Law professor: If Trump committed bribery, it's ground for impeachment

Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

Since January 2017, you people have made anything and everything about Impeachment. The problem is that the leaders on your side are pussies and are afraid to bring Impeachment against Trump. Shit or get off the pot.

They're not "afraid" to bring impeachment per se, they collectively realize that without irrefutable, smoking gun evidence there isn't any chance that impeachment will lead to a conviction in the Senate. In the meantime impeachment TALK is a nice political tool since completely safe seat douche bags-D like Pelosi can take on the role of saying NO, while other dickweeds-D in more competitive districts can pound the table and "demand justice".

In other words, they can have their cake and eat it too without all the political risk that actually bringing articles of impeachment entails.

In the meantime the mindless drones in that make up the "base" are too distracted by arguments regarding what are "impeachable offenses" to notice they're being manipulated.

Bang the drum slowly. They have never accepted Election consequences. They did this with Bush and now Trump. They only accept Elections when they win.

Republicans pull the same bullshit when they lose too, their base requires such pointless antics just like the Democrat base does.

Granted the Democrats have been doing a lot more of the sore loser routine for the last 10 years but on the other hand, they've been losing more often than the Republicans have.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment
"But if"...

Well, we KNOW Biden did it, because we have him admitting it on video...

So, according to your post, Biden could actually be impeached before even being sworn in (assuming the idiot could actually win the election)...
One cannot be impeached without taking office, moron. Plus Biden didn't target his political rival, and Obama was the President.
And no, your "funny" rating can't get Biden impeached either.

No kidding, let's move the goalpost to fit whatever agenda you have...dumbass.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment
"But if"...

Well, we KNOW Biden did it, because we have him admitting it on video...

So, according to your post, Biden could actually be impeached before even being sworn in (assuming the idiot could actually win the election)...

They only see the consequences as they apply to their enemies not to themselves. Lefty owns no mirrors.

Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

Since January 2017, you people have made anything and everything about Impeachment. The problem is that the leaders on your side are pussies and are afraid to bring Impeachment against Trump. Shit or get off the pot.

They're not "afraid" to bring impeachment per se, they collectively realize that without irrefutable, smoking gun evidence there isn't any chance that impeachment will lead to a conviction in the Senate. In the meantime impeachment TALK is a nice political tool since completely safe seat douche bags-D like Pelosi can take on the role of saying NO, while other dickweeds-D in more competitive districts can pound the table and "demand justice".

In other words, they can have their cake and eat it too without all the political risk that actually bringing articles of impeachment entails.

In the meantime the mindless drones in that make up the "base" are too distracted by arguments regarding what are "impeachable offenses" to notice they're being manipulated.

Bang the drum slowly. They have never accepted Election consequences. They did this with Bush and now Trump. They only accept Elections when they win.

Republicans pull the same bullshit when they lose too, their base requires such pointless antics just like the Democrat base does.

Granted the Democrats have been doing a lot more of the sore loser routine for the last 10 years but on the other hand, they've been losing more often than the Republicans have.

Best post of the on.

IF I had a dime for every impeachment threat that was brought against Obama of 8 years I'd pay off my mortgage. Empty rhetoric....what they hell do they think they're going to do with the Senate anyway? They are simply presenting a huge balloon to McConnell who is waiting with a hat pin.

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Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

He could also be impeached for murder, taking the tags off someone else's mattress,, and drunk driving, but he never did any of those things either!
all this may be interesting,,, but it is neither nefarious nor illegal

if it were, you would have seen in the mueller report a line or two about Horny Bill Clinton getting a 500K payday from the kremlin while the uranium one deal was under consideration
all this may be interesting,,, but it is neither nefarious nor illegal

if it were, you would have seen in the mueller report a line or two about Horny Bill Clinton getting a 500K payday from the kremlin while the uranium one deal was under consideration

So what we really have here and what the Dems are really afraid of is Military aid money going to UKRAINE and being skimmed by the Biden family through a network of Organized crime connections that have taken control of the government over there.

Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

He could also be impeached for murder, taking the tags off someone else's mattress,, and drunk driving, but he never did any of those things either!

IT was proffered today on an early morning news show that Trump actually exected to have his call exposed because he fully expected the leak even though he still doesn't know who it is. He also expects to be impeached by the house and sees it as a huge boon to his reelection chances. I think he's absolutely correct in that regard. He's testing his inner circle to see where the info is coming from. Many suspect any case Trump is apparently surrounded by Roman Senators carrying daggers and just waiting for their opening.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

He could also be impeached for murder, taking the tags off someone else's mattress,, and drunk driving, but he never did any of those things either!

The good thing about the impeachment proceedings is that they are a public record. All the signed names will be published and make great ammo for GOP challengers in the next cycle. I think that Trump sees this a a political chess ruse frankly.
It turned out the whistleblower got his information second hand.
Perfect story for the NYT.
Did he get it secondhand from the Ukrainian leader? If so, Trump's in trouble.

The whistleblower is reportedly an intelligence officer. He could work in the WH, an embassy, or in coordination with the intelligence agencies of our allies. Either way, the ICIG found it credible, which is more than can be said of the monkey feces flung at the unidentified whistleblower.
Big deal. Who cares what this leftist's opinion is?

Democrats be like......

TRUMP is using his hotel to gain profit from visitors at White House......... IMPEACH!!!!!
Damn...that didn't work...

Damn...that didn't work...

Damn...that didn't work...

Damn...that didn't work...

TRUMP - (to be determined)
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment
You want our money going to corrupt countries ?
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

And what do you suggest we do if it turns out the whistleblower is wrong and falsifying information? Should the whistleblower faces any form of charges if their complaint is found to contain false information?
Did you all know that when the sun rises in the East in NYC in China the sun must then be rising in the West right?
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment
"But if"...

Well, we KNOW Biden did it, because we have him admitting it on video...

So, according to your post, Biden could actually be impeached before even being sworn in (assuming the idiot could actually win the election)...
One cannot be impeached without taking office, moron. Plus Biden didn't target his political rival, and Obama was the President.
And no, your "funny" rating can't get Biden impeached either.
neither can you impeach trump. you can't. you can say that until your fking ears fall off, but you can't. all you can do is incorrectly state day after day your TDS, and I'll laugh every day!!!
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

And what do you suggest we do if it turns out the whistleblower is wrong and falsifying information? Should the whistleblower faces any form of charges if their complaint is found to contain false information?
It turns out the whistleblower NEVER heard ANYTHING first hand. EVERYTHING he claims to know came from second hand sources.
Another LIB face plant.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

Since January 2017, you people have made anything and everything about Impeachment. The problem is that the leaders on your side are pussies and are afraid to bring Impeachment against Trump. Shit or get off the pot.

They're not "afraid" to bring impeachment per se, they collectively realize that without irrefutable, smoking gun evidence there isn't any chance that impeachment will lead to a conviction in the Senate. In the meantime impeachment TALK is a nice political tool since completely safe seat douche bags-D like Pelosi can take on the role of saying NO, while other dickweeds-D in more competitive districts can pound the table and "demand justice".

In other words, they can have their cake and eat it too without all the political risk that actually bringing articles of impeachment entails.

In the meantime the mindless drones in that make up the "base" are too distracted by arguments regarding what are "impeachable offenses" to notice they're being manipulated.
tRump could have a corpse at his feet and a bloody knife in his hand and still not get convicted by Moscow Mitch's meatpuppets.

Pelosi and company would still be afraid to bring Impeachment. They just like the constant Impeachment talk.
I just explained why in the post you quoted. There is no chance of a conviction in the Senate no matter what.
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

Since January 2017, you people have made anything and everything about Impeachment. The problem is that the leaders on your side are pussies and are afraid to bring Impeachment against Trump. Shit or get off the pot.

They're not "afraid" to bring impeachment per se, they collectively realize that without irrefutable, smoking gun evidence there isn't any chance that impeachment will lead to a conviction in the Senate. In the meantime impeachment TALK is a nice political tool since completely safe seat douche bags-D like Pelosi can take on the role of saying NO, while other dickweeds-D in more competitive districts can pound the table and "demand justice".

In other words, they can have their cake and eat it too without all the political risk that actually bringing articles of impeachment entails.

In the meantime the mindless drones in that make up the "base" are too distracted by arguments regarding what are "impeachable offenses" to notice they're being manipulated.
tRump could have a corpse at his feet and a bloody knife in his hand and still not get convicted by Moscow Mitch's meatpuppets.

Spoken like a true partisan lemming...:rolleyes:

Meanwhile back on Earth, the dickweeds-D and the dickweeds-R continue their bi-partisan conspiracy to rape, pillage and burn while the partisan pinheads argue over which Political Crime Family has cuter uniforms.

"I'm fed up with party politics, tired of the whole Republicans versus Democrats thing. Because there's no real difference; they're all Mr. Potato-Head candidates. Basically, the operative word is party. Behind closed doors, they just have a good time. What do you think the Secretary of Defense means when he says, "I think there's an open bar somewhere"?" -- Tom Dobbs, Man of the Year
That's nice kid, but what does it have to do with my post?
Without a phone call transcript, we won't know with 100% whether bribery occurred or not in President Trump's phone call to Ukraine.
But if it turns out Trump used military aid as a bargaining tool to get Joe Biden investigated, this law professor says:
The Constitution provides for impeachment in cases of “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Trump’s alleged attempt to strongarm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Bribery is a deeply pernicious form of public corruption, and legal standards spelling out the offense often define it as a quid pro quo — that is, where both sides exchange something of value.
Opinion | Under the Constitution, Trump's Ukraine call is grounds for impeachment

And what do you suggest we do if it turns out the whistleblower is wrong and falsifying information? Should the whistleblower faces any form of charges if their complaint is found to contain false information?

The administration has seen the complaint. None of its arguments against turning it over to Congress claim it is false or lacks credibility. If it did contain false information, I don't think Trump would shut up about it.

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