Lean Forward; The Left's Pre-K And K12 Homosexual Brainwashing Program

It is very important that you and your kids avoid gays. It is contagious, you know. It rubs off on you. One minute, you will be slapping one on the back, and buying him a beer, and before you know it, you will be wearing a pink ascot scarf and sipping chardonnay while talking about Ohpra and listening to old Judy Garland songs on your IPod. You must resist! Above all, don't go to the restroom in an airport, and if you do, and someone starts taping your foot from the next stall, Start singing "The Ballad of the Green Berets" as loud as you can!
Oh, lawdy.

How dare we educate our children to not only to become smart, but to help them make the proper decisions in life sexually when they become the appropriate age. It could prevent a pregnancy, aids, hiv, herpes, etc.

And how dare we try to give the lower classes a small boost so they can put food not only in their mouths, but in the mouths of their family and kids. People got to eat.


Once people know better, they will steer clear from it. Religion is the oldest form of government.
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It is very important that you and your kids avoid gays. It is contagious, you know. It rubs off on you. One minute, you will be slapping one on the back, and buying him a beer, and before you know it, you will be wearing a pink ascot scarf and sipping chardonnay while talking about Ohpra and listening to old Judy Garland songs on your IPod. You must resist! Above all, don't go to the restroom in an airport, and if you do, and someone starts taping your foot from the next stall, Start singing "The Ballad of the Green Berets" as loud as you can!

You mean singing "Off we go into the wild blue yonder!!!!!" like in "The Right Stuff"????

Sorry buttwad. Not everyone who has the common-sense to know when somebody is trying to manipulate children is a homophobe.

My sister is Gay and sorry, but I'm not afraid of turning queer. I can think of worse things to turn into.....like a libtard.
LOL, from the guy who is too afraid to use his previous handle ~rolleyes~

I'm a women and this is my first go round on this site. If my comments and opinions mirror that of another, he is definitely someone I would be delighted to share a bottle of wine or smoke a joint with.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Our country was founded on the belief that religion and oppression should not come before law. Teaching children that a deity is in control of their destiny, that they should relinquish personal responsibility to the deity, and that the deity is intolerant and so should they be intolerant, is child abuse.

Yeah, right ~rolleyes~

Okay then. Who is it you think I'm pretending not to be?
It is very important that you and your kids avoid gays. It is contagious, you know. It rubs off on you. One minute, you will be slapping one on the back, and buying him a beer, and before you know it, you will be wearing a pink ascot scarf and sipping chardonnay while talking about Ohpra and listening to old Judy Garland songs on your IPod. You must resist! Above all, don't go to the restroom in an airport, and if you do, and someone starts taping your foot from the next stall, Start singing "The Ballad of the Green Berets" as loud as you can!

You mean singing "Off we go into the wild blue yonder!!!!!" like in "The Right Stuff"????

Sorry buttwad. Not everyone who has the common-sense to know when somebody is trying to manipulate children is a homophobe.

My sister is Gay and sorry, but I'm not afraid of turning queer. I can think of worse things to turn into.....like a libtard.

Named Gay or IS gay?
When you grow beyond the silly stage of "prove it" and learn to present a cogent argument, look me up. Until then, continue your mental masturbation.

I expect it is a comfort to you.

You mean, when I "grow" to the point that I'll swallow anything with no proof at all?

It'll be a long wait for you.
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.

Probably because the Roman Empire was doing fine until the Christians took it over.

The Dark Ages were the first "Faith-Based" Iniative.
OMG, look out! Tolerance is breaking out in schools and its freaking the right out. :lol:

Sorry, not buying it.

This is reverse discrimination or the worst sort. The left wants to teach our kids to hate being what used to be classified as normal. That means sex between opposite sexes. That is what is not being tolerated anymore.

No "the left" doesn't. Where do you get this stuff? Seriously.

It's one thing to learn tolerance, but quite another to start teaching our children to think only one way.

Your way. :cool:

Which is to hate anyone who is normal for no reason other than their beliefs.

You, naturally, have examples of "teaching of hate"?

Do you think that it is evil for a Muslim to never eat pork even though you do? Muslims think anyone who does is unclean. Still, they have a right to believe what they want.

What is the difference? Heteros believe in one thing and you believe in another. What's the purpose to teaching our kids without our consent other than to brainwash them?

Teaching what? Tolerance? You don't want the schools to be tolerant of all students? What is it you are afraid that schools are "teaching" without your "permission"?
I am not gay, but teaching gay tolerance is key in being successful as an adult, because a man that is willing to suck a dick, knows how to take care of business.

Utter nonsense. See Gibbon.

Don't need to. I know quite a bit of the history. Caligula ruled before the empire had even reached its maximum extent and power. On the other hand less than 100 years after the Edict of Milan, Rome had been sacked.

Plainly, you are an idiot who cannot tell the difference between your vapid imagination and the work of informed historians.

I expect you attended public schools where they were afraid to address your idiocy because it would hurt your feelings.

It's obvious that you don't know anything of the history or you'd discuss it. Since you don't, you have to resort to name calling and false charges. BTW, I wasn't public school educated. I was trained by a group that insisted one look for truth no matter where it led, the Jesuits.

It's funny you should invoke Gibbon. Modern scholarship has issues with many of his conclusions. Perhaps you should update your knowledge before posting again. There's been a lot more written since Gibbon's 18th century treatise. It isn't the bible of Roman history, just as "Origin of the Species" isn't the bible of evolutionary thought. True scholarship doesn't doesn't get itself stuck to one book as the ultimate source of all knowledge.
Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.

And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

Do you point out in other partisan threads, that agree with your point of view, that they have no basis in fact but are indeed just a subjective partisan opinion, or do you just point it out when it disagrees with your subjective partisan opinion.
Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

The economy.

Yes, but they have yet to figure it out. They keep believing that increased spending is going to produce the desired results. So far, they have missed the point, to be fair, the GOP is just as lost. No one will do what needs to be done, it's not popular.
everyone who studies history and economics knows what we need to do.

there is a reason the right hates education.
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.

Probably because the Roman Empire was doing fine until the Christians took it over.

The Dark Ages were the first "Faith-Based" Iniative.

Wrong. Rome fell for several reasons:

Constant warfare
Ethics decline
Moral depravity
Failing economy
Praetorian guard
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.

Probably because the Roman Empire was doing fine until the Christians took it over.

The Dark Ages were the first "Faith-Based" Iniative.

The Christians wouldn't have been able to take over if Rome had not become degenerate. Sort of like Europe and the US, islam wouldn't be growing so fast, if these western nations had not first been weakened by degeneracy.

Most probably, the Roman people had come to the point where their degeneracy was disgusting themselves and converted to Christianity as a path away from hedonism.
They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.

Probably because the Roman Empire was doing fine until the Christians took it over.

The Dark Ages were the first "Faith-Based" Iniative.

Wrong. Rome fell for several reasons:

Constant warfare
Ethics decline
Moral depravity
Failing economy
Praetorian guard

I hope you didn't put that in rank order...because historians don't even mention "moral depravity" when discussing the decline of Rome, only RW homophobes do.
Probably because the Roman Empire was doing fine until the Christians took it over.

The Dark Ages were the first "Faith-Based" Iniative.

Wrong. Rome fell for several reasons:

Constant warfare
Ethics decline
Moral depravity
Failing economy
Praetorian guard

I hope you didn't put that in rank order...because historians don't even mention "moral depravity" when discussing the decline of Rome, only RW homophobes do.

Some historians do. A nation in retreat to an excess of depravity deprives themselves of critical thought....which ultimately leads to their ruins. Its happened time and time again through the annals of history.
All serious historians agree that moral depravity was a major force in the fall of Rome. That's why liberals want to change history. Which schools today read Edward Gibbon? Which history teachers have ever heard of him? Evidently damn few because we get nonsense like historians don't even mention moral depravity when discussing the fall of Rome. Or, if you want to discuss history, there are the writings of the time, Juvenal, Tacticus, or the observations of Anneaus Florus.

The abject moral depravity has been linked to insanity linked to the lead pipes used in Roman plumbing. Which is not unlike the insanity today caused by widespread drug use.

Ironically, as we follow in Rome's footsteps, the worst degeneracy and depravity of the people are found most in the cities leaving the rural areas relatively untouched. Just like the Roman Empire, away from the cities, families are still relatively strong with mothers and fathers raising children.

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