Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews (Video)


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
A person like this should be sent back to the country from where he came. He certainly shouldn't be allowed to preach.or teach.

Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of “Filthy” Christians and Jews (Video)

Jim Hoft Dec 10th, 2015 5:40 pm 487 Comments

Imam Yasir Hadhi is a college professor in Tennessee.
Hadhi says Christians are “shirk” and “evil” and Muslims can take their property.

This prominent Muslim tells his supporters are “filthy” and “impure.”
Cofda reported:

Yasir Qadhi (aka Abu Ammaar Yasir Kazi) is an American imam and college professor who is described by a 2011 New York Times Magazine essay as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.”

In his sermon/lecture in the YouTube audio below, Qadhi begins by calling Christians “shirk” for being “polythesists” who believe in the Triune God (three persons in one God), instead of Islam’s “monotheist” god Allah.

Then Qadhi really steps up his verbal abuse. He says, since “there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah wuzza wuzza,” Christians are “by necessity and by definition … the most evil of all evils.” Like all “unbelievers” and “polytheists,” Christians are “filthy.” They are “najusa” (feces, urine) — “a filthy impure dirty substance.”

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Leading US Imam and Professor: Muslims Can Take Property of "Filthy" Christians and Jews (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

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