Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack

The CIA’s Fake “Arab Spring” Becoming A Long, Hot Summer Of War

Obama Regime Courts World Conflagration: Imperial Overstretch Threatens as US, NATO Wage Five Wars: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen – Are Syria, Iran, Lebanon Next?

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
June 20, 2011

Washington DC, June 20- With the previously covert US bombing of Yemen out in the open, the Obama administration is now waging illegal wars against at least five countries – Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen. Given Obama’s absurd and Orwellian theory that acts of war from the air in the sea do not constitute hostilities under the terms of the War Powers Act, this list may be incomplete, and stealth US attacks may be going on elsewhere as well. As spring turns into summer along the banks of the Potomac, there are signs that Obama’s next move may be a trifecta of aggression – an attack on Syria which would also embroil the US in war with Iran and with the Hezbollah forces of Lebanon. Or, the Obama rampage may strike Pakistan. The “Arab Spring” of color revolutions, military coups, and destabilizations is moving inexorably towards a possible world conflagration whose outlines are already visible

The CIA?s Fake ?Arab Spring? Becoming A Long, Hot Summer Of War « TARPLEY.net
Webster Tarpley rocks. One of these days I'm going to get through his whole UN-authorized biography of Obama. See where he found his sources that show his CIA links. 400 pages is too much to read off my PC screen, I need to get some sort of tablet.

. . . that is, if Obama doesn't start WWIII first. :eek:

There is NOTHING at all "confirmed" about the CLAIM that the US "framed" Syria.

The video does not constitute proof.

Indeed, the recent news makes it pretty clear that chemical weapons WERE used.

Of course, I suppose it's POSSIBLE that pinhead Assad muttered the truth when he said that HIS government isn't responsible.


The victims likely did it to themselves.

Yep, that's a characteristic of both Shia and Sunni cultures. They are the victims.

120,000 dead means that it's likely closer to 200,000 and the US is framing them for chemical weapons.

Wow! Seriously. :cuckoo:

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