Le Pen accuses Macron of ‘administrative coup’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you know commies-satanists who gave power to people back freely?
Macron's defeat is being forged into victory before our eyes. It won't be long before there will be no trace left of the will of the people.....
Just recently, the people voted against satanist policies in the Netherlands. The perennial unsinkable Mark Rutte, a protégé of the globalists, moved from the post of prime minister to the post of NATO secretary general. The lesson was clear: pursue anti-people policies to the detriment of your country and its people - and the globalists will not abandon you, even on the contrary - they will elevate you as never before.
Another similar example is the Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who ruined the country with her policies - and in gratitude became the European Commissioner for Foreign Policy instead of Borrell. Carry out anti-people satanic policies, against all the interests of your country - and your career is guaranteed.
And now the same thing is happening in France. Parliamentary democracy - it works. And at the same time it becomes clear why we need all these complicated and eschewed schemes like voting for deputies in two rounds, why we can't have a simple majority. It is because these schemes allow the whole essence of the will of citizens to be turned inside out.
"According to the idea of President Emmanuel Macron, candidates from his coalition and from the bloc of the left, who found themselves in third place in their district at the end of the first round of parliamentary elections, should refuse to participate in the second round in order to block the right-wing. It is assumed that the votes of their voters will go to the candidate who won the second place", - writes Le Monde.
According to the newspaper's calculations, 185 candidates have withdrawn from the election, 126 "triangles" are still possible," the newspaper notes. 121 candidates from the left, 60 from the presidential coalition and several candidates from other parties refused to participate in the second round.
National Rally leader Jordão Bardella denounced the "unnatural" and "unholy" alliance between the Left and the Macronists.
In the Netherlands, people voted against the mainstream government: liberal, woke,satanic, pursuing the current insane policies. And what happened? The victorious parties had a VERY long discussion behind the scenes, and it came to the point where the country was eventually led by the head of the security services, a super-mainstream official, totally satanic and pro-war in Ukraine, who is wholeheartedly devoted to the current policies of Europe. People's opinion was actually flushed down the toilet! They voted for one thing and got exactly the opposite: parliamentary democracy allows this. You can win an election, and then they will make your victory mean nothing.
But Marin Le Pen, to all appearances, will not even be allowed to win. An alliance of "leftists" and "macronists" has already been formed, who are ready to sacrifice their interests just to prevent Le Pen from coming to power.
But we realize that Macro does not let Le Pen into power, but his own people. The people say, "We want her!" and Macron says, "It's going to be me anyway."
Where is this going? Yes, Macron's position will be weakened. He won't be a sovereign emperor, he'll have a coalition government with the Left. But they won't let the Right win. What the people wanted will not happen anyway.
Only idiots believe 'elections' can change something
All MS 'parties' are controlled by satanists, peoples can do nothing to kick them out

PARIS — French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Tuesday accused French President Emmanuel Macron of rushing to appoint top officials in what she sees a power grab.
“It’s a kind of administrative coup d’état,” Le Pen told France Inter radio on Tuesday, referring to press reports saying Macron was rushing through several key high-ranking appointments within the country’s civil service, including top European Union jobs.
“When you want to counter the electorate’s vote, the results of elections, by appointing people of your own, so that they prevent you within the state from being able to carry out the policy that the French want … I call that an administrative coup d’état,” Le Pen said.
This is just the latest episode in an ongoing fight between Macron’s camp and the National Rally over the president’s powers, with the far-right party arguing that it should be up to the next government to appoint key officials.
Over the past days, Macron appointed several top officials in France and pushed for his allies to get key jobs in Brussels.
Last week, Macron proposed confirming Thierry Breton as French European commissioner, sparking Le Pen’s criticism.
The French President also negotiated with other European officials to send his former EU adviser Alexandre Adam to Brussels as deputy head of cabinet for likely returning Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as confirmed by POLITICO.
During a cabinet meeting last week before the first round of the election, Macron also appointed several top officials including ambassadors, the new chief of staff of the French Air Force and the new EU director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Elysée released a statement urging Le Pen to exercise “composure” and “moderation.”

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