Leading.........."from way behind"

Millions of AMERICAN children's parents should sue Obama and the entire Democrat party for ILLEGALLY giving what they were Constitutionally entitled to....to illegal immigrants in exchange for illegal votes.

There "should" be a MASSIVE class action lawsuit leaving Obama and most Democrats too broke to afford a pot to pee in.

Democrats always strive for America LAST. Look at all the black people they've lied to and kept on the Plantation for more than100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

He's leading from behind.....

And you are not even on the field.

Suck on it.
Second, you're complaining that Trump expects Congress to do their job rather than usurping their power? That's bad?


Before Obama got involved in the whole issue that ended in DACA, the GOP-led Congress REFUSED to do anything that would piss off the Latino voters......So,Obama acted.

The same GOP=led congress is STILL scared shit-less to do anything that would jeopardize their reelection..........So, what does the "great negotiator",,,,,,the "greatest deal-maker" do???

Most likely, Trump NEEDS adulation and when congress does.....once again.....do NOTHING, he may side with the dreamers after all and screw you morons that makeup his dwindling base.
If your ignorant claims were true, DAPA would be in place, DACA is just as unconstitutional as DAPA. 10 States we poised to challenge DACA in court and as Sessions said there was no way the DOJ could defend it. Your dear leader had no authority to hand out work permits to people who weren't eligible for them by law.[/QUOTE]

The law backs a president's power on immigration. Here's where the ...

Even Conservatives Agree on Obama's Immigration Powers. Will the ...

Why Obama's Immigration Policy Is Constitutional - Reason.com

As much as I think Trump is an inhuman pig, this was a shrewd political move on his part. There is little, if any chance, that any replacement for DACA as a law (as opposed to just a executive order) will be passed in six months. Even if it did, he can veto it. This gives the democratic party DACA proponents a false hope of passage. I just do not see any republican supporting a DACA law.
So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

This nut #4900 is still hoping to find at least one right winger to join him. Good luck with that.

Oh, wait a minute, we know the rightwinger who keeps calling Trump a liar several times a day . So yes, there is ONE.
are you actually claiming Trump is not a liar??? Or are you just claiming he is your liar, so that's ok?
As much as I think Trump is an inhuman pig, this was a shrewd political move on his part. There is little, if any chance, that any replacement for DACA as a law (as opposed to just a executive order) will be passed in six months. Even if it did, he can veto it. This gives the democratic party DACA proponents a false hope of passage. I just do not see any republican supporting a DACA law.

Oh, I agree that a GOP led congress would NEVER offer a bill authorizing DACA.......

All that Trump did by giving this "hot potato" to congress, is to cover his own fat ass from making a politically-deadly decision.....thereby negating.....once again.......one of his empty promises by the "great negotiator."
As much as I think Trump is an inhuman pig, this was a shrewd political move on his part. There is little, if any chance, that any replacement for DACA as a law (as opposed to just a executive order) will be passed in six months. Even if it did, he can veto it. This gives the democratic party DACA proponents a false hope of passage. I just do not see any republican supporting a DACA law.
Holy crap, nice to see someone thinking out of the box a little. Phew.

My guess goes in another direction. It could be that this six-month waiting period thing was pretty shrewd, but I very much doubt it was Trump who came up with it.

I'm wondering if the expectation here is for Congress to actually act - knowing there's no way in hell they can let it take effect - and Trump can ride in, sign a bill, and say it was he who got the ball rolling with this declaration. He has six months now to make a big deal of "challenging Congress" to come up with something new, and maybe it will include goodies for the Republicans like funding for the wall, hiring requirements of some kind, whatever, etc. etc.

In other words, comprehensive immigration reform.

I admit I'm a little doubtful on that, but it's possible.
As much as I think Trump is an inhuman pig, this was a shrewd political move on his part. There is little, if any chance, that any replacement for DACA as a law (as opposed to just a executive order) will be passed in six months. Even if it did, he can veto it. This gives the democratic party DACA proponents a false hope of passage. I just do not see any republican supporting a DACA law.
Holy crap, nice to see someone thinking out of the box a little. Phew.

My guess goes in another direction. It could be that this six-month waiting period thing was pretty shrewd, but I very much doubt it was Trump who came up with it.

I'm wondering if the expectation here is for Congress to actually act - knowing there's no way in hell they can let it take effect - and Trump can ride in, sign a bill, and say it was he who got the ball rolling with this declaration. He has six months now to make a big deal of "challenging Congress" to come up with something new, and maybe it will include goodies for the Republicans like funding for the wall, hiring requirements of some kind, whatever, etc. etc.

In other words, comprehensive immigration reform.

I admit I'm a little doubtful on that, but it's possible.

Keep an eye on the bipartisan BRIDGE ACT........
Second, you're complaining that Trump expects Congress to do their job rather than usurping their power? That's bad?


Before Obama got involved in the whole issue that ended in DACA, the GOP-led Congress REFUSED to do anything that would piss off the Latino voters......So,Obama acted.

The same GOP=led congress is STILL scared shit-less to do anything that would jeopardize their reelection..........So, what does the "great negotiator",,,,,,the "greatest deal-maker" do???

Most likely, Trump NEEDS adulation and when congress does.....once again.....do NOTHING, he may side with the dreamers after all and screw you morons that makeup his dwindling base.

When congress refuses to act, the president doesn't get to do what he wants.

As much as I think Trump is an inhuman pig, this was a shrewd political move on his part. There is little, if any chance, that any replacement for DACA as a law (as opposed to just a executive order) will be passed in six months. Even if it did, he can veto it. This gives the democratic party DACA proponents a false hope of passage. I just do not see any republican supporting a DACA law.

You don't? You don't think McCain and others will back one?
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???
Trump brought empty hands to the office. He had nothing. Just words.

He was going to replace Obamacare. But he had nothing to replace it with.

He was going to enact tax reform. But he had nothing.

The New York Democrat is all hat, no cattle.
Second, you're complaining that Trump expects Congress to do their job rather than usurping their power? That's bad?


Before Obama got involved in the whole issue that ended in DACA, the GOP-led Congress REFUSED to do anything that would piss off the Latino voters......So,Obama acted.

The same GOP=led congress is STILL scared shit-less to do anything that would jeopardize their reelection..........So, what does the "great negotiator",,,,,,the "greatest deal-maker" do???

Most likely, Trump NEEDS adulation and when congress does.....once again.....do NOTHING, he may side with the dreamers after all and screw you morons that makeup his dwindling base.

When congress refuses to act, the president doesn't get to do what he wants.

Can't say I'm shocked that nat thinks following the constitution is funny
Can't say I'm shocked that nat thinks following the constitution is funny

Sometimes right wingers' IGNORANCE is indeed humorous......

As I told one of your fellow idiots, it's called PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION exercised by every president.......Each POTUS decides which so-called "crime" is worth the moral/ethical effort to prosecute.......Look it up....get a bit smarter; it will not hurt.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

Trump played to his audience

To the right he said, build a wall and kick them all out
To the left he said he would be fair about DACA

Now he says he will leave it to Congress to fix
And then says he will reconsider if Congress doesn't fix it

This is leadership?
If your ignorant claims were true, DAPA would be in place, DACA is just as unconstitutional as DAPA. 10 States we poised to challenge DACA in court and as Sessions said there was no way the DOJ could defend it. Your dear leader had no authority to hand out work permits to people who weren't eligible for them by law.[/QUOTE]

The law backs a president's power on immigration. Here's where the ...

Even Conservatives Agree on Obama's Immigration Powers. Will the ...

Why Obama's Immigration Policy Is Constitutional - Reason.com

Really, show me in the article where it says the president can authorize work permits for people not eligible by law. Come on skippy, put it on me. LMAO The courts bitch slapped you dear leader over DAPA and they would have done the same on DACA.


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