The Libertarian Party just nominated a pro vaccine mandate candidate

I'm just rejecting your strawman - suggesting that libertarians believe businesses should not be restricted by law. You know goddamned well that libertarians aren't anarchists. Businesses should have to follow the law, same as everyone else. Are you anything MORE than a lying ****?
I wanted you to admit that businesses can regulate their employment by adherence to medicals standards established by business.

Tough that.
I wanted you to admit that businesses can regulate their employment by adherence to medicals standards established by business.

Tough that.
Nothing tough about it. The hiring and firing decisions of a business should be NONE of the government's concern. Period.

Trumpsters disagree with libertarians. They think the state should make the call. Just like you do. Kumbaya and shit.
Nothing tough about it. Businesses hiring and firing decisions should be NONE of the government's business. Period.

Trumpsters disagree with libertarians. They think the state should make the call. Just like you do. Kumbaya and shit.
I think the state can make the call.

Only fools think that business should operate without the law, including hiring and firing decisions. Nope. Long ago decided. You can be Cholly all you want, but you will hire blacks, women, and Mexicans. You have no say about that if you want to stay out of court or bein fined.
Oliver was previously a Democrat and supported Barack Obama.

Oliver campaigned extensively in Iowa during the summer of 2023......The Gazette described him as a "pro-gun, pro-police reform, pro-choice Libertarian" who is "armed and gay."

Just an dem shill faggot.
I get it. You're closeted and afraid he'll out your something.

But, outside your queer fear, he's not advocating vaccine mandates. That's just a lie from the frightened partisans.
I get it. You're closeted and afraid he'll out your something.

But, outside your queer fear, he's not advocating vaccine mandates. That's just a lie from the frightened partisans.
No shits given about his vax notions.....I've no use for an faggot Halfrican supporter.

So.....I guess the Libertarians are shilling for the dems this go-round.
Nothing tough about it. The hiring and firing decisions of a business should be NONE of the government's concern. Period.

Trumpsters disagree with libertarians. They think the state should make the call. Just like you do. Kumbaya and shit.
So corporations can violate your bodily sovereignty and force you to ingest something as a condition of employment?

And you don't see that as an act of aggression?
I think the only thing they've ever ran on was "audit the FED", "legalize pot", and "screw the Jews."
Oh no....Harry Browne ran on a slew of issues and articulated them well.

Unfortunately, the schmoes running the party departed from his clean and easily understood platform.
He's quoted in his own tweet in the OP.
He was defending the rights of businesses to require vaccines. He specifically stated that the government shouldn't mandate it. Are you just trying to conflate "mandate" with an employment requirement?

Do you think government should tell businesses who the can hire and fire, and why?
He was defending the rights of businesses to require vaccines. He specifically stated that the government shouldn't mandate it. Are you just trying to conflate "mandate" with an employment requirement?

Do you think government should tell businesses who the can hire and fire, and why?
You wanna work here. You are required to Smoke. Or you are fired.
He was defending the rights of businesses to require vaccines. He specifically stated that the government shouldn't mandate it. Are you just trying to conflate "mandate" with an employment requirement?

Do you think government should tell businesses who the can hire and fire, and why?
I think that objecting to a mandatory vaccine should be a protected right even more than a "religious" objection, because it involves a physical invasion of one's body. Do you think businesses should be able to hire and fire on the basis of circumcision?

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