Lean Forward; The Left's Pre-K And K12 Homosexual Brainwashing Program

Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.

And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

No, it's informed opinion. Having been through the program of a department of education, taught in the public schools and having seen things with my own eyes, I, unlike you, know what I'm talking about.

In fact, your empty-headed insistence on "objective documented evidence" is indicative of your lack of real education. I'm sorry, but not everything fits neatly into the hole in which you wish to force it.

If you really want "objective, documented evidence," simply mosey on over to any history of test scores since the advent of the Department of Education. You will see a slow, steady decline.

I realize you want to sit on your ass and have me provide them for you, but the plain truth is I don't have the time or inclination to do it.

Your argument is a stupid ad hominem (call your adversary a liar and demand an appeal to authority) typical of a victim of public education.

Can you deny that there has been a steady decline in test scores since your benevolent government founded the Department of Education?

No, you can't. You can only hem and haw and make unreasonable demands.

Can you provide a single instance of over-all improvement in any facet of education since the beginning of the Department of Education?


Is there a direct causal connection between the Department of Education and the decline in test scores? No. One can only surmise given what one knows from direct observation.

Besides, according to neoscience, causality is a thing of the past. All you have to do is link any two incidents together and imply causation, right?

Cigarettes and cancer. Greenhouse gases and global warming. Gun violence and the availability of firearms.

The truth is that American public education is a joke and the Department of Education, through its meddling, is largely responsible.

How can you deny that?
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Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality

He's not worried out spending. As a matter of fact every Democrat says we have everything "but" a spending problem. He's not worried about National Defense. He's currently gutting the military, pushing out thousands of soldiers into a poor job market yet he's building new military facilities at a massive rate. Empty buildings that we can't afford to maintain are being built all over the country.

We're currently in the middle of a two week recess in Congress yet we're 15 days from sequestration hitting us hard. Nobody on the left seems to care. They're talking about new expensive education programs starting practically from birth re-educating our children to think the way most Harvard students think.

Why is the left focusing so much on education now? Fact is Democrats need an uneducated workforce and an uneducated electorate to stay in power. Low-information voters are essential to maintain their base. Why do they think that education is so important to them?

Answer: They don't want our kids to be more knowledgeable, they simply want them educated the politically correct way.

If our kids are taught to be able to figure things out for themselves that is counter productive to the left. The big push is indoctrination. Teach kids to be more accepting of Gays or Transsexuals. That is more important than History, Math, English, and Science. These new Pre-K programs aren't going to be designed to help children to succeed. They will be used to teach our kids, without our permission, all about the Gay lifestyle and about Same-sex relationships.

Why is this so important to President Obama and the left?

Gay issues are considered by the Obama Administration to be one of the top priorities. Why? Because it has several aspects about it that helps them. Number one being that it is everything the GOP stands against, at least for the time being. It is a way of marginalizing his opposition and fracturing the rightwing base. Number two, it makes it easier to push his destructive programs down the throats of the public when they aren't so prone to be judgmental thus principled. Imagine using the education of our children to transform this country into Europe. The Christian Right will be out in the cold being labeled as radicals and outcasts while the real radicals are living in the warm protection of government sponsored diversity programs.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Another pile of poorly substantiated, homophobic, god-bothering, intolerant, partisan crap. You obviously have too much time on your hands and not enough brainpower to handle the challenge of filling it up.

LOL, from the guy who is too afraid to use his previous handle ~rolleyes~

I'm a women and this is my first go round on this site. If my comments and opinions mirror that of another, he is definitely someone I would be delighted to share a bottle of wine or smoke a joint with.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Our country was founded on the belief that religion and oppression should not come before law. Teaching children that a deity is in control of their destiny, that they should relinquish personal responsibility to the deity, and that the deity is intolerant and so should they be intolerant, is child abuse.
Another pile of poorly substantiated, homophobic, god-bothering, intolerant, partisan crap. You obviously have too much time on your hands and not enough brainpower to handle the challenge of filling it up.

LOL, from the guy who is too afraid to use his previous handle ~rolleyes~

I'm a women and this is my first go round on this site. If my comments and opinions mirror that of another, he is definitely someone I would be delighted to share a bottle of wine or smoke a joint with.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Our country was founded on the belief that religion and oppression should not come before law. Teaching children that a deity is in control of their destiny, that they should relinquish personal responsibility to the deity, and that the deity is intolerant and so should they be intolerant, is child abuse.

Yeah, right ~rolleyes~
The truth is that American public education is a joke and the Department of Education, through its meddling, is largely responsible.

How can you deny that?

Listen numb-nuts, we cant have a bunch of educated peasants running around with firearms telling the government what to do, THIS DOESN'T WORK, things are going to change, there must always be a 1st class and a labor class, and since Americans don't want to let the brown Mexicans into the USA ( that are already under educated ) to do the hard labor, then who the fuck is going to do it.
I will tell you this, I will be DAMNED if I let the fucking peasants get a better education than the children in my family tree, and if you didn't know, the reason we put this bullshit political pressure on public school teachers is so that they will concentrate on getting promoted and acquiring political say-so within the school, thus saving there own asses instead of actually teaching the peasant children.
Shouldn't this be in the conspiracy theory forum? Nobody is trying to turn your kids gay, Mudwhistle. :cuckoo:
Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.

And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

And spell it out plainly so it can be attacked? Right.

Guess you aren't aware of their use of codes. Investment = Spending and so forth.
The US will be no different than Rome if we continue on our current path. Caligula comes to mind.

LOL!! In Caligula's day Rome was at its strongest. It didn't start to fall apart until it adopted Christianity as a favored religion.

Utter nonsense. See Gibbon.

Don't need to. I know quite a bit of the history. Caligula ruled before the empire had even reached its maximum extent and power. On the other hand less than 100 years after the Edict of Milan, Rome had been sacked.
We know for a "scientific fact" that breathing the same air and you could get "turned".
Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Creationism today isn't necessarily the same thing as creation. These days, it's a specific course of instruction which posits the idea that God created everything (He did), but only about 6000 years ago. Many, many "Christian" schools use it.

Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators.

Against the will of parents and "responsible" administrators? How many of them? All? Some? A minority? And, what constitutes a "responsible" administrator, as opposed to an irresponsible one?

Proof, please.
No, it's informed opinion. Having been through the program of a department of education, taught in the public schools and having seen things with my own eyes, I, unlike you, know what I'm talking about.

In fact, your empty-headed insistence on "objective documented evidence" is indicative of your lack of real education.

What would you prefer? An emotional opinion instead of valid research?

I'm sorry, but not everything fits neatly into the hole in which you wish to force it.

That applies to you as well.

If you really want "objective, documented evidence," simply mosey on over to any history of test scores since the advent of the Department of Education. You will see a slow, steady decline.

Are the tests the same over time, or have they become harder?

Can you deny that there has been a steady decline in test scores since your benevolent government founded the Department of Education?

No, you can't. You can only hem and haw and make unreasonable demands.

Can you prove there has been? AND take into account changing tests?

Can you provide a single instance of over-all improvement in any facet of education since the beginning of the Department of Education?


Can you provide a single instance of an over-all decline in any facet of education? And, tie it directly to the existence of the Department of Education?

Is there a direct causal connection between the Department of Education and the decline in test scores? No. One can only surmise given what one knows from direct observation.

Prior to August 29, 2005, direct observation would have revealed the levee's around New Orleans as sound and strong. Prior to Galileo, direct observation would have proved the sun revolves around the earth. Prior to Columbus, direct observation would have shown that ships simply fell off the end of the earth when they sailed away. Prior direct observation would have left the impression that Jeffry Dahmer was just another quirky neighbor.

But, further information proved them all wrong, didn't it?

The point is that direct observation is no proof of anything other than a perception based upon a specific period in time, at a specific place.

Besides, according to neoscience, causality is a thing of the past. All you have to do is link any two incidents together and imply causation, right?

Cigarettes and cancer. Greenhouse gases and global warming. Gun violence and the availability of firearms.

Department of Education and declining test scores. Department of Education and stupid graduates. Department of Education and the End of The World.

The truth is that American public education is a joke and the Department of Education, through its meddling, is largely responsible.

Prove it.

Make no mistake. I'm no fan of the Department of Education either, at the federal or state level, but if you're going to create an argument, be able to back it up.
Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.

And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

And spell it out plainly so it can be attacked? Right.

Guess you aren't aware of their use of codes. Investment = Spending and so forth.

You can't provide evidence or people might counter it with their own facts? Well, you have convinced me.... :eusa_eh:
The truth is that American public education is a joke and the Department of Education, through its meddling, is largely responsible.

How can you deny that?

Listen numb-nuts, we cant have a bunch of educated peasants running around with firearms telling the government what to do, THIS DOESN'T WORK, things are going to change, there must always be a 1st class and a labor class, and since Americans don't want to let the brown Mexicans into the USA ( that are already under educated ) to do the hard labor, then who the fuck is going to do it.
I will tell you this, I will be DAMNED if I let the fucking peasants get a better education than the children in my family tree, and if you didn't know, the reason we put this bullshit political pressure on public school teachers is so that they will concentrate on getting promoted and acquiring political say-so within the school, thus saving there own asses instead of actually teaching the peasant children.

You is my hero.
No, it's informed opinion. Having been through the program of a department of education, taught in the public schools and having seen things with my own eyes, I, unlike you, know what I'm talking about.

In fact, your empty-headed insistence on "objective documented evidence" is indicative of your lack of real education.

What would you prefer? An emotional opinion instead of valid research?

I'm sorry, but not everything fits neatly into the hole in which you wish to force it.

That applies to you as well.

Are the tests the same over time, or have they become harder?

Can you prove there has been? AND take into account changing tests?

Can you provide a single instance of an over-all decline in any facet of education? And, tie it directly to the existence of the Department of Education?

Prior to August 29, 2005, direct observation would have revealed the levee's around New Orleans as sound and strong. Prior to Galileo, direct observation would have proved the sun revolves around the earth. Prior to Columbus, direct observation would have shown that ships simply fell off the end of the earth when they sailed away. Prior direct observation would have left the impression that Jeffry Dahmer was just another quirky neighbor.

But, further information proved them all wrong, didn't it?

The point is that direct observation is no proof of anything other than a perception based upon a specific period in time, at a specific place.

Besides, according to neoscience, causality is a thing of the past. All you have to do is link any two incidents together and imply causation, right?

Cigarettes and cancer. Greenhouse gases and global warming. Gun violence and the availability of firearms.

Department of Education and declining test scores. Department of Education and stupid graduates. Department of Education and the End of The World.

The truth is that American public education is a joke and the Department of Education, through its meddling, is largely responsible.

Prove it.

Make no mistake. I'm no fan of the Department of Education either, at the federal or state level, but if you're going to create an argument, be able to back it up.

When you grow beyond the silly stage of "prove it" and learn to present a cogent argument, look me up. Until then, continue your mental masturbation.

I expect it is a comfort to you.
And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

And spell it out plainly so it can be attacked? Right.

Guess you aren't aware of their use of codes. Investment = Spending and so forth.

You can't provide evidence or people might counter it with their own facts? Well, you have convinced me.... :eusa_eh:

What facts have you presented, other than the fact that you are obviously misinformed?
I am not gay, but teaching gay tolerance is key in being successful as an adult, because a man that is willing to suck a dick, knows how to take care of business.

LOL!! In Caligula's day Rome was at its strongest. It didn't start to fall apart until it adopted Christianity as a favored religion.

Utter nonsense. See Gibbon.

Don't need to. I know quite a bit of the history. Caligula ruled before the empire had even reached its maximum extent and power. On the other hand less than 100 years after the Edict of Milan, Rome had been sacked.

Plainly, you are an idiot who cannot tell the difference between your vapid imagination and the work of informed historians.

I expect you attended public schools where they were afraid to address your idiocy because it would hurt your feelings.
OMG, look out! Tolerance is breaking out in schools and its freaking the right out. :lol:
OMG, look out! Tolerance is breaking out in schools and its freaking the right out. :lol:

Sorry, not buying it.

This is reverse discrimination or the worst sort. The left wants to teach our kids to hate being what used to be classified as normal. That means sex between opposite sexes. That is what is not being tolerated anymore.

It's one thing to learn tolerance, but quite another to start teaching our children to think only one way.

Your way. :cool:

Which is to hate anyone who is normal for no reason other than their beliefs.

Do you think that it is evil for a Muslim to never eat pork even though you do? Muslims think anyone who does is unclean. Still, they have a right to believe what they want.

What is the difference? Heteros believe in one thing and you believe in another. What's the purpose to teaching our kids without our consent other than to brainwash them?
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Another pile of poorly substantiated, homophobic, god-bothering, intolerant, partisan crap. You obviously have too much time on your hands and not enough brainpower to handle the challenge of filling it up.

LOL, from the guy who is too afraid to use his previous handle ~rolleyes~

I'm a women and this is my first go round on this site. If my comments and opinions mirror that of another, he is definitely someone I would be delighted to share a bottle of wine or smoke a joint with.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Our country was founded on the belief that religion and oppression should not come before law. Teaching children that a deity is in control of their destiny, that they should relinquish personal responsibility to the deity, and that the deity is intolerant and so should they be intolerant, is child abuse.

Obviously you don't understand Christianity.

"The wages of sin is death" proves your statement is total crapola.

Religion or spirituality has nothing to do with child-abuse. Child-abuse results from an absence of God and morality in our lives. Nobody who lives with the Holy Spirit would dare touch a kid in an unclean manner. It was one of Jesus's pet-peeves you know.
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