about being neg repped. :eusa_whistle:

But I understand you not being able to comprehend the difference. Really I do.

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