Lawmakers want answers after soccer coach accused of recording child rapes admits being illegal alien


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've posted a thread without being able to get through the entire article myself.

But this is truly a horrible thing, and it's all thanks to the Democrats and their open border.

I can't even bring myself to post excerpts, but here is the article:​

Anyone who votes Democrat, is literally supporting child rape.

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've posted a thread without being able to get through the entire article myself.

But this is truly a horrible thing, and it's all thanks to the Democrats and their open border.

I can't even bring myself to post excerpts, but here is the article:​

Anyone who votes Democrat, is literally supporting child rape.
I will never forget the story of the 10 year old girl in Ohio who became pregnant. She went to an Ohio abortion doctor after Ohio voted down abortion on demand after Roe vs. Wade was struck down, so she went to Indiana instead where she could have her daughter obtain an abortion. The doctor in Indiana then, leaked the story to the media in order to shame the right to life crowd for trying to prevent a 10 year old girl from having an abortion.

But then things got weird

Turns out that the abortion doctor broke confidential laws by alerting the media. Also, the lawmakers in Ohio said the story was made up because if there had been an abortion doctor in Ohio that turned down preforming an abortion, he should have alerted authorities about the child rape, but did not. Then the doctor in Indiana realized she must now alert authorities, which then led to a now mandated investigation because the story went viral, that ended up revealing that the person who impregnated the little girl was the live in boyfriend of the woman seeking an abortion for her daughter.

Then things got really weird.

It turs out that the man was an illegal alien who admitted to authorities that he raped the little girl, but the mother of the child refused to believe it and wanted the man to return living with them as he had before, as he raped the girl at will.

In other words, had Roe vs Wade not been overturned, the mother would have repeatedly gone to an abortion doctor in Ohio an infinite number of times as the child rapes went unreported, by a mother who condoned the rape of her own child to the illegal alien cuz it was her boyfriend she cared more about than her own child!.

This is the sort of crap that went on under Roe vs. Wade.

Of course, once it all came out the media suddenly killed the story.

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Being an illegal alien homosexual pedophile rapist makes him a primo Democrat Voter.

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I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've posted a thread without being able to get through the entire article myself.

But this is truly a horrible thing, and it's all thanks to the Democrats and their open border.

I can't even bring myself to post excerpts, but here is the article:​

Anyone who votes Democrat, is literally supporting child rape.
I suspect the illegal alien, confessed to being an illegal alien, hoping to be extradited. Fine with me, but only after serving multiple concurrent life sentences in Riverbend, Max Pen. I don't care about immigration status. I'm a citizen of the state. I want to see punishment meted out, and wouldn't mind him riding the lightning. Then, worry about immigration.
Let the guy go as long as he promises to not come back. And that applies to all the other thousands of illegal pedophiles who come into our country every day.

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've posted a thread without being able to get through the entire article myself.

But this is truly a horrible thing, and it's all thanks to the Democrats and their open border.

I can't even bring myself to post excerpts, but here is the article:​

Anyone who votes Democrat, is literally supporting child rape.
Do libs care about this latest “isolated” incident?

I doubt it

They are determined to turn America into a minority white country through unvetted mass migration no matter what the consequences
Pedos should be castrated as part of their sentence, no option. The proof that it works is beyond question.

In fact in some states it's already a option, in some countries a requirement.
Regardless of his political status the account of a coach who drugged and raped kids should be the major story in the media these days but it seems that the left wing media would rather ignore homosexual rapes.

I'm gonna be honest, this is the first time I've posted a thread without being able to get through the entire article myself.

But this is truly a horrible thing, and it's all thanks to the Democrats and their open border.

I can't even bring myself to post excerpts, but here is the article:​

Anyone who votes Democrat, is literally supporting child rape.
Do U think the statist left has entered into a suicide pact or what???

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