law requiring 1/2 mill $ escrowed, per kid u want

May 21, 2015
so that the taxpayers don't get shafted for raising YOUR kid. That's what it costs do to a PROPER job of raising a kid today in the US. 22k per year for 23 years, until the kids has a job paying 100k per year or more. THEN the kid is raised properly, and unless/until that is the case, the parents have not done their jobs, and they should be publicly horsewhipped once per year until everyone understands that you have a RESPONSIBILITY to your child and to the public, if you choose to have a kid. If you aint willing/able to fulfill that responsibility, DONT HAVE KIDS. Why is that so hard to understand? POS's just want to foist THEIR responsibility off on everybody else, cause their retardness says "I wanna reproduce". WAAAA, big baby.
Not only that, but parents should be responsible for their kid's actions for their entire lives. That's right! If the kid fucks up and goes to jail, the parents go right along with him.
I see the conservatives have their plan for balancing the budget....
Until they make $100k or more?

No one will raise teachers, firemen, cops, or forestry people? Good plan.

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