Lawyer writes about how stupid and weird black clients are

you post an anti-black thread, and then accuse others of racism?

thats rich.

I'm not a racist. Only racism in america is affirmative action and i oppose that. But YOU love it.

Racism is defined as "having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another".

Your article wasn't implying that one race was better or worse than others?

Let's keep it honest Shootspeeders...


Shootspeeder doesn't own a dictionary and is too illiterate to look up what words mean.
I have had a lot of black clients.

There is something about black clients this lawyer fails to mention. They might be late. They might not show up. They might do stupid things but they always pay in cash.

You're not a lawyer, you idiot, and everybody knows you aren't. HAHAHA. No wonder you don't have any friends. Nobody likes a liar.

You are a degenerate piece of shit.
Shootspeeder doesn't own a dictionary and is too illiterate to look up what words mean.

Of course he is, but look who's talking... :rolleyes:

You are just confused. Did you finally figure out you had lost your mind thinking I was 2 people at the same time overwhelming you? :lol:

Stop avoiding the issue, sock. You know your command of the English language is hardly masterful. Glass houses and all that.
The Stupidest Things Lawyers and Witnesses Say In a Court of Law

What follows is a selection of the most idiotic phrases ever uttered in a court of law by attorneys and their witnesses. Three cheers for the permanence of official court records! If you’d like more of this sort of idiocy, you should take a look at Disorder in the Court.

* Lawyer: “Was that the same nose you broke as a child?”
* Witness: “I only have one, you know.”

* Lawyer: “Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?”
* Witness: “By death.”
* Lawyer: “And by whose death was it terminated?”

* Accused, Defending His Own Case: “Did you get a good look at my face when I took your purse?”

The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in jail.

* Lawyer: “What is your date of birth?”
* Witness: “July 15th.”
* Lawyer: “What year?”
* Witness: “Every year.”

* Lawyer: “Can you tell us what was stolen from your house?”
* Witness: “There was a rifle that belonged to my father that was stolen from the hall closet.”
* Lawyer: “Can you identify the rifle?”
* Witness: “Yes. There was something written on the side of it.”
* Lawyer: “And what did the writing say?”
* Witness: “‘Winchester’!”

* Lawyer: “What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?”
* Witness: “Gucci sweats and Reeboks.”

* Lawyer: “Can you describe what the person who attacked you looked like?”
* Witness: “No. He was wearing a mask.”
* Lawyer: “What was he wearing under the mask?”
* Witness: “Er…his face.”

* Lawyer: “This myasthenia gravis — does it affect your memory at all?”
* Witness: “Yes.”
* Lawyer: “And in what ways does it affect your memory?”
* Witness: “I forget.”
* Lawyer: “You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you’ve forgotten?”

* Lawyer: “How old is your son, the one living with you?”
* Witness: “Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which.”
* Lawyer: “How long has he lived with you?”
* Witness: “Forty-five years.”

* Lawyer: “What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke that morning?”
* Witness: “He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’”
* Lawyer: “And why did that upset you?”
* Witness: “My name is Susan.”

* Lawyer: “Sir, what is your IQ?”
* Witness: “Well, I can see pretty well, I think.”

* Lawyer: “Did you blow your horn or anything?”
* Witness: “After the accident?”
* Lawyer: “Before the accident.”
* Witness: “Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.”

* Lawyer: “Trooper, when you stopped the defendant, were your red and blue lights flashing?”
* Witness: “Yes.”
* Lawyer: “Did the defendant say anything when she got out of her car?”
* Witness: “Yes, sir.”
* Lawyer: “What did she say?”
* Witness: “‘What disco am I at?’”

* Lawyer: “Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?”
* Witness: “No.”
* Lawyer: “Did you check for blood pressure?”
* Witness: “No.”
* Lawyer: “Did you check for breathing?”
* Witness: “No.”
* Lawyer: “So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?”
* Witness: “No.”
* Lawyer: “How can you be so sure, Doctor?”
* Witness: “Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.”
* Lawyer: “But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?”
* Witness: “Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.”

* Lawyer: “How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?”

* Lawyer: “And you check your radar unit frequently?”
* Officer: “Yes, I do.”
* Lawyer: “And was your radar unit functioning correctly at the time you had the plaintiff on radar?”
* Officer: “Yes, it was malfunctioning correctly.”

* Lawyer: “What happened then?”
* Witness: “He told me, he says, ‘I have to kill you because you can identify me.’”
* Lawyer: “Did he kill you?”
* Witness: “No.”

Read more: The Stupidest Things Lawyers and Witnesses Say In a Court of Law
With all the obvious things available to criticize that asshole Shitshisspeedos about, you have to choose a failing you happen to share with him? Poor decision making, very poor.
Thread cleaned. Please try to keep it civil and on topic.

For the Record, Asclepias's IP's come up clean.
Funny whenever people start talking rational sense in Shootspeeder's threads, he always immediately bails...

Typically when he makes threads it is just to stir up a reaction, his targets are black people and gay people.

I don't take him seriously anymore.

Racism is defined as "having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another".

Your article wasn't implying that one race was better or worse than others?

Let's keep it honest Shootspeeders...


Liar. Racism is defined as when a govt passes laws that persecute based on skin color and that's affirmative action.

I don't believe in thought crimes. If people want to THINK they are superior, what do i care.

Funny whenever people start talking rational sense in Shootspeeder's threads, he always immediately bails...

Typically when he makes threads it is just to stir up a reaction, his targets are black people and gay people.

I don't take him seriously anymore.

So why don't you put me on ignore? Lord knows i don't want your imbecility and hate cluttering up my threads.
Funny whenever people start talking rational sense in Shootspeeder's threads, he always immediately bails...

Typically when he makes threads it is just to stir up a reaction, his targets are black people and gay people.

I don't take him seriously anymore.

So why don't you put me on ignore? Lord knows i don't want your imbecility and hate cluttering up my threads.

I don't have any hate for you, I read your threads so that when you link misinformation I can counter it with research to link and discredit it.

Sometimes you just make threads stating your personal opinion and in that case I just don't take the thread seriously.


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