Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

No, not at all. I've never condoned looting, burning or murder. I condemn all of those.

And yet you never said the rioters should have stayed home. Nope, only Rittenhouse.
And yet you never said the rioters should have stayed home. Nope, only Rittenhouse.
Dumbfuck, I never once said Rittenhouse should have stayed home.

Sadly, you have a serious brain malfunction.

Bullshit. Yet another lie.

You lie more than Trump ever could.
He fired twice at a black guy but missed.

You are seriously fucked in the head...

A man tried to kick him in the face after he went down, he said. He fired twice at that man but missed.
Prove it?
No, not at all. I've never condoned looting, burning or murder. I condemn all of those.

Fuck you, ya raving lunatic. I condemned the BLM and Antifa riots.
I've condemned those.
Dumbfuck, I condemned the violence committed by Antifa, BLM & Trump's insurgents.
You're an idiot, Marty. I condemned BLM and Antifa violence.
And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa.
Nope, those are not ok and I've condemned them.
No, dumbfuck, no riots are good. All should be condemned.
That's a lie, others also condemned the violence committed by BLM and Antifa, myself included.
You're such a putz, ShortBus. I was able to show I condemned the riots you idiotically doubted I expressed outrage over.
I have condemned the looting, rioting send murders.
"Finally, do you condemn BLM and Antifa or not."

Asked and answered.
I condemn murders committed by BLM.
I condemn their violence.
I condemn such attacks.
I've denounced Antifa.
I condemn those murders.
I condemned the violence of BLM and Antifa and never made excuses based on the fraction who caused it.
Goes to show what an idiot you are. I've condemned, and continue to condemn, such violence. Lock 'em up.
Nope, I would sing the same song. I condemn the violence committed by BLM and I condemn storming the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the election.
I don't agree with any violence coming out of it nor do I believe they had a right to be violent. I've condemned their violence repeatedly and continue to do so. I've said anyone involved in the violence should be arrested and I continue to say that. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Same as others -- trying to disarm an active shooter.
He wasn't shooting til they chased him down and he was corned.....maybe they shouldn't of chased him down to a corner, after beating him, and throwing rocks at him, and pointing their own firearms at him....
He did? Where was that entered into evidence? I'm sure that if that were true, the prosecutor would have added attempted murder of that black person to the charges.
It was. I don't know they mentioned his race but they showed video and still shots. Mentioning he was black was not actually necessary nor relevant.
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It was. I don't know they mentioned his race but they showed video and still shots. Mentioning he was black was not actually necessary nor relevant.
well, lying and saying he was a black man that was shot, was necessary for the Xiden campaign, and the Demafacist to spread propaganda and racial division.

Sadly, your prior post, highlight that their propaganda was effective on their small minded cult...
He wasn't shooting til they chased him down and he was corned.....maybe they shouldn't of chased him down to a corner, after beating him, and throwing rocks at him, and pointing their own firearms at him....
Maybe he shouldn't have provoked being attacked by pointing his gun at others.
Maybe he shouldn't have provoked being attacked by pointing his gun at others.
hhhahah well that's not quite what the evidence at trial showed at all...actually not at all.

Sadly, here you are pushing lying propaganda...even after the evidence and facts were presented at trial.


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