Law Enforcement

Do you support your local LE?

  • Yes, I support them.

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • No. I have had bad experiences with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
LE can be local sheriff, chp, police station, etc. In my neck of the woods, we have a sheriff substation. CHP handles our area when the Sheriff is too busy, or they both share in the duties of our area depending on what the problem is.
Speaking for myself, I back our sheriffs up 100% and so does the majority of the town. Then again, we are not a huge city that has huge cities problems, either, so we are lucky.
In GT's radio show tonight, the topic was briefly touched about police officers and I gave my thanks to the ones who choose to do this job in these hard times. It's dangerous work and you never know when your loved one that is doing it, may be hurt or killed in the line of duty. Hence, the poll, cuz I was curious what usmb feels about their own LOCAL law enforcement.

If you choose "other", please say why.
I support law enforcement right up until they violate peoples rights. They are poorly trained for the most part, and they are not supported by their higher ups for the most part either. Law enforcement needs to increase the standards for the officers they employ, they need to train them better and they need to support them better.
I support law enforcement right up until they violate peoples rights. They are poorly trained for the most part, and they are not supported by their higher ups for the most part either. Law enforcement needs to increase the standards for the officers they employ, they need to train them better and they need to support them better.
Which is why I like my small town. They are very well trained, have support from their higher ups, and from the community.
I support them as far as their duty to helping people, but the state wants to make them into glorified tax collectors by giving them quotas to meet. If your main duty is to punish soccer mom's for being late, you shouldn't be the same person to call if a criminal breaks into someone's house.
Last time I had one on one with them, our roomie said a guy entered the side door of the house and they began to fight. All I heard was INTRUDER INTRUDER and by the time we got to that room (armed) the guys were fighting on the side pathway of the house..OUTSIDE. Roomie beat the fuck outta him and the guy took off by hiking the fence to the neighbors yard heading south. By that time, I already called 911. A few minutes later, two sheriff cars pull up. Me, Mr G and roomie were outside with our flashlights. We told all 4 of the officers that we were armed when they first approached. They said fine...keep the guns wherever they were (mine in my coat pocket, MrGs in his hand, pointing down). Roomie then told officers what happened. MrG asked if they wanted him to put his weapon away and officer said "your castle. Keep protecting it". I told them the guy was probably bleeding or something cuz roomie popped him quite a few times and he headed south..probably to the forest area one block over and the second sheriffs car headed that way to check it out. Then they talked to roomie for a few minutes and MrG and I came back inside.
We never did find out what it was all about but roomie had a new girlfriend with a baby (not his) and he thinks it was her old boyfriend coming to be an asshole..and was drunk cuz he smelled of booze and was woozy before he even hit him and pushed him out of the house.

So now we all make sure all doors are locked. And roomie got another girlfriend. :lol:

I feel sorry for anyone trying to break in NOW. New roomie is BIG beefy dude. He can handle anything, lol. We have the perfect compilation here. One black, one injun, one hispanic, one caucasian. I am the only girl besides dog. 4 males in this house. One packing. One big. One good with his fists. One bitchy old woman that is also packin', one small dog with a mean assed bite if ya piss him off and one girl dog that hides behind me. :lol:
I support Law Enforcement - but not all departments . Some departments I trust , but I don't trust the few morons they have.

Let's just say I have been in a Public Safety for over two decades and I know more than the average bear .

I tried for ten years to become a cop. One reason or another I was not hired.

I am Pro police - but again , there are some moron cops .

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