Lawyer representing Covington kids receives bomb threat after giving celebs 48hr notice to retract o


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Social Justice Terrorists mobilize quickly don’t they?
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

Lol.....everyone and their brother now knows the story was fake.


Dont get so hysterical about st00pid stuff. Like I've told you before, you'll be one of the first to lose all your shit if things spiral out of control. All the ghey types will lose their shit....just sayin!:113:
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

Lol.....everyone and their brother now knows the story was fake.


It's on video. Video is not negotiable. You lose.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

We'll see what 12 Angry Men in Kenton County say when Bezos, Carlos Slim and other deep pocketed journalists stand in the dock.

My guess is the Covington boys will be very rich indeed.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

We'll see what 12 Angry Men in Kenton County say when Bezos, Carlos Slim and other deep pocketed journalists stand in the dock.

My guess is the Covington boys will be very rich indeed.

Still, yet, another, post that has zero to offer as far as any evidence of "libel".

Once again for the rhetorically inebriated, the news media simply reported that a video had gone viral, and showed it.
Well ---- that's true; a video did go viral. Several did. AND---?

What's the game here? Are we going to pretend to get hung up on what constitutes "viral"? Is there supposed to be some quantity that was not met?

Y'all are as desperately ignorant as that hack who claimed he was going to sue CNN or whoever it was for reporting how a heckler heckled Sean Spicer at a book signing. Again, same thing, that DID happen and it IS on video.

Y'all fascisti think you can threaten people with phantom "lawsuits" so you can have your monologue and nobody can dare take issue. That ain't gonna happen outside your comic books.. Believe me.
I would say this terrorism is beneath the left but unfortunately it is not. And I'd like to think Russians are behind
all the social turmoil but they can't control all of our idiot celebtitards, media Bolshevicks and political douchebags.

Somebody opened a bag of demons, devils and lunatics when King Obama left office and let them loose.

Ironically their crazed anger is just paving the way for a second term for Trump.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

We'll see what 12 Angry Men in Kenton County say when Bezos, Carlos Slim and other deep pocketed journalists stand in the dock.

My guess is the Covington boys will be very rich indeed.

Still, yet, another, post that has zero to offer as far as any evidence of "libel".

Once again for the rhetorically inebriated, the news media simply reported that a video had gone viral, and showed it.
Well ---- that's true; a video did go viral. Several did. AND---?

What's the game here? Are we going to pretend to get hung up on what constitutes "viral"? Is there supposed to be some quantity that was not met?

Y'all are as desperately ignorant as that hack who claimed he was going to sue CNN or whoever it was for reporting how a heckler heckled Sean Spicer at a book signing. Again, same thing, that DID happen and it IS on video.

Y'all fascisti think you can threaten people with phantom "lawsuits" so you can have your monologue and nobody can dare take issue. That ain't gonna happen outside your comic books.. Believe me.

Here's the problem, there are leading celebrities threatening all kinds of torts against the Covington boys- blowing up their school, denying them college admissions, punching them in the face, because of the Media reporting. Doofuses like Kathy Griffin are easily manipulated, but are part of the audience of the Media. They bare some responsibility for false reports on these children and people's reactions.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

We'll see what 12 Angry Men in Kenton County say when Bezos, Carlos Slim and other deep pocketed journalists stand in the dock.

My guess is the Covington boys will be very rich indeed.

Still, yet, another, post that has zero to offer as far as any evidence of "libel".

Once again for the rhetorically inebriated, the news media simply reported that a video had gone viral, and showed it.
Well ---- that's true; a video did go viral. Several did. AND---?

What's the game here? Are we going to pretend to get hung up on what constitutes "viral"? Is there supposed to be some quantity that was not met?

Y'all are as desperately ignorant as that hack who claimed he was going to sue CNN or whoever it was for reporting how a heckler heckled Sean Spicer at a book signing. Again, same thing, that DID happen and it IS on video.

Y'all fascisti think you can threaten people with phantom "lawsuits" so you can have your monologue and nobody can dare take issue. That ain't gonna happen outside your comic books.. Believe me.

Here's the problem, there are leading celebrities threatening all kinds of torts against the Covington boys- blowing up their school, denying them college admissions, punching them in the face, because of the Media reporting. Doofuses like Kathy Griffin are easily manipulated, but are part of the audience of the Media. They bare some responsibility for false reports on these children and people's reactions.


So lemme get this straight.

"Leading celebrities", whatever that means, "bare" some responsibility for false reports that nobody can quote, because "leading celebrities" are who report the news. Yeah I think you'd better regroup.

Again, it's a simple video. There's no reason to extrapolate it out to more than it is.
I would say this terrorism is beneath the left but unfortunately it is not. And I'd like to think Russians are behind
all the social turmoil but they can't control all of our idiot celebtitards, media Bolshevicks and political douchebags.

Somebody opened a bag of demons, devils and lunatics when King Obama left office and let them loose.

Ironically their crazed anger is just paving the way for a second term for Trump.

And then there's this wackadoodle, still desperately trying to make it about 'politics'.
The threat comes after he gave 48 hour notice for celebrities, media outlets, politicians and journalists 48 hours to retract and apologize for any defamatory statements against the Covington kids or potentially be named in lawsuits next week.

BREAKING: Lawyer Representing Covington Kids Receives Bomb Threat After Giving Celebs and Journalists 48 Hour Notice to Retract or Face Lawsuits

Hopefully he sues the hell out of all of these pos losers

Your link is the fucking Hateway Plunder, moron. And it cites a Fox Noise interviewing a lawyer who says:

>> Robert Barnes told FOX and Friends: Because these are all private citizens and many of them minors and kids the law is that saying anything about them is libel. <<


Actually on the video he actually says "saying anything false about them" ---- which your sterling shitfaced Jim Fucking Hoft completely perverted to "you can't say anything". I copied that directly off his page and you'll note he put the quote there without quotation marks. That's Jim Fucking Hoft's way of weaseling out of HIS false statement.

NOR, anywhere, in the articles or the video, does anyone, Fox Noise, the lawyer, or Jim Fucking Hoft, offer any evidence at all, anywhere, of any such "false statements' made by ANYBODY.

The story is the video. There's nothing to "falsify" about it.

Furthermore I've challenged posters on this board for the last three days to document any such "false statements" or grounds for libel. To date I've received a total of ZERO.

What an irony that you post a link to a known bullshit site talking about "false statements" and the only actual false statement in the whole article is by Jim Fucking Hoft.

This is a fake lawyer blowing smoke depending on the ignorant to think "golly, he must know what he's talking about". He doesn't. I guarantee you after this "48 hours" posing and strutting there's nothing happening in the courts. Don't be so fucking gullible.

We'll see what 12 Angry Men in Kenton County say when Bezos, Carlos Slim and other deep pocketed journalists stand in the dock.

My guess is the Covington boys will be very rich indeed.

Still, yet, another, post that has zero to offer as far as any evidence of "libel".

Once again for the rhetorically inebriated, the news media simply reported that a video had gone viral, and showed it.
Well ---- that's true; a video did go viral. Several did. AND---?

What's the game here? Are we going to pretend to get hung up on what constitutes "viral"? Is there supposed to be some quantity that was not met?

Y'all are as desperately ignorant as that hack who claimed he was going to sue CNN or whoever it was for reporting how a heckler heckled Sean Spicer at a book signing. Again, same thing, that DID happen and it IS on video.

Y'all fascisti think you can threaten people with phantom "lawsuits" so you can have your monologue and nobody can dare take issue. That ain't gonna happen outside your comic books.. Believe me.

Here's the problem, there are leading celebrities threatening all kinds of torts against the Covington boys- blowing up their school, denying them college admissions, punching them in the face, because of the Media reporting. Doofuses like Kathy Griffin are easily manipulated, but are part of the audience of the Media. They bare some responsibility for false reports on these children and people's reactions.


So lemme get this straight.

"Leading celebrities", whatever that means, "bare" some responsibility for false reports that nobody can quote, because "leading celebrities" are who report the news. Yeah I think you'd better regroup.

Again, it's a simple video. There's no reason to extrapolate it out to more than it is.

Translation: Pogo is clinging to the mast as the ship is going under. Claiming all the while that everything is fine. News flash: death threats and libel are NOT protected speech. The kids have been proven right. There will be consequences. You lose again, deal with it.

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