Trump Lay it at Trump's feet


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Fareed: An unmistakable rise of anti-Semitism - CNN Video

Trump claims to love Israel and Jews. He is big buddies with Netanyahu, yet his unbridled constant rhetoric of hate at one group or the other emboldens haters of all ilks, including those practising anti Semitism. He has given them cover and succor and brought them out from under their rocks. He constantly, by his actions and speech, tells them that hate is good. We could go a long way to silencing this mob of haters if Trump would just keep his mouth shut.
Well done I knew you could somehow blame Trump for violence against a group of people he clearly loves and supports. If you are going with the broad brush argument of "constant hateful rhetoric" how do you give your own leaders a pass? If you are pushing that argument, then be consistent.
If only libstains could take responsibility for their own actions in calling for violence repeatedly, instead of blaming others for reacting to threats made by liberal criminals.

In the wake of a mass shooting during a Republican Congressional baseball game by a disgruntled Democrat who referred to President Donald Trump as a “traitor,” one cannot help but recall all of the calls for violence, or glorification of violence, towards the right coming from the left.

Congressman Steve Scalise and five others were shot by James Hodgkinson, a supporter of Bernie Sanders who had volunteered with his campaign. The shooter’s Facebook page features posts such as “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason,” along with a link from a website called “ImpeachDJTNow,” and a slew of other liberal media hysterics.

Hillary Clinton’s former running mate Tim Kaine called for Democrats to “fight in the streets against Trump.”

Kaine, whose son was recently charged for his involvement in a riot during a pro-Trump event, had appeared on MSNBC in January, calling for members of his party to “fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box.”

Former CNN host Kathy Griffin’s infamous ISIS-inspired photo holding Trump’s decapitated head.

Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch posted a video urging people to march, bleed, and die in the streets.

“Comedian” and DNC Speaker Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump.

In a tweet using all-caps, posted to her 11 million followers, Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against the president as a violent rally was underway in Berkeley in February...

Madonna tells women’s march that she fantasizes about blowing up the White House.

During the unhinged aging pop star’s vulgar speech at the rally, she demanded that this was “the beginning of a revolution,” and called Trump’s win a “horrific moment of darkness.”

“Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” Madonna said. “But I know that this won’t change anything. We cannot fall into despair.”

Snoop Dogg references assassinating President Trump in music video.

In the BADBADNOTGOOD video for the remix of “Lavender,” released in March, the hip-hop star focuses on police brutality in a world full of clowns. In the controversial scene, the 45-year-old rapper is seen holding a toy gun to the head of a clown dressed as President Trump. A “bang” flash pops up after the rapper pulls the trigger.

Rapper threatens to pimp Melania Trump and “make her work for us.”

Anti-Trump protester calls for violence against Trump supporters on CNN.

During a protest in Los Angeles in the days after the election, an unhinged anti-Trump demonstrator asserted that “people have to die,” over the election results.

“If we don’t fight, then who will fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back. There will be casualties on both sides. There will be because people have to die to make a change in this world. Trump, enough with your racism. Stop splitting families. Don’t split my family.”


Nope democrats aren't calling violence.

Fareed: An unmistakable rise of anti-Semitism - CNN Video

Trump claims to love Israel and Jews. He is big buddies with Netanyahu, yet his unbridled constant rhetoric of hate at one group or the other emboldens haters of all ilks, including those practising anti Semitism. He has given them cover and succor and brought them out from under their rocks. He constantly, by his actions and speech, tells them that hate is good. We could go a long way to silencing this mob of haters if Trump would just keep his mouth shut.

One that spreads hate & fear such as POTUS Trump spreads hate & fear, can not extricate themselves from ALL hate mongering; why?

People see POTUS Trump CONSTANTLY spreading HIS hate & HIS fear to the nation, and they run with that hate & fear, to the ones they also hate & fear.

When spreading hate & fear such as POTUS Trump does, there are NO BOUNDARIES to where that same hate & fear EVENTUALLY SPREADS.

This may be what Trump supporters may not get; they may not understand this concept of 'HATE CREEP.'

One day, after the nation self destructs, Trump supporters may finally get this concept BUT by then it will be too late.

POTUS Trump will have 'won' and America will have 'lost.'

This is actually occurring in real time, as we speak here, and as I type.

Most folks don't get that.
Fareed: An unmistakable rise of anti-Semitism - CNN Video

Trump claims to love Israel and Jews. He is big buddies with Netanyahu, yet his unbridled constant rhetoric of hate at one group or the other emboldens haters of all ilks, including those practising anti Semitism. He has given them cover and succor and brought them out from under their rocks. He constantly, by his actions and speech, tells them that hate is good. We could go a long way to silencing this mob of haters if Trump would just keep his mouth shut.

He's a modern day WC Fields


(sarcasm, in case you need it explained)
Fareed: An unmistakable rise of anti-Semitism - CNN Video

Trump claims to love Israel and Jews. He is big buddies with Netanyahu, yet his unbridled constant rhetoric of hate at one group or the other emboldens haters of all ilks, including those practising anti Semitism. He has given them cover and succor and brought them out from under their rocks. He constantly, by his actions and speech, tells them that hate is good. We could go a long way to silencing this mob of haters if Trump would just keep his mouth shut.

What about Ivanka and Kushner?
Fareed: An unmistakable rise of anti-Semitism - CNN Video

Trump claims to love Israel and Jews. He is big buddies with Netanyahu, yet his unbridled constant rhetoric of hate at one group or the other emboldens haters of all ilks, including those practising anti Semitism. He has given them cover and succor and brought them out from under their rocks. He constantly, by his actions and speech, tells them that hate is good. We could go a long way to silencing this mob of haters if Trump would just keep his mouth shut.

Hey Jackass, if its such an unmistakable rise, why didn't you see it coming and predict it? If Trump is your alleged cause of antisemitism, how in your moldy brain do you explain the USA and Israel's relations being at an all time high? And where were you besides your mommy's basement sucking on your bag of dicks all the years your cum-buddy Obama had a seething hatred for Israel and even tried to interfere in Netanyahu getting re-elected? I know. I know. You're another clueless Leftoid without a single fact nor care about them.

Obama and Netanyahu: A Story of Slights and Crossed Signals
Obama's assault on Israel is a moral outrage
Mark Levin: Obama Admin Hates Israel And Only Likes Jews Who Voted For Them!
A Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-Israel Hatred | Breitbart
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
Obama's shocking interference into Israel's election process - Blogs - Jerusalem Post
Remember When Barack Obama Tried To Hack Israeli Elections To Oust PM Benjamin Netanyahu? • Now The End Begins

It's often hard to tell which is worse: the absolutely ignorant, hateful, stupid things you leftards say, or that you say things so easily proven completely false.

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