Lawsuite filed agains national emergency declaration alleges Trump violated U.S. constitution

dOnald tRump is a walking, talking, (well babbling) constitutional violation.
From a poster who supported the pen and phone retard in office for 8 years....................violated shit all the time.......

Your side loses in elections on will REAP IT 2020.
Yeah... Nope. No constitutional violations that I was aware of.

Shit-loads of conservitard hyperbole though.
You look from a biased place.............he violated the hell out of this..........for stuff NOT APPROVED BY CONGRESS............

KARMA is a bitch now isn't it.........
List some examples. Real ones, not crap from Infowars or brieghtbart.
I gave the slush funds used..........something that ended under Trump.........used for legal representation for Daca and Dreamers............Now you show me the Congressional approval for the use of those funds for it.............

I'll be waiting...........a long time for that take this argument on Trump can't do it for the wall and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
If I'm reading that jumbled garbage right you're claiming "slush funds" were raided to pay for things, but you haven't named the funds or the projects even though you claim to have.

Try making complete sentences.

Meanwhile no president has ever declared a fake emergency to gain funding denied by congress like Cheeto Jesus is trying to do.
From a poster who supported the pen and phone retard in office for 8 years....................violated shit all the time.......

Your side loses in elections on will REAP IT 2020.
Yeah... Nope. No constitutional violations that I was aware of.

Shit-loads of conservitard hyperbole though.
You look from a biased place.............he violated the hell out of this..........for stuff NOT APPROVED BY CONGRESS............

KARMA is a bitch now isn't it.........
List some examples. Real ones, not crap from Infowars or brieghtbart.
I gave the slush funds used..........something that ended under Trump.........used for legal representation for Daca and Dreamers............Now you show me the Congressional approval for the use of those funds for it.............

I'll be waiting...........a long time for that take this argument on Trump can't do it for the wall and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
If I'm reading that jumbled garbage right you're claiming "slush funds" were raided to pay for things, but you haven't named the funds or the projects even though you claim to have.

Try making complete sentences.

Meanwhile no president has ever declared a fake emergency to gain funding denied by congress like Cheeto Jesus is trying to do.
Up yours. They were in the articles I posted.......have a nice day Snowflake.
It is only there to deter doesn't mean it can't be compromised.
Maybe in theory some "human fly" illegal could scale the wall. I wouldn't imagine that would be a very frequent occurrence.

Like I said, the best evidence that the wall will greatly reduce illegal border crossings is the fact the the left is so determined to stop it. Thank you Schumer, Pelosi and other democrat Fifth Columnists for being a shining beacon of anti Americanism.
Yeah... Nope. No constitutional violations that I was aware of.

Shit-loads of conservitard hyperbole though.
You look from a biased place.............he violated the hell out of this..........for stuff NOT APPROVED BY CONGRESS............

KARMA is a bitch now isn't it.........
List some examples. Real ones, not crap from Infowars or brieghtbart.
I gave the slush funds used..........something that ended under Trump.........used for legal representation for Daca and Dreamers............Now you show me the Congressional approval for the use of those funds for it.............

I'll be waiting...........a long time for that take this argument on Trump can't do it for the wall and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
If I'm reading that jumbled garbage right you're claiming "slush funds" were raided to pay for things, but you haven't named the funds or the projects even though you claim to have.

Try making complete sentences.

Meanwhile no president has ever declared a fake emergency to gain funding denied by congress like Cheeto Jesus is trying to do.
Up yours. They were in the articles I posted.......have a nice day Snowflake.
You mean the wall street journal paywall? Yeah, that was helpful. Also mostly likely an op/Ed. That seems to be their specialty ok anything not related to their core topic.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Collins should just change to a Democrat..............she isn't a Conservative or a Republican...........should be true to what she really is and always has been............
Funny, the Dems say she only pretends not to be a Republican. Maybe that's why I like her--she befuddles everyone but when it comes to right and wrong, she stands up on her hind legs.
Lawsuit Filed Against National Emergency Declaration Alleges Trump Violated U.S. Constitution

The first lawsuit has been filed against President Donald Trump‘s controversial national emergency declaration. Several Texas landowners and the Frontera Audobon Society say they’ll be adversely affected by construction for the president’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

There isn't anything Trump does that these idiot Democrats won't put a law suite on him for. These retards are fkn mental nuts gone wild.

#infowars thanks for providing great information from this site. Idiots can't handle you writing the same information because their MSM teaches them to parrort what they hear purposely putting out there why they hate this or that push the thought and there you go all your morons all for the same akef information that Obama and Clinton pushed because they knew many idiots were waking up and leaving the DEMONIC***T side of politics.
Of course they filed. It's unconstitutional.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
NE's were declared because of war, terrorism, conflict, violence, etc. No one ever declared a humanitarian crisis of refugees turning themselves in at the border, a NE.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The election issue Democrats are leaning towards is to eliminate the nation's borders and let anyone in, in any numbers.

See Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat election issue.
Every map I see has borders on it.
And every border belongs to one country or the other..........and every country has the right to defend that border..........

The right to secure our Southern WELL WITHIN the President's right to secure it............Dems gonna lose big on this.

They will regret not funding the wall............the military will build it quicker and cheaper now.............
If the military is on the border then no fence is needed..
No wall will be built but a fence will be..There is no sure way to keep them all out. Just as the injuns figured out and the Romans..'s all a barrier designed to keep people out.
I didn't know the Native Americans ever tried to build a wall designed to keep Europeans out of the continent. :113:

And the Romans constructed a long wall in Scotland designed to keep the savage Scots out of England, which was occupied by the Romans. It worked very well.

Thanks for your interesting view point. We don't hear the revisionists side of things often enough.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
Why do you want the US to be invaded?
No wall will be built but a fence will be..There is no sure way to keep them all out. Just as the injuns figured out and the Romans..'s all a barrier designed to keep people out.
I didn't know the Native Americans ever tried to build a wall designed to keep Europeans out of the continent. :113:

And the Romans constructed a long wall in Scotland designed to keep the savage Scots out of England, which was occupied by the Romans. It worked very well.

Thanks for your interesting view point. We don't hear the revisionists side of things often enough.
Hear it my ass. All you have to do is see it;
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
Why do you want the US to be invaded?
Invaded by who?
The invaders breaking in across our southern border.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Nah she won't be the only one that's no surprise. As I said shows us who needs to be primaried if you can't stand up for America then fuck ya. Even if it does pass there is ZERO chance it will get 3/4ths of congress to override a veto LOL!
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
Why do you want the US to be invaded?
Invaded by who?
The invaders breaking in across our southern border.
Illegal immigration is at a fifty year low. El Paso Texas said there is no invasion. No one knows what you are talking about?
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
Why do you want the US to be invaded?
Invaded by who?
The invaders breaking in across our southern border.
Illegal immigration is at a fifty year low. El Paso Texas said there is no invasion. No one knows what you are talking about?
Then they’re being dropped in from airplanes.
Made up invasion. Made up constitutional crisis. Trump will go down in the courts especially since the moron admitted it was all made up at his press conference.

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