Leading.........."from way behind"

You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

You have an unhealthy obsession with the President.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

You have an unhealthy obsession with the President.

awwwwwww.... we read your obamaderanged trash for years, snooks....

at least our complaints are real.... unlike yours.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

You have an unhealthy obsession with the President.

awwwwwww.... we read your obamaderanged trash for years, snooks....

at least our complaints are real.... unlike yours.

How can a complaint not be real?
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership
Trump said he would fix immigration. It's not his fault if you thought that meant a path to legalization.

The invaders need to be deported. Long Island is not an MS13 colony.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???
Imo that's not correct. Every legislator I've heard who met personally with him says something about how Trump was interested in the issue, and he listened and was engaged.

But then Trump never follows through.

There's something just off with him. Sure he's a narcissist even for a potus, but narcissists like using the phone to call and lobby. He doesn't have anyone in the WH who shows him how to do that. Of course that's a skill that someone should have before being elected, but Trump's run off republicans who would have helped. He's basically at war with his own congress, the Courts, his own executive agencies and departments. And he started it. LOL
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership
Perhaps he just doesn't know what his position is on most things.
He does have an ethnocentric, nationalistic view of American Exceptionalism, but beyond that .... it's an empty vessel.
It would take an honest Trump supporter (a being perhaps as rare as unicorns) to finally admit that Trump is nothing but a neophyte, flip flopper.

There's already lots of threads on the issue of DACA, so I won't bother with another one.....but only totake the opportunity to state that Trump's REPEATED campaign demagoguery about how HE was going to fix the immigration messes, was ALL bullshit,readily swallowed by his cult members......

So, what does Trump do to "resolve" DACA??? He punts it to Congress ......Had he campaigned by saying:

Regarding the DACA, I'll let congress handle the issue
Regarding the ACA,, I'll let congress handle it
Regarding the Wall....I'll let congress handle it.....

Trump would have been a bit more honest.....but lost the election.

So, IS THERE ONE right winger willing to join me in calling Trump, a freaking LIAR???

Lol, seven and a half more years.
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership

Can you give us an example on taking multiple position at the same time. Not sure how he'd accomplish that.
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership

Can you give us an example on taking multiple position at the same time. Not sure how he'd accomplish that.
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership

Can you give us an example on taking multiple position at the same time. Not sure how he'd accomplish that.

That's like saying "my favorite dish is meatloaf, and my favorite dish is spaghetti and my favorite dish is tacos".
You asshats act like Trump invented changing his position. On Obama:

  • Voted against increasing the debt limit; then supported raising it.
  • Campaigned against the Bush tax cuts; then extended all of them.
  • Promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term; then proposed trillion dollar deficits.
  • Vowed the unemployment rate would be below 8% if his stimulus was passed; but then it broke 10%.
  • Promised shovel ready jobs; then admitted they weren’t shovel ready.
  • Said if you like your health plan you can keep it; but then threw seniors off Medicare Plus and employers are now saying they’ll dump people onto the public exchange.
  • Promised to have health care negotiations on live TV, but then reversed himself.
  • Indicated Bush violated the Constitution; then carried out warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detentions, secret renditions, quadrupled drone attacks, and kept Guantanamo Bay open. Voted against the Patriot Act, but then supported its extension.
  • Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
  • Vowed to take public financing for his 2008 campaign; then refused public financing when he realized he would receive more money without it.
Trump doesn't change his position

He takes multiple positions at once and then waffles back and forth depending on who screams the loudest

That is not leadership

Can you give us an example on taking multiple position at the same time. Not sure how he'd accomplish that.

That's not a very good example.

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