Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

Oldstyle tried to cook the books about radical governor-to-be-ousted Walker. The $3 billion taken away from the public sector employees (nurses, teachers, police, first responders, and so fother) was given away as subsidies to big business.

What do you have to hide, old friend, that you would obfuscate like that?

That is 100% false.

It's so false that you've got it confused with another story (with smaller dollar figure) which was also false, but at least there was a reason for the claim.

Your claim is so false that I don't even know what you are doing in this thread. It is that far out of touch with the facts.
Oldstyle tried to cook the books about radical governor-to-be-ousted Walker. The $3 billion taken away from the public sector employees (nurses, teachers, police, first responders, and so fother) was given away as subsidies to big business.

What do you have to hide, old friend, that you would obfuscate like that?

That is 100% false.

It's so false that you've got it confused with another story (with smaller dollar figure) which was also false, but at least there was a reason for the claim.

Your claim is so false that I don't even know what you are doing in this thread. It is that far out of touch with the facts.

Amelia, I wouldn't worry too much about that ill informed Starkey dude. He has no idea what he's talking about. He's just repeating some stupid sound bite some stupid liberal said.

It won't take but a minute to show Governor Walker didn't reward anyone with $. That's a leftist trick. Take it away from someone to give to the Unions so they can turn around and give it back to the politician. They don't know any other way, it HAS to be more complicated, it's their way.
They outlived thier usefulness decades ago and have become an anathema of money laundering for the Statist Democrat Party at the expense of liberty and this Republic.

You contradict yourself, if unions have outlived their usefulness decades ago, how are they an asset for the Democratic Party now.

Otherwise unions are a consequence of corporate arrogance and excess, the cruel and capricious treatment of employees - corporations have only themselves to blame.
They outlived thier usefulness decades ago and have become an anathema of money laundering for the Statist Democrat Party at the expense of liberty and this Republic.

You contradict yourself, if unions have outlived their usefulness decades ago, how are they an asset for the Democratic Party now.
Otherwise unions are a consequence of corporate arrogance and excess, the cruel and capricious treatment of employees - corporations have only themselves to blame.

Do you really have to ask?
They outlived thier usefulness decades ago and have become an anathema of money laundering for the Statist Democrat Party at the expense of liberty and this Republic.

You contradict yourself, if unions have outlived their usefulness decades ago, how are they an asset for the Democratic Party now.

Otherwise unions are a consequence of corporate arrogance and excess, the cruel and capricious treatment of employees - corporations have only themselves to blame.
He didn't contradict a damn thing.......Learn reading comprehension.

Fact is, unions HAVE outlived their usefulness, as evidenced by the myriad of labor laws, and are desperately trying to hold on, and pumping big bucks into the pockets of the dem's, too include our inept president, as one of the ways they try to hang on....Along with extortion, threats, intimidation and violence.

Face it, it's a dying entity, and that's a fact!
They outlived thier usefulness decades ago and have become an anathema of money laundering for the Statist Democrat Party at the expense of liberty and this Republic.

You contradict yourself, if unions have outlived their usefulness decades ago, how are they an asset for the Democratic Party now.

Otherwise unions are a consequence of corporate arrogance and excess, the cruel and capricious treatment of employees - corporations have only themselves to blame.

Helpful in filling up Democratic coffers is quite a bending of the normal connotation of "useful".

It is the opposite of useful in a civic sense because it is their too tight relationship with politicians which has caused public unions to strain municipal budgets. Politicians can rarely say no. This is not useful. It is costly to the health of the community.
Did Walker and the lege give that 3 billion to big business in credits and subsidies that it took away from teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers? If he, then he is cooking the books.

Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.

" order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation."

What kind of gobble-de-gook nonsense is that, Mike? If the Democrats had let a balanced budget amendment pass we might have "controlled" spending but instead we've got out of control spending and huge deficits to show for it. Cutting spending has NOTHING to do with taxation. The fact is we spend way more than we bring in in revenues and way too much of it is spent on things we don't really need the government to be doing.

"tax enhancement plans"? You guys kill me. You can't bring yourself to admit that you're asking for a tax INCREASE so you keep coming up with new ways of saying it that doesn't make it sound like what it really is.
Oldstyle tried to cook the books about radical governor-to-be-ousted Walker. The $3 billion taken away from the public sector employees (nurses, teachers, police, first responders, and so fother) was given away as subsidies to big business.

What do you have to hide, old friend, that you would obfuscate like that?

I have nothing to hide and neither does Governor Walker. On the contrary he managed to turn a 3 billion dollar deficit into a balanced budget, without laying off teachers, fire or police personnel and by giving subsidies to businesses he was able to create 40,000 new jobs in Minnesota. Now how exactly have I "cooked the books" on this?
Do you not understand what a "deficit" is, Jake? Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar SHORTFALL. There isn't anything to give.

I know it must pain you to admit the obvious but if you compare what's happened in Wisconsin in the last year and a half to what's happened in Illinois it's hard to draw any other conclusion other than tax & spend liberalism doesn't work.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.

" order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation."

What kind of gobble-de-gook nonsense is that, Mike? [...]
Without adequate taxation there is little to no revenue to spend, therefore to control. Seems rather simple and straightforward to me.

Why do you suppose we didn't have these problems when the 91% maximum progressive tax rate was in effect? If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire you will see what I mean in very short order.
Spending can be controlled. But in order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation.

It should be noted that targets of tax enhancement plans are those categories which will not be negatively affected by an increase -- i.e., the wealthy. But right-wing propaganda tries to subvert these plans by suggesting that lower income levels will be painfully affected by progressive tax increases.

It isn't true.

" order to enable controlled (necessary) spending there must be adequate taxation."

What kind of gobble-de-gook nonsense is that, Mike? [...]
Without adequate taxation there is little to no revenue to spend, therefore to control. Seems rather simple and straightforward to me.

Why do you suppose we didn't have these problems when the 91% maximum progressive tax rate was in effect? If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire you will see what I mean in very short order.

Ah, because we had the Dot Com Boom to fuel the economy and generate billions in revenue? So tell me what's going to take the place of THAT in this economy, Mike? If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire we WILL see the effects in very short order and it won't be an increase in economic growth or job creation. Why can't you Libs get it through your heads that increasing taxes in the middle of a weak economy is AWFUL fiscal policy? Christina Romer understands that and she's a liberal Keynesian economics professor from freaking Berkeley!!!

As for what is "adequate taxation"? Do you not grasp the fact that Washington will spend whatever they can get from us? There is no "control". Spending by government in this country is out of control.
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The wealthy and their stooges always try to privatize their profit by socializing the risk on the middle and poor classes, i.e. the Bush cuts. Let the cuts expire.
The wealthy and their stooges always try to privatize their profit by socializing the risk on the middle and poor classes, i.e. the Bush cuts. Let the cuts expire.

Privatize their profit? Socializing the risk? I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion, Jake...that you're one of those people that think you can come across as intelligent by being unintelligible.

I think you do all the double speak because you can't make a good argument to back up your viewpoint. Just saying...
Actully shithead, the Denver police about that time set up a sting at the airport since that was happening to other cars....and (drumroll) they caught an Air Force Reserve Lt Col that was pissed at Bush over the wars. He keyed a bait car and eventually pleaded guilty in court.

Was he the one that did it to my car? Probably not, odds are another lib nutjob like you from Denver or Boulder did it.


I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

Suuuuuure. :eusa_whistle:
No, I'm not a coward, idiot.

My middle finger is my bumper sticker to any liberal bumper sticker. If you're going around announcing you're a piece of shit liberal, well then I will show my support by flipping you off.

I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

You flip off anybody with a bumper sticker?

What a coward.
Actully shithead, the Denver police about that time set up a sting at the airport since that was happening to other cars....and (drumroll) they caught an Air Force Reserve Lt Col that was pissed at Bush over the wars. He keyed a bait car and eventually pleaded guilty in court.

Was he the one that did it to my car? Probably not, odds are another lib nutjob like you from Denver or Boulder did it.


I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

Suuuuuure. :eusa_whistle:

Suuuuure. :eusa_whistle:
No, I'm not a coward, idiot.

My middle finger is my bumper sticker to any liberal bumper sticker. If you're going around announcing you're a piece of shit liberal, well then I will show my support by flipping you off.

I had my Infiniti keyed in the Denver airport back when I had a Bush sticker on it.

I now don't go around with stickers on my car, i just flip off ANYONE with a Democrat/liberal bumper sticker.

So if you're flipped off out of the blue in Florida when I'm there or in's me. I can also XXXXX if you ask....

You flip off anybody with a bumper sticker?

What a coward.

You are vewy vewy bwave.......on the internet.
My middle finger is my bumper sticker to any liberal bumper sticker. If you're going around announcing you're a piece of shit liberal, well then I will show my support by flipping you off.

You’re still a coward, and you represent conservatives well.
My middle finger is my bumper sticker to any liberal bumper sticker. If you're going around announcing you're a piece of shit liberal, well then I will show my support by flipping you off.

You’re still a coward, and you represent conservatives well.

He either has tinted windows or makes sure people aren't looking when he flips them off.

Sounds like a bunch of cry babies who can't rationalize that Walker is on his way out and the teachers are going to get their collective bargining rights back--that were wrongfully taken.

If the right can't bet the left at the balllot box--they make up lies about the left.

Go cry to Walker about your poor miserable lives. Oh yeah! He doesn't care about you and your problems :)
Sounds like a bunch of cry babies who can't rationalize that Walker is on his way out and the teachers are going to get their collective bargining rights back--that were wrongfully taken.

If the right can't bet the left at the balllot box--they make up lies about the left.

Go cry to Walker about your poor miserable lives. Oh yeah! He doesn't care about you and your problems :)

It all depends on how much funds the unions are going to pour into the state. :eusa_whistle:

Actually, he has helped that state since he's been elected, so we will see.

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