Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination


MONDAY, SEP 27, 2021 - 09:20 PM

Now that at least one employer in the health-care field - Michigan's Spectrum Health - has decided to accept proof of natural immunity from prior infection as reason to waive its vaccination mandate for all employees, legal expert (and the reporters who love to quote them) are wondering: will the legality of proving natural immunity potentially win out in court?

The answer to that question, they say, will depend - as all things COVID-related do - on "the science", that nebulous and frequently shifting concept of how prior infection impacts immunity to new variants (and whether vaccine's do as well).

Stay pure pure Bloods

How do you prove "natural immunity"???

Scientifically speaking, you have to take blood samples of someone thats infected over the time period they are infected.......until the infection is no longer viable or exists.

And medical employees are finding out that this process is also supposed to be a part of people GETTING this vaccine. But it's not. Nobody getting these "vaccine shots" are being tested afterwards to see if it actually works or not. They are just being pumped full of drugs that have never been "end tested", or people being tested AFTER they get pumped full of these drugs.

From Dr.s at the HHS..........nobody is doing any antibody testing after the fact that patients get this "vaccine" that is causing heart problems (and other problems) with patients that get it.


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