Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.
Wasn't a rock thrown through the window of an recall office?

As for the rest................I see a little faux outrage. Parents afraid to tell their children they support Walker?:lol:
No, it wasn't "today." It was two days ago you negged me. It just took me a little while to see it since there wasn't any notification.

I give what I get, remember that, moron.


Well that is BS right negged me right away yesterday...and probably worked your little rep fingers to the bone between times so you could neg me again.

It's pretty funny how easily you lie.

From yesterday:
Hi, you have received -415 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... you liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is showing.

Pale Rider

Note: This is an automated message.

Do you ever tell the truth? Do you know what the truth is? I doubt it.
Maybe I did... I really don't recall and my rep given panel only goes back to 11-16-2011 at 11:05AM. But really, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Now are you done whining ya freakin' cry baby?

You are the biggest whiner when it comes to neg repping.... And are you abusing the neg function Pale? I guess I could do what you do, and go whine to a mod about it..Oh! Wait I am not a pussy like you.
Well that is BS right negged me right away yesterday...and probably worked your little rep fingers to the bone between times so you could neg me again.

It's pretty funny how easily you lie.

From yesterday:

Do you ever tell the truth? Do you know what the truth is? I doubt it.
Maybe I did... I really don't recall and my rep given panel only goes back to 11-16-2011 at 11:05AM. But really, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Now are you done whining ya freakin' cry baby?

You are the biggest whiner when it comes to neg repping.... And are you abusing the neg function Pale? I guess I could do what you do, and go whine to a mod about it..Oh! Wait I am not a pussy like you.

Last comment on this whole neg reppy thing....funny how Pale Rider has turned off his rep function so he can't GET reps. :lol::lol::lol:
Maybe I did... I really don't recall and my rep given panel only goes back to 11-16-2011 at 11:05AM. But really, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Now are you done whining ya freakin' cry baby?

You are the biggest whiner when it comes to neg repping.... And are you abusing the neg function Pale? I guess I could do what you do, and go whine to a mod about it..Oh! Wait I am not a pussy like you.

Last comment on this whole neg reppy thing....funny how Pale Rider has turned off his rep function so he can't GET reps. :lol::lol::lol:

Once again your wrong. :eusa_whistle:
You are the biggest whiner when it comes to neg repping.... And are you abusing the neg function Pale? I guess I could do what you do, and go whine to a mod about it..Oh! Wait I am not a pussy like you.

Last comment on this whole neg reppy thing....funny how Pale Rider has turned off his rep function so he can't GET reps. :lol::lol::lol:

Once again your wrong. :eusa_whistle:

Well, that's the message it gave me when I clicked there about an hour ago. Just sayin'
Not at all. WI recalls reversed two of six elections so far, and odds on more next year. Walker's time is over. Ohio voters are protecting the public sector. Mississippi voters are protecting regulated abortion. Arizona voters are telling the nativists and haters "hell, no."

Get used to it. The center will decide the next national elections.

Yep, they will. They too are supporters of balanced budgets and ending government waste.

Folks like Dr. House and the posers will scream that this not so, but, since they are born liars from before the foundations of the world, what else can we expect?
I told you wack of the Hard Right that your days of influence were coming to an end. This national election will put finish to you. Good riddance.
I told you wack of the Hard Right that your days of influence were coming to an end. This national election will put finish to you. Good riddance.
Were you not saying the same thing last November there, buddy!

Btw, I responded to your VM about Ft. Wainwright and Fairbanks.....Yep, good times indeed!:cool:
I said that late last summer, then revised in late august or early september. I was unready for the Tea Party angst, but have been ready for the Center to co-opt it. That is what is happening, is it not?

Yes, I saw your response. Good, good days there.
I said that late last summer, then revised in late august or early september. I was unready for the Tea Party angst, but have been ready for the Center to co-opt it. That is what is happening, is it not?

Yes, I saw your response. Good, good days there.
No, that is not what's happening.......The Tea Party didn't go around trashing the places they assembled, and damn sure didn't perpetrate violence, destruction, vadalism, threats, and the myriad of other disgusting displays going on with the OWS loons.....The Tea Party has a clear message, the OWS is all over the place, dpending on what lunatic is going before the cameras and running their ill-informed mouths......And, the OWS is primarily occupied by the, "every child gets a trophy, gimme gimme gimme" generation type, liberal idiots......They are nowhere near "center".
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The Tea Party certainly intimidated, shouted, acted idiotically, and got themselves arrested for being stupid in public. OWS is far less threatening the Tea Party, for sure, BUT the OWS is not the issue. WI is the issue, and the Tea Party is secondary to it. The Tea Party's message has been rejected in OH, MS (who woulda thunk it), and AZ, and the Center is busily co-opting its populist concerns for responsible government, cutting in spending, and budget realignment.

But to talk about the OWS and the TP together does lead to the recognition that the hard wacks from the far left and the far right are forcing the Center, Center Right, and Center Left to address their legitimate needs while throwing the rest of their crap out.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.
Can you blame them? That guy is a corrupt sonofabitch. He's in the pocket of the Koch brothers.

Anyone who supports Walker deserves to have their windows busted. Maybe it will wake them up.

Stupid bastards.
The Tea Party certainly intimidated, shouted, acted idiotically, and got themselves arrested for being stupid in public. OWS is far less threatening the Tea Party, for sure, BUT the OWS is not the issue. WI is the issue, and the Tea Party is secondary to it. The Tea Party's message has been rejected in OH, MS (who woulda thunk it), and AZ, and the Center is busily co-opting its populist concerns for responsible government, cutting in spending, and budget realignment.

But to talk about the OWS and the TP together does lead to the recognition that the hard wacks from the far left and the far right are forcing the Center, Center Right, and Center Left to address their legitimate needs while throwing the rest of their crap out.
I'm still waiting for ALL those examples of the Tea Partiers getting violent, being arrested, trashing the place, Masturbating in public, raping women in encampments, accosting the press, threatening to fire bomb department stores, throwing ammonia on cops, and on and on and on.

And if the people in those states you mentioned want to continue to be extorted by unions with unsustainable demands, it just shows how truly stupid they are.

Walker is doing what he was elected to do, get the states fiscal house in order, and it's working, without massive lay offs of teachers (many who are incompetent), or vital public employees.
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As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.
Can you blame them? That guy is a corrupt sonofabitch. He's in the pocket of the Koch brothers.

Anyone who supports Walker deserves to have their windows busted. Maybe it will wake them up.

Stupid bastards.
Here's a fine example of the liberal mentality.......Way to go, libs!:clap2:

And it comes from the same son of a bitch who vehemently claimed that republican senators in Wisconsin should be dragged from their homes and tortured.
Walker is an enemy of collective bargaining rights and he darn well will take them away if he gets the chance. But you and your ilk have been exposed for what you are, and now your power is waning forever.

Get used to being irrelevant.
You have already made our votes irrelevant by cheating at the polls. You're making the other side's only choice one of removing your side's obstructions of our votes, of justice, and our freedoms by either compliant acquiescence or elimination. Not everyone on this side is going to acquiesce to unreasonable demands and nighttime hooliganism.
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