Lawsuite filed agains national emergency declaration alleges Trump violated U.S. constitution


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Lawsuit Filed Against National Emergency Declaration Alleges Trump Violated U.S. Constitution

The first lawsuit has been filed against President Donald Trump‘s controversial national emergency declaration. Several Texas landowners and the Frontera Audobon Society say they’ll be adversely affected by construction for the president’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There isn't anything Trump does that these idiot Democrats won't put a law suite on him for. These retards are fkn mental nuts gone wild.

#infowars thanks for providing great information from this site. Idiots can't handle you writing the same information because their MSM teaches them to parrort what they hear purposely putting out there why they hate this or that push the thought and there you go all your morons all for the same akef information that Obama and Clinton pushed because they knew many idiots were waking up and leaving the DEMONIC***T side of politics.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
Lawsuit Filed Against National Emergency Declaration Alleges Trump Violated U.S. Constitution

The first lawsuit has been filed against President Donald Trump‘s controversial national emergency declaration. Several Texas landowners and the Frontera Audobon Society say they’ll be adversely affected by construction for the president’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There isn't anything Trump does that these idiot Democrats won't put a law suite on him for. These retards are fkn mental nuts gone wild.

#infowars thanks for providing great information from this site. Idiots can't handle you writing the same information because their MSM teaches them to parrort what they hear purposely putting out there why they hate this or that push the thought and there you go all your morons all for the same akef information that Obama and Clinton pushed because they knew many idiots were waking up and leaving the DEMONIC***T side of politics.

Trump supporters are the retards. This is a very serious matter. Real conservatives would oppose what Trump is doing. The Constitution is very clear on this matter.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The Constitution is very clear and there are no ifs, ands or buts in it. Congress has the power of the purse. A law cannot override the Constitution.
As known from the get go................this will be decided in SCOTUS........and the 9th liberal court of liberal ideology appeals would be the place to start the challenge...........a court who have a overturn rate of about 90%............LOL

Doesn't matter to the 9th............they don't care about the law there.........LOL
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
Lawsuit Filed Against National Emergency Declaration Alleges Trump Violated U.S. Constitution

The first lawsuit has been filed against President Donald Trump‘s controversial national emergency declaration. Several Texas landowners and the Frontera Audobon Society say they’ll be adversely affected by construction for the president’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There isn't anything Trump does that these idiot Democrats won't put a law suite on him for. These retards are fkn mental nuts gone wild.

#infowars thanks for providing great information from this site. Idiots can't handle you writing the same information because their MSM teaches them to parrort what they hear purposely putting out there why they hate this or that push the thought and there you go all your morons all for the same akef information that Obama and Clinton pushed because they knew many idiots were waking up and leaving the DEMONIC***T side of politics.
dOnald tRump is a walking, talking, (well babbling) constitutional violation.
Lawsuit Filed Against National Emergency Declaration Alleges Trump Violated U.S. Constitution

The first lawsuit has been filed against President Donald Trump‘s controversial national emergency declaration. Several Texas landowners and the Frontera Audobon Society say they’ll be adversely affected by construction for the president’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There isn't anything Trump does that these idiot Democrats won't put a law suite on him for. These retards are fkn mental nuts gone wild.

#infowars thanks for providing great information from this site. Idiots can't handle you writing the same information because their MSM teaches them to parrort what they hear purposely putting out there why they hate this or that push the thought and there you go all your morons all for the same akef information that Obama and Clinton pushed because they knew many idiots were waking up and leaving the DEMONIC***T side of politics.
dOnald tRump is a walking, talking, (well babbling) constitutional violation.
From a poster who supported the pen and phone retard in office for 8 years....................violated shit all the time.......

Your side loses in elections on will REAP IT 2020.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The election issue Democrats are leaning towards is to eliminate the nation's borders and let anyone in, in any numbers.

See Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat election issue.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The only President to try taking money from the budget without Congressional approval was Truman and he was stopped by the Supreme Court.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The only President to try taking money from the budget without Congressional approval was Truman and he was stopped by the Supreme Court.
Shall we talk about slush funds..........and Obama........

Daca and using unauthorized funds for legal representation of illegals under the programs...

Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The election issue Democrats are leaning towards is to eliminate the nation's borders and let anyone in, in any numbers.

See Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat election issue.
It's always been their purpose............they want POWER...........and illegals are their voters to take that power...........Why they don't give a rats behind about laws of this country when it's suits their agenda...................

I wish Trump would double down on them........and ENFORCE the IMMIGRATION laws on steroids.......There isn't a dang thing they could do about it.........and when they start massive raids of illegals in this country and detaining them.........THEY WOULD BE FORCED TO DO SOMETHING........

We are a Republic of Laws.......and when LAWS are ignored........the REPUBLIC DIES............They don't want a Republic.......unless you consider it a BANANA REPUBLIC..........

This issue has brought their true colors out for all to see...........and they will PAY DEARLY IN 2020 for it.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The only President to try taking money from the budget without Congressional approval was Truman and he was stopped by the Supreme Court.
Shall we talk about slush funds..........and Obama........

Daca and using unauthorized funds for legal representation of illegals under the programs...

No, we won't talk about that, because (1) it's a bunch of twisted horseshit and (2) this is about fucking TRUMP.
The Death of Obama’s Slush Funds

Banks were made to fund left-wing activists such as NeighborWorks—though these groups were neither victims nor parties to lawsuits. In 2015 JP Morgan was required to pay $7.5 million to the American Bankruptcy Institute’s endowment for financial education. In 2016Volkswagen was required to invest $2 billion in zero-emissions technology and promote zero-emissions cars. Government enforcement became an income redistribution mechanism without having to go through Congress.

Mr. Sessions’s brief memo instructs Justice’s 94 U.S. Attorneys to immediately halt the practice. It correctly notes that financial penalties are designed to punish and provide relief to victims—not to generate political payola. Save for limited exceptions—such as payments expressly authorized by statute—the memo instructs that future settlement money will go directly to victims or to the U.S. Treasury.

Credit in particular goes to Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte, who introduced legislation in 2016 to stop the practice. Mr. Goodlatte has more recently called on Justice to claw back an estimated $380 million the Agriculture Department paid to special interests to settle a discrimination class action—which is worth investigating. But at least this abuse of enforcement power is over for now.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The only President to try taking money from the budget without Congressional approval was Truman and he was stopped by the Supreme Court.
Shall we talk about slush funds..........and Obama........

Daca and using unauthorized funds for legal representation of illegals under the programs...

No, we won't talk about that, because (1) it's a bunch of twisted horseshit and (2) this is about fucking TRUMP.
You don't want to look at the use of it to others............who abused it on steroids.............Because it makes your sides ARGUMENT SUCK.......

This is for securing the border which is WELL WITHIN the Presidents Authority.............You WILL LOSE IN SCOTUS............the slush funds from Obama were CRAP.............

Senate Hearing Exposes Billion-Dollar Amnesty Slush Fund and Other USCIS Improprieties

USCIS Slush Fund for Amnesty. Moore revealed that USCIS has accumulated a "reserve fund" of unexpended revenues that now totals $1.2 billion (with a "B"). The agency has a policy to maintain a reserve balance of $600 million to help it manage in the event of revenue fluctuations, but USCIS is using these funds to launch the new executive amnesty programs (without any statutory authorization). One cannot help but wonder how this reserve fund got so big over the years, because by law USCIS is supposed to charge fees that reflect the exact cost of processing the benefits. Did they overcharge millions of legal applicants or cut corners on the processing of benefits? Both?

Sen. Tom Tillis (R-N.C.) asked why USCIS has not used its huge cash reserves to reduce the processing backlogs for legal applicants instead of setting up unconstitutional work permit programs for illegal aliens.

USCIS had already spent $11 million getting ready for the new executive amnesty until it was blocked by a federal judge in mid-February. About $7 million was spent to lease office space in Crystal City, Va., and those rent payments still need to be made whether the program goes forward or not. The total cost of the processing facility alone is estimated to be $26.2 million.

Before the program was stopped, USCIS had hired "one or two" people to work on the program and had made job offers to 360 others, which are now on hold. The plan is for the amnesty applications to be adjudicated by 700-800 brand-new employees, with no experience in evaluating immigration applications.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The election issue Democrats are leaning towards is to eliminate the nation's borders and let anyone in, in any numbers.

See Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat election issue.
Every map I see has borders on it.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The election issue Democrats are leaning towards is to eliminate the nation's borders and let anyone in, in any numbers.

See Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat election issue.
Every map I see has borders on it.
And every border belongs to one country or the other..........and every country has the right to defend that border..........

The right to secure our Southern WELL WITHIN the President's right to secure it............Dems gonna lose big on this.

They will regret not funding the wall............the military will build it quicker and cheaper now.............

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