Lazy welfare addicted Trump voters

The difference in the political parties is startling. Welfare recipients vote for Trump because they see a way of getting out of welfare with good jobs, low unemployment and a roaring economy. The other type of welfare recipients voted for Obama because he promised more federal bennies. Hussein actually bragged about the increased welfare numbers while he told America that "good factory jobs are gone and they ain't comin back".
October jobs report comes in way above expectations…
The difference in the political parties is startling. Welfare recipients vote for Trump because they see a way of getting out of welfare with good jobs, low unemployment and a roaring economy. The other type of welfare recipients voted for Obama because he promised more federal bennies. Hussein actually bragged about the increased welfare numbers while he told America that "good factory jobs are gone and they ain't comin back".
October jobs report comes in way above expectations…
Cut em OFF. Bring back SALT tax exemption and cut welfare spending.

Report: Nearly 40 percent of farm income coming from aid, insurance

They gotta have some employable skills.
Do ag-hating city liberals have an indoor hydroponic garden in their bedrooms?

if not for the farmers they will need to grow vegetables instead of cannabis
Hey it was the farmers who raised the city dwellers' taxes to fund their own tax cut. The city dwellers had paid more taxes for decades than they got back.

The farmers changed the bargain, and then lined up for Trump's swill … and there's no lack of jobs out there for them willing to work.
Come on. People drive through those states. Surely there must be gas station toilets to clean, coffee to be made and Red Bull to stock in the coolers. There's got to be SOMETHING those LOSERS can do to benefit the economy and actually earn money

So you never left your ghetto, eh?
Cut em OFF. Bring back SALT tax exemption and cut welfare spending.

Report: Nearly 40 percent of farm income coming from aid, insurance

They gotta have some employable skills.
Do ag-hating city liberals have an indoor hydroponic garden in their bedrooms?

if not for the farmers they will need to grow vegetables instead of cannabis
Hey it was the farmers who raised the city dwellers' taxes to fund their own tax cut. The city dwellers had paid more taxes for decades than they got back.

The farmers changed the bargain, and then lined up for Trump's swill … and there's no lack of jobs out there for them willing to work.
Farmers grow the food that bleeding heart liberals give away to deadbeats on food stamps

if not for farmers the welfare state would be out of business
Cut em OFF. Bring back SALT tax exemption and cut welfare spending.

Report: Nearly 40 percent of farm income coming from aid, insurance

They gotta have some employable skills.
Do ag-hating city liberals have an indoor hydroponic garden in their bedrooms?

if not for the farmers they will need to grow vegetables instead of cannabis
Hey it was the farmers who raised the city dwellers' taxes to fund their own tax cut. The city dwellers had paid more taxes for decades than they got back.

The farmers changed the bargain, and then lined up for Trump's swill … and there's no lack of jobs out there for them willing to work.
Farmers grow the food that bleeding heart liberals give away to deadbeats on food stamps

if not for farmers the welfare state would be out of business
the farmers are selling all the food to US customers they ever were selling. Stop blaming others for what the lazy stupid Trump voting farmers brought on themselves after voting in the fucks who raised the blue state taxes to give them a tax break …. along with the welfare Trump gives them FOR NOT WORKIGN.
Cut em OFF. Bring back SALT tax exemption and cut welfare spending.

Report: Nearly 40 percent of farm income coming from aid, insurance

They gotta have some employable skills.
What part the US funding farmers during the on-going trade war with China do you not understand? If the Trump administration was not supplementing / subsidizing the cost to farmers and they were being hurt / going under you snowflakes would be screaming about how the President was screwing farmers,.

Another day, another manufactured / found reason for Dems / snowflakes to attack Trump...

Come on. People drive through those states. Surely there must be gas station toilets to clean, coffee to be made and Red Bull to stock in the coolers. There's got to be SOMETHING those LOSERS can do to benefit the economy and actually earn money the real world outside of LibTardia...we know who the lowlife degenerate pieces of shits vote for...
Cut em OFF. Bring back SALT tax exemption and cut welfare spending.

Report: Nearly 40 percent of farm income coming from aid, insurance

They gotta have some employable skills.
Do ag-hating city liberals have an indoor hydroponic garden in their bedrooms?

if not for the farmers they will need to grow vegetables instead of cannabis
Hey it was the farmers who raised the city dwellers' taxes to fund their own tax cut. The city dwellers had paid more taxes for decades than they got back.

The farmers changed the bargain, and then lined up for Trump's swill … and there's no lack of jobs out there for them willing to work.
Farmers grow the food that bleeding heart liberals give away to deadbeats on food stamps

if not for farmers the welfare state would be out of business
the farmers are selling all the food to US customers they ever were selling. Stop blaming others for what the lazy stupid Trump voting farmers brought on themselves after voting in the fucks who raised the blue state taxes to give them a tax break …. along with the welfare Trump gives them FOR NOT WORKIGN.
Dont refer to deadbeats on foodstamps as “customers”

its misleading

trump is correcting decades of bad trade policy with china

And the chinese communist dictatorship is attacking US farmers because thats the only weapon they have

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