Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

Why do we want to be such a denerate people?

The "we" you refer to are all the leftists/libtards/progressives/democraps that just love anything perverted and/or sexually deviant/sick. They have no morals and completely disregard the laws of nature. They are as disgusting a bunch of people as the disgusting and perverted shit they love so much.
Actually if you had bothered to read the OP you would have seen this is not true.
But even so my post did not posit that anyone said that. However it is the logical conclusion of the gay marriage debate. If marriage can be defined any way some special interest group wants it defined then it loses all definition and becomes meaningless.
Sort of like your post.

NO. When marriage becomes 'meaningless' is when you select out one variety of marriage and bestow government benefits upon it to the exclusion of all other legitimate forms of marriage.

How is that meaningless? That defines marriage. No one selected one man one woman as the definition. That has been the accepted definition in Western Culture for 2,000 years.

You're a dunce-face.

No it hasn't. It was plucked out of all of the various definitions of marriage and given special privileges in our system of laws.

The Constitution, btw, is not concerned with what some people might think 'marriage' means. The Constitution is concerned with whether or not the selected definition of 'marriage' is such that it is incompatible with the protections afforded individuals in the Constitution.
when gay marriage becomes legal, then there is not way that SCOTUS will deny equal rights to bigamists and polygamists.

the legal system will have a field day with this, lawyers will get rich, and our culture will go down the drain.

two men or two women are not a marriage. but , if they decide to enter into a mutual support contract then they should have the same rights as a married couple.

Now, having said that, how do you on the left intend to stop polygamists and bigamists from demanding those same benefits?
Genetic statistical probabilities are the legitimate reason for banning incestuous marriage?


Prove it.

Here are the laws: chart _2010.pdf

Here is a discussion about the current basis being genetics. - FindLaw Forum: A genetic report should cause a rethinking of incest laws - April 9, 2002

Here is a report on the topic from the Max-Planck-Institute:
II. Incest in Criminology and Genetics
when gay marriage becomes legal, then there is not way that SCOTUS will deny equal rights to bigamists and polygamists.

the legal system will have a field day with this, lawyers will get rich, and our culture will go down the drain.

two men or two women are not a marriage. but , if they decide to enter into a mutual support contract then they should have the same rights as a married couple.

Now, having said that, how do you on the left intend to stop polygamists and bigamists from demanding those same benefits?

They dont care. They want theirs. Everyone else can go hang.
Then why aren't genetic risks not associated with incest also banned from marrying,

and since they aren't, isn't that a simple, irrefutable argument that bans on incestuous marriage are discriminatory?

Yes. We discriminate against murders too.

Laws against murder are not unconstitutional, therefore murderers who are held accountable to the law are not being discriminated against.

Please show where the question had anything to do with the constitutionality of said discrimination.
when gay marriage becomes legal, then there is not way that SCOTUS will deny equal rights to bigamists and polygamists.

the legal system will have a field day with this, lawyers will get rich, and our culture will go down the drain.

two men or two women are not a marriage. but , if they decide to enter into a mutual support contract then they should have the same rights as a married couple.

Now, having said that, how do you on the left intend to stop polygamists and bigamists from demanding those same benefits?

Don't forget the pedophiles. They have the perfect format to follow now since the homos have opened all the doors for them.
when gay marriage becomes legal, then there is not way that SCOTUS will deny equal rights to bigamists and polygamists.

the legal system will have a field day with this, lawyers will get rich, and our culture will go down the drain.

two men or two women are not a marriage. but , if they decide to enter into a mutual support contract then they should have the same rights as a married couple.

Now, having said that, how do you on the left intend to stop polygamists and bigamists from demanding those same benefits?

Don't forget the pedophiles. They have the perfect format to follow now since the homos have opened all the doors for them.

I am sure that NAMBLA is celebrating the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage.

these fricken libtards have no idea what a can of worms they have opened.
My guess is that the normal suspects won't do any research before they comment on this.

When it comes to marriage, the fundamental rights claims and the equal protection arguments often intertwine. For example, Justice Kennedy’s opinion last month striking down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act said that DOMA’s injection of “inequality into the United States Code” violated the “liberty” protected by the Constitution. The “inequality” part is equal protection language; the “liberty” wording is fundamental rights stuff. The analytical box is not all that important. What it boils down to is that when the government wants to exclude groups from something important like marriage, it has to show good reasons for the exclusion. And prejudice—simply thinking something is “icky”—doesn’t count as a reason.
The arguments supporters of same-sex marriage have made in court do not sufficiently distinguish marriage for lesbians and gay men from other possible claimants to the marriage right. If marriage is about the ability to define one’s own family, what’s the argument against allowing brothers and sisters (or first cousins) to wed? If liberty protects, as Kennedy wrote ten years ago in Lawrence v. Texas, the case striking down Texas’s anti-sodomy law, the “right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” why can’t people in polyamorous relationships claim that right as well? If it’s wrong to exclude groups because of prejudice, are we sure the uneasiness most of us feel about those who love more than one, or love one of their own, shouldn't count as prejudice?
In private conversations with leaders in the marriage movement, I often hear two responses. The first is that there is no political energy behind a fight for incestuous or polygamous marriages. The second is that they would be fine if those restrictions fell as well but, in effect, “don’t quote me on that.” The first of these responses, of course, is a political response but not a legal one. The second is to concede the point, with hopes that they won't have to come out of the closet on the concession until more same-sex victories are won in political and legal arenas.
Can we do better? What are the possible distinctions?

The Slippery Slope to Polygamy and Incest

For the intelligent people, Greenfield is a liberal law professor that actually supports same sex marraige.

Kent Greenfield - Boston College

I think those are real fears that must be addressed.

Polygamist were waiting for gay marriage to be legal in order for them to jump on this case law to promote their own cause. Same with pedophiles.

However, in reality I don't see pedophiles or incest getting very far. I think the courts won't extend this verdict towards their cause. Not much support for their cause, the victim's rights outweigh the pedophile's rights.

However, I think polygamist might have a chance. People argue polygamy is no one's business by the family as long as they are consenting adults. However, it is ripe for abuse. Imagine an older couple taking in a young girl (over 18) that needs assistance. They could force her into a plural-marriage to get their support!
The Slippery Slope Fallacy is called a fallacy for a reason.

What the "professor" failed to recognize is that you cannot justify the legalization of a practice that is harmful in the aggregate (incest) by pointing to the legality of one that is not (homosexuality).

Simply put, he's an idiot.

But as long as we are on the subject of polygamy, the only people I have heard making the case for legalizing polygamy are the bigots who are opposed to same sex marriages. They go on and on and on about the "traditional definition of marraige we have had for thousands of years".

Oops! In the Bible, the "traditional" definition from thousands of years ago was polygamy, with special concubine sauce.
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Laws against murder are not unconstitutional, therefore murderers who are held accountable to the law are not being discriminated against.

Please show where the question had anything to do with the constitutionality of said discrimination.

Are the bans on incestuous marriages constitutional or not. In your personal opinion.

I assume by this question you mean was due process afforded by any and/or all of each of the state laws. I can't address them all. I suspect some have basis and some don't.

I believe that in some states the laws written have constitutional basis based on life and liberty of the injured parties over the life and liberty of the parties who perform said injuries on their incest bred children. That would be the argument. For example, a man having children with his mother, or a woman having children with her father. Any babies born to such a government sanctioned act, if so sanctioned, that are injured by the act would and should be able to sue the government for said injury, based on the sanctioning of said act.
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The posts in this topic are classic bigotry using the typical pathetic illogic of bigots. Attempts to equate being gay with being a pedophile.

Since you jackholes can't prove being gay is bad relative to being straight, you have to try to connect it to something which is. To argue that legalizing gay marriages means we have to legalize incest marriages is to argue they are morally the same. I see what you did there.

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The posts in this topic are classic bigotry using the typical pathetic illogic of bigots. Attempts to equate being gay with being a pedophile.

Since you jackholes can't prove being gay is bad relative to being straight, you have to try to connect it to something which is. To argue that legalizing gay marriages means we have to legalize incest marriages is to argue they are morally the same. I see what you did there.


What the fuck does this mindless drek have to do with anything?

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