Law professor: If Trump committed bribery, it's ground for impeachment

Oh, I'm pretty sure that Trump's actions in all of this are, indeed, grounds for Impeachment...

It's just that I think the professor is barking up the wrong tree...

Trump did not commit 'bribery'...

Trump committed 'extortion'...

And countries have been 'extorting' desired behaviors from other countries as long as nations have existed...

No, I think we're looking at extortion of a foreign leader in order to damage a domestic political opponent...

Had the Orange Creature left it at the level of a Request for Investigation, he would have survived the political furor...

Trouble is, he pushed it further than that, and leveraged the assets of the United States, in order to extort a personal political end...

That's just not kasher... and now the $hit's gonna hit the fan.

I've always said: he (and his big mouth and twitter feed) is his own worst enemy.

And now he's finally shot himself in the foot.

Arrogant, delusional fool.
It turned out the whistleblower got his information second hand.
Perfect story for the NYT.
The whistleblower's lawyers have denied that accusation. It's also unlikely the IG would consider second hand info as a credible accusation. Basically it's just the corrupt tRump *administration* trying to discredit the report.

You idiots would believe anything. Transcript comes out tomorrow. Wait until dims turn against Biden.

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Trump is a narcissistic human tornado who only cares about destroying america, just like a tornado!
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment
"But if"...

Well, we KNOW Biden did it, because we have him admitting it on video...

So, according to your post, Biden could actually be impeached before even being sworn in (assuming the idiot could actually win the election)...
One cannot be impeached without taking office, moron. Plus Biden didn't target his political rival, and Obama was the President.
And no, your "funny" rating can't get Biden impeached either.

Plus Biden didn't target his political rival,

Oh. Bribery is okay, if it doesn't target your political rival.

It didn't happen son, get over it.

He’s going to be investigated. That’s a given.

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Altered out of context video. The Biden thing is nothing more than tRumpling spin.

Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.

Nice explanation, but they are not bright enough to understand.

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Trump has betrayed his office, has betrayed America, has betrayed his family, has betrayed the world.

i truly believe the time is now to get rid of this assclown. to delay would betray the foundations of our democracy, my friends.

Trump needs to be stopped NOW! the rest is details...
Altered out of context video. The Biden thing is nothing more than tRumpling spin.

Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
Altered out of context video. The Biden thing is nothing more than tRumpling spin.

Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
We'll see come Nov 5, dummy. I can hardly wait.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

Some people did something
'Bribery' is actually not the correct term. The correct term is 'Extortion'.

To give something in order to get sonething; the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty.

Trump, like Biden confessed to, supposedly threatened to WITHHOLD something in order to get something.

The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
Funny, Dems / snowflakes still have not accepted Hillary lost in 2016 and have been throwing a tantrum for 3 you telling anyone hot to recognize losing is amusing.

Altered out of context video. The Biden thing is nothing more than tRumpling spin.

Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
We'll see come Nov 5, dummy. I can hardly wait.
Enjoy your little fantasy world while it lasts.
Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
We'll see come Nov 5, dummy. I can hardly wait.
Enjoy your little fantasy world while it lasts.
...said one of the snowflakes whose party built a web site after Hillary's loss that allowed snowflakes to go to a site that pretended Hillary won...

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Another load of horse shit brought to you by whiny little lefty loon shits.

It seems that opinions are like assholes, because that's all the media wants to highlight all day, every day.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
We'll see come Nov 5, dummy. I can hardly wait.
Enjoy your little fantasy world while it lasts.
...said one of the snowflakes whose party built a web site after Hillary's loss that allowed snowflakes to go to a site that pretended Hillary won...

Never heard about that. Link?
Nice opinion - bullshit, but nice opinion.

There was nothing 'altered' - Biden bragged how he blackmailed the Ukraine P.M. because he wanted to make people believe he could be tough on foreign policy...however, there is a difference between being 'tough on foreign policy' and 'blackmail'.

The 'biden thing' was not brought up by Trump, you retard. It was brought up by Hillary Clinton in 2016 to ensure Biden did not enter the race, and it was resurrected by the Lib media who knew this would be an issue in the general election so went on the attack to distract from Biden giving a video-confession of blackmail...

...and it worked, as you proved stupid enough not to know the past , where it came from, or to see how you are being manipulated again.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

I know you tRumplings have problems telling the difference but trust me on this, there is one.

The only fact here is that you only have shit for brains.
It's easy to tell when you kids have lost.
We'll see come Nov 5, dummy. I can hardly wait.
Enjoy your little fantasy world while it lasts.

You keep deluding yourself lame brain but you'd better start thinking about who to find to represent you after the demodummie party is gone.

BTW your dumbass party just pissed away the house for themselves so in 2020, your nemesis Trump will have the whole show and your demodummie party will start to fade from the scene altogether. And the very best part of it is, you idiots did it to yourselves. Trump didn't have to win it because you stupid shits threw it away.
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The spy/whistleblower appears to be a biased member of the Deep State, just like Mueller, McCabe, and Comey.

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