Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX- No threats on this board-Meister if you ask....
Flip off anybody you want, dum dum, but don't cry when you go down, down.

Down to watch democrats start serving prison time.

But then again I dont get the impression you care much about who democrats were complicit in killing.
Anybody complicit in killing needs to go down, OWS or Tea Party or KKK or NBPP or the Hippy Dippy Alliance. Pull up your big boy pants, full-auto, and act adult.
Anybody complicit in killing needs to go down, OWS or Tea Party or KKK or NBPP or the Hippy Dippy Alliance. Pull up your big boy pants, full-auto, and act adult.

So where was it you called for heads to roll? After all you continue to support the corruption.
I have never supported the corrupton, right or left. When the Tea Party acted up here, there were arrests. When the KKK acted up here there were arrests, when some dodos talked about OWS action in the court square, we went "Huh?" and talked them out of it.
I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

You flip off anybody with a bumper sticker?

What a coward.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

No. He did not.
The Cold Hard truth is that is how Unions Operate. Intimidation, Mob Tactics, Bullying. They want Normal People to be afraid to show Support for anyone they do not first Endorse. They only Represent about 20% of people Nationally and about 35% in Wis, Yet they want everyone to answer to them. Everything is about them. To hell with the 65% that are not in Unions.
As the content of this forum plainly shows it is virtually impossible to reason with brainwashed right-wingers -- including those who aren't stupid. So how does one deal with the typical anti-union mentality?

The majority of anti-union Americans I've met are under fifty and have no idea that such things as the 40-hour work week, paid overtime, paid vacations and other typical worker benefits would not exist were it not for the efforts and sacrifices of the union movement. More specifically, the living standard of the American middle class would not exist were it not for unions. Even if their jobs are not union the only reason these anti-union workers are paid a decent wage is their employers' fear of a union coming in. And the reason why only 20% of contemporary workers are unionized is pressure on legislators by the rising corporate oligarchy.

Those who simply don't know what working for a living was like before the union movement, and what it could be like again if unions are successfully eliminated, should go here and learn some important facts: The Union Movement's Proud Past

And here is a list of entertaining and very informative movies about unions:

Harlan County USA
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront
The Organizer
Native Land
Norma Rae
LOL... then you haven't a very broad experience in meeting people. Many of the people I met in my life are keenly aware of the benefits labor organization brought to them. Needed reforms back when we had 16 hour work days, with one day off a week IF that, child labor, dangerous working conditions and all the other rot out there.

Your film list is romanticized propagandist claptrap and you may as well have shown F.I.S.T. in that too. How about Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"? That talks a lot about how unionization's communist roots are hand in hand with each other. Their proud past ENDED in the 1950's and early 60's. Since then, they've been more of a net drain on the economy fighting for sloth and greed as shown by the collapse of many heavy union industries in this country.

Rising corporate oligarchy? Pfft... you're totally ignorant of the abuses, or willfully blind to the damage your beloved unions have done with THEIR own little oligarchy.
See what I mean?

This is exactly what I'm writing about: The corporatist indoctrination. The brainwash. The toss-out-the-baby-with-the-bathwater mentality. Wal-Mart is good. Unions are bad. Ordinary workers are scum and do not deserve a living wage.

It doesn't matter that the The Harlan County movie is a live documentary -- it's propaganda according to the brainwashed corporate water carriers. So is the Hoffa movie -- even though it is based entirely on easily researched historical facts. As are all the union movies I've listed. Yes they are presented in an entertaining format, which is not "romanticized claptrap" but is conducive to learning. The thing to know is all are predicated on facts, not fiction and opinions as is the propaganda spewed by corporatists who insist the union movement is communist.

Believe what these characters have to say and 99% of Americans will soon be working for burger-flipping wages.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

Suuuuuure. :eusa_whistle:
I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

And? What evidence do you have one had anything to do with the other?

Cars with Obama stickers are also vandalized.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

Thus violence is an aspect of conservative discourse.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
True that......Over taxation and regulation are causing businesses to flee Illinois and California in droves......Mainly to Southwestern states where business isn't demonized.

Christ, even the LA Times is doing a series of articles on how over regulation is now killing the fishing industry as a whole here in Cali.

Once again, if ya' want to see the models of how liberal policies fail, look to Cali and Illinois as the prime examples.
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I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

Suuuuuure. :eusa_whistle:
^^Another one word, enlightening post from the boards "ROAD" Scholar.^^
As the content of this forum plainly shows it is virtually impossible to reason with brainwashed right-wingers -- including those who aren't stupid. So how does one deal with the typical anti-union mentality?

The majority of anti-union Americans I've met are under fifty and have no idea that such things as the 40-hour work week, paid overtime, paid vacations and other typical worker benefits would not exist were it not for the efforts and sacrifices of the union movement. More specifically, the living standard of the American middle class would not exist were it not for unions. Even if their jobs are not union the only reason these anti-union workers are paid a decent wage is their employers' fear of a union coming in. And the reason why only 20% of contemporary workers are unionized is pressure on legislators by the rising corporate oligarchy.

Those who simply don't know what working for a living was like before the union movement, and what it could be like again if unions are successfully eliminated, should go here and learn some important facts: The Union Movement's Proud Past

And here is a list of entertaining and very informative movies about unions:

Harlan County USA
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront
The Organizer
Native Land
Norma Rae
LOL... then you haven't a very broad experience in meeting people. Many of the people I met in my life are keenly aware of the benefits labor organization brought to them. Needed reforms back when we had 16 hour work days, with one day off a week IF that, child labor, dangerous working conditions and all the other rot out there.

Your film list is romanticized propagandist claptrap and you may as well have shown F.I.S.T. in that too. How about Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"? That talks a lot about how unionization's communist roots are hand in hand with each other. Their proud past ENDED in the 1950's and early 60's. Since then, they've been more of a net drain on the economy fighting for sloth and greed as shown by the collapse of many heavy union industries in this country.

Rising corporate oligarchy? Pfft... you're totally ignorant of the abuses, or willfully blind to the damage your beloved unions have done with THEIR own little oligarchy.
See what I mean?

This is exactly what I'm writing about: The corporatist indoctrination. The brainwash. The toss-out-the-baby-with-the-bathwater mentality. Wal-Mart is good. Unions are bad. Ordinary workers are scum and do not deserve a living wage.

It doesn't matter that the The Harlan County movie is a live documentary -- it's propaganda according to the brainwashed corporate water carriers. So is the Hoffa movie -- even though it is based entirely on easily researched historical facts. As are all the union movies I've listed. Yes they are presented in an entertaining format, which is not "romanticized claptrap" but is conducive to learning. The thing to know is all are predicated on facts, not fiction and opinions as is the propaganda spewed by corporatists who insist the union movement is communist.

Believe what these characters have to say and 99% of Americans will soon be working for burger-flipping wages.
But non e the less? YOU embrace a corporation called a UNION who's sole desire is manipulation of people for political power over others.

They outlived thier usefulness decades ago and have become an anathema of money laundering for the Statist Democrat Party at the expense of liberty and this Republic.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.

Really? Who's going to do that?
Ahhh.... bullshit. They just know that they are probably going to end up on the wrong side of this and are trying to spin it into some Conspiracy theory of "left wing thuggery" so that you guys can eat it up with a serving spoon(like you always do) and hate anyone who does not agree with you EVEN MORE!
Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.

Really? Who's going to do that?
Certainly not Republicans -- who initiated two major, unnecessary military aggressions without budgeting the massive cost. Who initiated a major additional cost to Medicare (the Part D option) rather than negotiaing prices with big pharma and didn't budget the cost? And who instituted a massive tax cut on the upper income levels at the same time as the above?

The simple fact is when Bush was appointed to the Presidency there was a significant budget surplus but he left an enormous deficit behind because of his profligate spending and general mishandling and abuse of his Office.

It must also be asked who put in place the demand side economic system that led directly to five of the most productive decades in our history, the 40s thru the 80s? And who switched to a "supply side" system and commenced a series of deregulations and union-bustings that led directly to the situation we find ourselves in today?

But none of the above is intended to suggest that either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama are good presidents. I believe both to be superior to Reagan and both Bushes but neither of them are worth a damn in terms of competent leadership. And I believe that at least two thirds of the Democrats in Congress should be replaced.
Oldstyle tried to cook the books about radical governor-to-be-ousted Walker. The $3 billion taken away from the public sector employees (nurses, teachers, police, first responders, and so fother) was given away as subsidies to big business.

What do you have to hide, old friend, that you would obfuscate like that?

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