Lawsuite filed agains national emergency declaration alleges Trump violated U.S. constitution

A law cannot contradict the Constitution so the way Trump is using it is unconstitutional. A federal judge who is sworn to uphold the Constitution will be shirking their duties if they do not stop this.
Except that's not what's happening. Go back to sleep, little sheep.
I will ask the same question that Chris Wallace asked Stephen Miller which he could not answer. Name one national emergency in which Congress refused to fund a program and that President then declared a national emergency to spend the money on that program.
I don't believe Congress has ever tried to humiliate, punish, obstruct and harass any president of the United States like this by withholding funding before so the question is moot, and disingenuous, I'd say.

That Donald Trump must formally declare a national emergency to gain funding through other channels than Congress for a problem that truly qualifies as a national emergency says so much about a party that is willing to see the nation suffer massive failures to protect the people (which is what our Southern border has represented for decades) than give Trump any support at all. Especially considering the democrats already voted to fund barriers at the border and upgrading of our security not long before Trump came along. Now they act like they can't hear the question when the matter is brought up

Once again the hypocrisy by the left here is so massive it's become a psychological feature of the D-bag party.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Collins should just change to a Democrat..............she isn't a Conservative or a Republican...........should be true to what she really is and always has been............

None of those were to appropriate funds that Congress had already denied.
Try to keep up....Trump's national emergency will get NO funding from Congress specifically for his wall.
That money will come from other money already approved by Congress. Much will come from the Pentagon, for instance.

The left will waste lots of time and money trying to stop him from using the authority the Constitution clearly grants him. In the end they will lose again.

The Constitution does not grant a President the power to declare a national emergency. However this is.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

A law cannot contradict the Constitution so the way Trump is using it is unconstitutional. A federal judge who is sworn to uphold the Constitution will be shirking their duties if they do not stop this.
Pretty ignorant of the constitution obviously.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Nah she won't be the only one that's no surprise. As I said shows us who needs to be primaried if you can't stand up for America then fuck ya. Even if it does pass there is ZERO chance it will get 3/4ths of congress to override a veto LOL!

Just like you primaried Mark Sanford who promptly lost the seat to a Democrat. Just like you primaried Tim Pawlenty and Democrats took the Governor's office. If Collins is successfully primaried then Democrats will take the seat.
Tell me,would you rather have a democrat who bashed you president and voted against the policies you want even though they claimed to be a democrat or would you rather have a Republican in that seat? Sanford was a piece of shit who cheated on his wife when he was supposed to be running the state,the woman that beat him lost because the immoral democrap was campaigning when she was in the hospital recovering from an injury,Pawlenty was a has been in a blue state..not a surprise he lost. Collins is a RINO and I would rather see a democrat in her seat than a fake republican just like Gardner in Colorado.
Pretty ignorant of the constitution obviously.
And she's pretty ignorant of the issue as a whole. Trump is declaring a national emergency not to get money from Congress but to gain access to funds already approved by Congress for other purposes.
She has a fundamental misunderstanding of the whole issue. All she knows is she hates Donald Trump.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Nah she won't be the only one that's no surprise. As I said shows us who needs to be primaried if you can't stand up for America then fuck ya. Even if it does pass there is ZERO chance it will get 3/4ths of congress to override a veto LOL!

Just like you primaried Mark Sanford who promptly lost the seat to a Democrat. Just like you primaried Tim Pawlenty and Democrats took the Governor's office. If Collins is successfully primaried then Democrats will take the seat.
Tell me,would you rather have a democrat who bashed you president and voted against the policies you want even though they claimed to be a democrat or would you rather have a Republican in that seat? Sanford was a piece of shit who cheated on his wife when he was supposed to be running the state,the woman that beat him lost because the immoral democrap was campaigning when she was in the hospital recovering from an injury,Pawlenty was a has been in a blue state..not a surprise he lost. Collins is a RINO and I would rather see a democrat in her seat than a fake republican just like Gardner in Colorado.
The swamp is deep with many levels. Levels of safety for the globalist doctrines. I do not mind left and moderate Repubs and their votes. It is just they become dumb as the Progressive Socialists who are to the left of Chairman Mao and control the Democratic Party keep moving things to the far left and they play dumb helping them along.
Whether the wall is built or not, America is still doomed to become a third-world shit hole (former) country so long as there is a single Democrat in Congress or, indeed, any elective office.
The executive has plenary power to protect the nation from invasion. Trump is on excellent legal ground.

That he is.

And how many times has the National Security title been used and by how many presidents??

Trump is on very safe ground and he knows it.
What a Difference a Year Makes in the Justice Department | National Review

Wonder if the left understands what is in that article..............Trump offered a stay of their deportation.............but DACA was BS...........and he COULD DEPORT ALL OF THEM............LEGALLY..........

They cannot be deported until the court cases are over. The Supreme Court has refused to take a DACA case and turned down Trump's attempts to fast track it.
Then why are they offering extensions to make sure they are safe..........and why the proposed deals on the wall to extend that E.O. Your is a temporary stay of deportation..................and they could be deported without it.

If not..........why the deals over it...........or offers..........Was an E.O.............NOT A LAW.
On Monday, the Congress will no doubt vote to revoke the declaration. The House has plenty of people to pass it and the Senate will not get all Republicans to agree with this fiasco move.

Or they'd better. They've seen this coming, so they'd better have the paperwork ready.
It won't pass. Be nice to know who to primary for us GOP voters next year though :)
It had better pass. Collins has already said this is a mistake. She will not be the only one.
Collins should just change to a Democrat..............she isn't a Conservative or a Republican...........should be true to what she really is and always has been............

None of those were to appropriate funds that Congress had already denied.
Try to keep up....Trump's national emergency will get NO funding from Congress specifically for his wall.
That money will come from other money already approved by Congress. Much will come from the Pentagon, for instance.

The left will waste lots of time and money trying to stop him from using the authority the Constitution clearly grants him. In the end they will lose again.

The Constitution does not grant a President the power to declare a national emergency. However this is.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

A law cannot contradict the Constitution so the way Trump is using it is unconstitutional. A federal judge who is sworn to uphold the Constitution will be shirking their duties if they do not stop this.
Mighty funny your side playing the Law Game.........when your Leftist states offer Sanctuary to those VIOLATING OUR LAWS..........Face it........those here illegally are in Violation of our Laws whether it be 1 day or 30 years............Since they never came here legally.........they are subject to the laws you quote every single day.

In regards to the Executive Dept................Protecting our borders is well within the scope and authority under the Constitution..........To stop drugs and ENFORCE THE LAW..............The current loop holes put in there by LEFTIST POLITICAL HACKS being the main problem............who want a new batch of voters to GAIN POWER...........You know it.........and we Know it..............Everything else is just BS..............

That way you can Detroit the entire nation............Amazing how the Big Businesses in New York and California are hauling ass because of Democratic STUPIDITY.........

The right to defend the border and build the wall will WIN IN SCOTUS............just going to take some build the barrier is ALREADY THE LAW..............granted in 2006 under the Secure Fence Act..............where the Political CAREER HACKS promised the moon and delivered an Anthill..........Only spent about 2 billion over 10 years after signed.........and SQUANDERED THE REST.............

Just like the self serving Politicians they are now.
Many national emergencies were every President for 50 years................just as this one...............

Liberals will lose in the Supremes...................but will drag it out until it's an election issue............

More BS from the political WHORES in Congress................and the Senate...........Walking billboards to why we need term limits.
The only President to try taking money from the budget without Congressional approval was Truman and he was stopped by the Supreme Court.
There is over 5 billion, using DOD and DHS funds, which he can legally move, without the declaration, that will not be affected by this or any court challenge. You have already lost this battle and You don't even know it.. The court cases will simply keep this on the front burner through the election.. And on this subject you lose badly...

The Democrats sure did lose the midterms. They took over the House and only lost 2 Senate seats despite the huge advantage Republicans had in the Senate map. 2/3 of voters oppose a national emergency.
Over half a Century since the incumbent didn't lose Senators in a midterm election...........LET THAT SINK IN.........

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