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Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo chose to publish the defamatory statements against Sandmann without performing due diligence to verify that they were true. They were therefore acting negligently when they failed to ascertain the veracity of the defamatory statements they published.

And negligence is all Sandmann, as a private person, had to show. If he was a public figure he would have had to prove they did it intentionally.

"Defamatory statements" you can't show, that's number one.

Here's number two:
You don't *NEED* to verify anybody's statements when you interview them. The interviewee is not a fucking reporter. You report what they said, accurately, whether it's true, false, speculation, opinion, defamatory or a fucking trigonometry equation. The news there is "SUBJECT SAID X". PERIOD, FULL STOP, WAITER CHECK PLEASE, CUE FAT LADY, ROLL CREDITS, FADE TO BLACK, FIN.

If you DON'T report what they said accurately, THEN you're in doodoo. The fact that your ass hurts over what the subject had to say is irrelevant to anything.
Bullshit. They could have chose not to negligently publish the defamatory lies about Sandmann. Publishing defamatory lies via an interview that they solicited from Phillips does not absolve them of wrongdoing.

Apparently they did choose that, since no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever been able to show us where they published any such thing.

---- and??

"A video went viral". It did. "Sandmann said this". He did. "Phillips said that". He did. The ENTIRE video is "A said this, B said that".

It's all true. Prove it isn't.

Oh by the way it's all on video, so you CAN'T.

You lose.

Now quit wasting my time and go get a life.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo chose to publish the defamatory statements against Sandmann without performing due diligence to verify that they were true. They were therefore acting negligently when they failed to ascertain the veracity of the defamatory statements they published.

And negligence is all Sandmann, as a private person, had to show. If he was a public figure he would have had to prove they did it intentionally.

"Defamatory statements" you can't show, that's number one.

Here's number two:
You don't *NEED* to verify anybody's statements when you interview them. The interviewee is not a fucking reporter. You report what they said, accurately, whether it's true, false, speculation, opinion, defamatory or a fucking trigonometry equation. The news there is "SUBJECT SAID X". PERIOD, FULL STOP, WAITER CHECK PLEASE, CUE FAT LADY, ROLL CREDITS, FADE TO BLACK, FIN.

If you DON'T report what they said accurately, THEN you're in doodoo. The fact that your ass hurts over what the subject had to say is irrelevant to anything.
Bullshit. They could have chose not to negligently publish the defamatory lies about Sandmann. Publishing defamatory lies via an interview that they solicited from Phillips does not absolve them of wrongdoing.

Apparently they did choose that, since no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever been able to show us where they published any such thing.

---- and??

"A video went viral". It did. "Sandmann said this". He did. "Phillips said that". He did. The ENTIRE video is "A said this, B said that".

It's all true. Prove it isn't.

Oh by the way it's all on video, so you CAN'T.

You lose.

Now quit wasting my time and go get a life.

Awwww poor widdle pogo getting his ass handed to him.

You failed. Every prediction you made was WRONG. Do us a favor and piss off.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo chose to publish the defamatory statements against Sandmann without performing due diligence to verify that they were true. They were therefore acting negligently when they failed to ascertain the veracity of the defamatory statements they published.

And negligence is all Sandmann, as a private person, had to show. If he was a public figure he would have had to prove they did it intentionally.

"Defamatory statements" you can't show, that's number one.

Here's number two:
You don't *NEED* to verify anybody's statements when you interview them. The interviewee is not a fucking reporter. You report what they said, accurately, whether it's true, false, speculation, opinion, defamatory or a fucking trigonometry equation. The news there is "SUBJECT SAID X". PERIOD, FULL STOP, WAITER CHECK PLEASE, CUE FAT LADY, ROLL CREDITS, FADE TO BLACK, FIN.

If you DON'T report what they said accurately, THEN you're in doodoo. The fact that your ass hurts over what the subject had to say is irrelevant to anything.
Bullshit. They could have chose not to negligently publish the defamatory lies about Sandmann. Publishing defamatory lies via an interview that they solicited from Phillips does not absolve them of wrongdoing.

Apparently they did choose that, since no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever been able to show us where they published any such thing.

---- and??

"A video went viral". It did. "Sandmann said this". He did. "Phillips said that". He did. The ENTIRE video is "A said this, B said that".

It's all true. Prove it isn't.

Oh by the way it's all on video, so you CAN'T.

You lose.

Now quit wasting my time and go get a life.

The unedited video proves that Phillips was lying, you TDS afflicted moron.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo was trying to save their sleazy ass from humiliation. That's why the settled.

Linkie? The OP idiot.
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!

Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

How inconvenient that they STILL have no evidence, huh.

I put that challenge out a MONTH ago and never got a response. Not a single one. Zero.
"Apologize for"................................ what?

From your own link:

>> On January 19, 2019, the Post also posted to its Twitter page and published to approximately 13 million followers its First Article with the following false and defamatory captions, all within a span of 14 minutes, and all within the same thread:
  • “In an interview with The Post, Omaha Tribe elder Nathan Phillips says he ‘felt like the spirit was talking through me’ as teens jeered and mocked him.”
  • “He was singing the American Indian Movement song of unity that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home. ‘It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial.’”
  • “Phillips, who fought in the Vietnam War, says in an interview ‘I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.’” <<
Whelp, guess what. That's a newspaper QUOTING Philips. Is the quote inaccurate? The fact is Philips DID make the statements, he WAS singing a NAm song, and the teens DID jeer and mock him --- "tomahawk chops" are right there in the video.

YOUR OWN LINK, Dumbass. Rotsa ruck with egomaniac attorneys getting their names in print by filing frivolous lawsuits for which they have no evidence. This will be laughed out of court, as it should be.
You posted this sentiment MANY times in different threads. You look pretty fucking stupid right now. Your predictions are trash. :laugh:

I didn't make any "predictions". Go learn how to read.
You literally said "this will be laughed out of the court". Haha, your predictions suck AND you're dumb. Go learn how to read. :laugh:

That already happened. A friggin' year ago. See post 422. Way to keep up.
You're delusional. If it happened a year ago, then what are they settling this week?
Last edited:
I read the complaint and attachments. A few comments. His witness statement attached as Exhibit A was not written by him but by his lawyer or with substantial editing and input from his lawyer. Too much lawyerese to be written by a teenager. Second, there was nothing in the Washington Post articles that indicates who Nick was, where he lived, or his name. Third, there is nothing in the Post story that even comes close to actual malice.

The question is who fingered Nick as the kid. It was not the Washington Post. There may be an out of court settlement, but no where near the amount his lawyers are asking for.

You freaks are too much.
You dumb shit, I was talking about Sandmann's so-called witness statement not the complaint.
You're the dumbshit. Attorneys draft witness statements, that's standard procedure. You're too much of a punk to even know that.
Neither article explains what exactly they are suing the WPost for??? What did the post say that they knew was a lie at the time they reported it? And how has this really hurt the kid with the smirk? Seems like his lawyers want this kid to continue to be in the lime light.... surprised his parents went with this suit that seems to have no grounds or merit for a defamation suit and continues with their son being in the spotlight, with what the kid regrets and wishes he would have walked away from, as was stated in the article??

Me thinks his lawyers are ambulance chasers, or Michael Avenati-ish.

WAPO must be dumbfucks to settle then, huh?
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

He may as well have gone for $ 250 trillion. Just as much chance of success.

Yep, no chance. :laughing0301:
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

Bezos just needs to cut the check for the $250 Million and put this behind him.

He can certainly afford this, it will teach him a lesson to quit with the libel.
Oh? What was libelous?
Read the lawsuit, you fucking dumbass.
Fucking moron, the Post didn’t name Sandmann. And everything the post said was quoting others who were there.

In the Post’s own words – albeit a far cry from the true scope of the false and defamatory accusations it made against Nicholas – the readers of the Post’s coverage were “licensed to conclude that the students saw [Phillips] from afar, targeted him and advanced.” Of course, the Post’s readers were also licensed to falsely conclude that Nicholas physically and verbally assaulted Phillips while blocking his egress from a mob of students who were similarly engaged in racist conduct.
Fucking moron, quote the post naming Sandmann. Quote the post saying anything libelous about Sandmann where they weren’t quoting someone they were interviewing....

G’head, I’ll wait.............

why did WAPO settle?
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!
This is going to be fun....enabled bully and enabling parents meet the full force of WaPo's lawyers and investigative reporters going to Covington to fine out who else has been bullied by these punks.

Its fun for me. how about you?

You chose the richest man on the planet over a teenager....and the teenager won.

What a coward you are.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo chose to publish the defamatory statements against Sandmann without performing due diligence to verify that they were true. They were therefore acting negligently when they failed to ascertain the veracity of the defamatory statements they published.

And negligence is all Sandmann, as a private person, had to show. If he was a public figure he would have had to prove they did it intentionally.

"Defamatory statements" you can't show, that's number one.

Here's number two:
You don't *NEED* to verify anybody's statements when you interview them. The interviewee is not a fucking reporter. You report what they said, accurately, whether it's true, false, speculation, opinion, defamatory or a fucking trigonometry equation. The news there is "SUBJECT SAID X". PERIOD, FULL STOP, WAITER CHECK PLEASE, CUE FAT LADY, ROLL CREDITS, FADE TO BLACK, FIN.

If you DON'T report what they said accurately, THEN you're in doodoo. The fact that your ass hurts over what the subject had to say is irrelevant to anything.
Bullshit. They could have chose not to negligently publish the defamatory lies about Sandmann. Publishing defamatory lies via an interview that they solicited from Phillips does not absolve them of wrongdoing.

Apparently they did choose that, since no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever been able to show us where they published any such thing.

---- and??

"A video went viral". It did. "Sandmann said this". He did. "Phillips said that". He did. The ENTIRE video is "A said this, B said that".

It's all true. Prove it isn't.

Oh by the way it's all on video, so you CAN'T.

You lose.

Now quit wasting my time and go get a life.

The unedited video proves that Phillips was lying, you TDS afflicted moron.

How come you're trying to change the subject from "the Washington Post" to "Nathan Phillips"? Hm? Read the thread title and see if you can guess what this thread is actually ABOUT.

The question here is, and always was, about a nuisance lawsuit filed against A NEWSPAPER. Not a nuisance lawsuit filed against Nathan Phillips. Why I call it a "nuisance" lawsuit is that there is no known evidence for that lawsuit to stand on. That's why I put the challenge out here, in this thread and others, a friggin' YEAR AND A HALF AGO, for anyone to cite any evidence that there indeed WAS such evidence. You, in your response above before you desperately tried to change the topic to "b-but but Nathan Phillips", offered a video from WaPo that makes three assertions:

ONE, it says "a video has gone viral". Which is true, they showed parts of it and it did go viral, without which virus we wouldn't have a thread, would we.

TWO, it says Nathan Phillips was interviewed and said X, Y and Z. Which is ALSO true, Nathan Phillips DID give such an interview and they showed parts of that as well.

and THREE, it says the kid put out a statement describing his side of the observation.. WHICH IS ALSO TRUE, the kid *DID* release such a statement, they showed it and quoted from it.

ALL OF THIS RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME VIDEO YOU YOURSELF JUST LINKED. Three verified facts, **ZERO** of which amount to anything remotely resembling "libelous content". That's why you need to suddenly shift the topic to "b-but but Nathan Phillips and shit".

That's as far down as I can dumb this for your obtuse ass. I'm not trained to educate retarded people.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo was trying to save their sleazy ass from humiliation. That's why the [sic] settled.

Linkie? The OP idiot.

Oh I agree the OP is an idiot. That's water long under the bridge.

What I'm asking here is for you to back up the ass-ertion you just made. I'm betting you can't do it. Wanna take that bet? :deal:
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo was trying to save their sleazy ass from humiliation. That's why the [sic] settled.

Linkie? The OP idiot.

Oh I agree the OP is an idiot. That's water long under the bridge.

What I'm asking here is for you to back up the ass-ertion you just made. I'm betting you can't do it. Wanna take that bet? :deal:
Very witty. WaPo was not going to go to court in a case where it was going to lose which would be covered primarily by Fox. WaPo would be dragged through the mud and exposed for their yellow journalism once again. They have lawyers that are much, much brighter than you. Actually, I have a pimple on my ass that is as well.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo chose to publish the defamatory statements against Sandmann without performing due diligence to verify that they were true. They were therefore acting negligently when they failed to ascertain the veracity of the defamatory statements they published.

And negligence is all Sandmann, as a private person, had to show. If he was a public figure he would have had to prove they did it intentionally.

"Defamatory statements" you can't show, that's number one.

Here's number two:
You don't *NEED* to verify anybody's statements when you interview them. The interviewee is not a fucking reporter. You report what they said, accurately, whether it's true, false, speculation, opinion, defamatory or a fucking trigonometry equation. The news there is "SUBJECT SAID X". PERIOD, FULL STOP, WAITER CHECK PLEASE, CUE FAT LADY, ROLL CREDITS, FADE TO BLACK, FIN.

If you DON'T report what they said accurately, THEN you're in doodoo. The fact that your ass hurts over what the subject had to say is irrelevant to anything.
Bullshit. They could have chose not to negligently publish the defamatory lies about Sandmann. Publishing defamatory lies via an interview that they solicited from Phillips does not absolve them of wrongdoing.

Apparently they did choose that, since no one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever been able to show us where they published any such thing.

---- and??

"A video went viral". It did. "Sandmann said this". He did. "Phillips said that". He did. The ENTIRE video is "A said this, B said that".

It's all true. Prove it isn't.

Oh by the way it's all on video, so you CAN'T.

You lose.

Now quit wasting my time and go get a life.

The unedited video proves that Phillips was lying, you TDS afflicted moron.

How come you're trying to change the subject from "the Washington Post" to "Nathan Phillips"? Hm? Read the thread title and see if you can guess what this thread is actually ABOUT.

The question here is, and always was, about a nuisance lawsuit filed against A NEWSPAPER. Not a nuisance lawsuit filed against Nathan Phillips. Why I call it a "nuisance" lawsuit is that there is no known evidence for that lawsuit to stand on. That's why I put the challenge out here, in this thread and others, a friggin' YEAR AND A HALF AGO, for anyone to cite any evidence that there indeed WAS such evidence. You, in your response above before you desperately tried to change the topic to "b-but but Nathan Phillips", offered a video from WaPo that makes three assertions:

ONE, it says "a video has gone viral". Which is true, they showed parts of it and it did go viral, without which virus we wouldn't have a thread, would we.

TWO, it says Nathan Phillips was interviewed and said X, Y and Z. Which is ALSO true, Nathan Phillips DID give such an interview and they showed parts of that as well.

and THREE, it says the kid put out a statement describing his side of the observation.. WHICH IS ALSO TRUE, the kid *DID* release such a statement, they showed it and quoted from it.

ALL OF THIS RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME VIDEO YOU YOURSELF JUST LINKED. Three verified facts, **ZERO** of which amount to anything remotely resembling "libelous content". That's why you need to suddenly shift the topic to "b-but but Nathan Phillips and shit".

That's as far down as I can dumb this for your obtuse ass. I'm not trained to educate retarded people.
The fact that WaPo used Phillips to tell the slanderous lies does not in any way absolve them from their wrongdoing, you TDS afflicted moron.

WaPo knew or should have known they were lies because they had possession of a video that proved they were lies. They even edited out the parts of the video that proved that they were lies. That's damning evidence.

Go suck some more grape kool-aid out of fakestream media dick, you pathetic feeble-minded easily brainwashed disgusting subhuman loser.
SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo was trying to save their sleazy ass from humiliation. That's why the [sic] settled.

Linkie? The OP idiot.

Oh I agree the OP is an idiot. That's water long under the bridge.

What I'm asking here is for you to back up the ass-ertion you just made. I'm betting you can't do it. Wanna take that bet? :deal:
Very witty. WaPo was not going to go to court in a case where it was going to lose which would be covered primarily by Fox. WaPo would be dragged through the mud and exposed for their yellow journalism once again. They have lawyers that are much, much brighter than you. Actually, I have a pimple on my ass that is as well.

Sorry to hear about the pimple but with all the traffic coming out of there it shouldn't be a surprise. Actually one wonders how it is you'd have such a good view of that area to know the topography. Doesn't one. Whattaya got, a mirror on your toilet?

Let's see, it's been some 18 months since I put up the challenge for anyone to find any evidence at all of WaPo --- or any other legitimate actual-news source (i.e. not fucking Tweeter), committing such a journalistic faux pas, and to date no one has provided any. Which is not quite the same as saying none exists, but it is the same as saying those who make the ass-sertion (whoop, there it is again) cannot substantiate it.

I tell ya what. Let's give it another eighteen months. Maybe that pimple will have cleared up by then.
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SOOOOOOOOO............ just checking back in to this bullshit to find out "how the suit's going". You know, as I've been asking anyone and everyone where there is any evidence at all of said "defamation" since last January, hearing no response.

Anything at all? Anybody?

Oh wait --- here we go.

>> (CN) – A federal judge in Kentucky dismissed a $250 million libel and defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post, finding that the newspaper’s coverage of a January incident between a high school student and an American Indian activist was not defamatory in any way.​
.... In his ruling, Bertelsman engages with almost none of the more bombastic claims levied by the lawsuit, and instead analyzes the 33 statements Sandmann claims were defamatory.​
Bertelsman found that some of the statements in question are actually not about Sandmann, and simply refer to the groups of people involved in the incident.​
The judge also said many of the statements are opinions, some of which are derived from Phillips himself who claimed that he felt “blocked” by the students.​
“Few principles of the law are as well-established as the rule that statements of opinion are not actionable in libel actions,” Bertelsman wrote. He continued that statements challenged by Sandmann do “not form the basis for a defamation claim.”​
Bertelsman went on to explain that even if an opinion could be found “erroneous,” it is still protected by the First Amendment. << --- Courthouse News, July 26
Funny none of these Smirk-boi wankers had the stones to post that. An "oversight" I'm sure. :gay:
The site went down. Yeah that's it, the site went down huh huh huh.
My apologies for reviving a thread that's been in a coma for a year, but a certain magical canine with the power to make threads disappear (whom I will not name) keeps imploring people to post updates regarding the Sandman vs WaPo lawsuit in an existing thread. And this is the most recent thread regarding the lawsuit.

So here's the update for you, Pogo:

Read it and weep.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder.

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It is excellent news to hear that another one of the most vile and prolific anti-USA fake news outlets has been defeated by the Sandmann.

Thanks for the quote but I went ahead and clicked your link to see the whole thing. First thought, many chuckles at following a headline of the Noo Yawk Post. Nice touch. :rofl:

--- Which headline declares a "win", but never does essplain how it's a "win". Some of A's lawyers negotiated with some of B's lawyers to the effect of "X number of dollars and we'll make this nuisance suit go away so you don't have to keep traipsing back into court on technicalities", which is the whole game.

--- You DO understand that "250 million dollars" is the amount the suit SOUGHT, not the amount anyone PAID, right? That is, assuming anyone paid anything at all.

All of which above is irrelevant to my point of however long ago it was, which was ---- *WHERE* did the WaPo (or CNN or whoever) declare that the kid's motivation was racial? Answer: nowhere mon frère. I read your link, and followed the link it linked to, and it ain't there. Which makes this just another SLAPP suit. Which is exactly how I always characterized it and typical Bitch McConnell bullshit propaganda.

The invitation to prove me wrong remains open, forever. Feel free to resurrect any old thread to that end on that glorious day in the year 4503 when you actually find it.

Sigh. Gullible's Travels....
The part of the lawsuit that wasn't dismissed had nothing to do with race. It was about Wapo publishing slanderous accusations made in an interview with Phillips. Even though Wapo had conclusive proof on video that Phillips' accusations were false, they continued to publish the interview. For example, they knew with 100% certainty that Sandmann did not block Phillips' retreat, as he claimed.

Again I'm not seeing any link but let's just toss this salad as it stands for now.

Did WaPo publish an interview with Phillips? If so, unless it misrepresented what Phillips said, that's an accurate story. Was the interviewee's account either inaccurate, or slanderous? Well that's on him, it's his words. That doesn't affect the WaPo, which simply REPORTS WHAT HE SAID.

What's crucial here is WHO THE SPEAKER IS. If it's Phillips (or whatever subject) making a slanderous claim, then it's that subject responsible for that claim, not the entity reporting it. You can't change an interviewee's words just because you'd like them to have been something else. That would be dishonest.

But lo, the suit isn't against Phillips is it. None of them are.

That's why I keep asking for any evidence, anywhere, of a news reporting entity --- WaPo, NYT, CNN, NBC, any at all --- who THEMSELVES reported inaccurately. And to date, just to sound like a broken record, I have received Bupkis.
WaPo was trying to save their sleazy ass from humiliation. That's why the [sic] settled.

Linkie? The OP idiot.

Oh I agree the OP is an idiot. That's water long under the bridge.

What I'm asking here is for you to back up the ass-ertion you just made. I'm betting you can't do it. Wanna take that bet? :deal:
Very witty. WaPo was not going to go to court in a case where it was going to lose which would be covered primarily by Fox. WaPo would be dragged through the mud and exposed for their yellow journalism once again. They have lawyers that are much, much brighter than you. Actually, I have a pimple on my ass that is as well.

Sorry to hear about the pimple but with all the traffic coming out of there it shouldn't be a surprise. Actually one wonders how it is you'd have such a good view of that area to know the topography. Doesn't one. Whattaya got, a mirror on your toilet?

Let's see, it's been some 18 months since I put up the challenge for anyone to find any evidence at all of WaPo --- or any other legitimate actual-news source (i.e. not fucking Tweeter), committing such a journalistic faux pas, and to date no one has provided any. Which is not quite the same as saying none exists, but it is the same as saying those who make the ass-sertion (whoop, there it is again) cannot substantiate it.

I tell ya what. Let's give it another eighteen months. Maybe that pimple will have cleared up by then.

It's been two days since the WAPO settled. That means there was so much evidence that you ignored that they said, "fuck that idiot pogo, if we follow his advice we are doomed" so follow their example.

They aren't as stupid as you.

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