Learn from 1967 and 1973


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.
Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.
Wow! You openly advocate for mass murdering innocent women and children. Truly amazing!

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::wtf::wtf::wtf:
My first introduction to this conflict was during the six day way, and I can still remember Nasser boasting that he was going to drive all the Jews into the sea.

I also remember how there was no such thing as "Palestinians". It was all about Pan Arabism back then as these "Palestinians" had not been invented yet.

What amazes me today is the "Emperor's New Clothes" aspect of this. Arab strategists created this brand new people to make it look like the Jews were picking on these poor little "Palestinians" instead of the might of the Arab world coming down on Jews. Here it is just a few decades later and people just believe the propaganda instead of the reality that any of us old enough could have witnessed with our own eyes.
The US and Israel learned from the 1973 war. Israel learned that Egypt had caught up militarily, and signed a peace treaty with them shortly after.

The US learned the lethality of saggers and armored columns unsupported due to SAMs. They developed Air Land battle strategy as a result and redoubled technology to support it (M1 tank, Apache, stealth etc.)

Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.

You want another 70 years of this carnage? Hezbollah exists to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Probably more than you have for the Jewish children tortured in front of their parents or the pregnant women who was cut open and had her baby torn from her and killed.

All of your concern has been for the perps. None of it has been for the victims.
The thinking of a child. Either you’re with us or against us.

You and mass murderer W kissing in a tree.
Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.

From July 1920

It is these Arab thugs who have no humanity. I bet you cheered when the towers fell. I bet you even cheered when we lost over 200 Marines in 1983. Israel has every absolute right to be there, not these squatters.

You're so ignorant.

The attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut was payback for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, you moron.

Ariel Sharon betrayed Reagan.
Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.
How about trying something totally different? The lessons of ‘67 and ‘73 have already had 50 years to marinate. Just sayin’, the past doesn’t seem to be working.
You want another 70 years of this carnage? Hezbollah exists to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Hezbollah is headquartered in a part of Lebanon that has no industry or
agriculture (south of the Litani river) It has no function other than being
close to Israel, something like the northern part of Yemen which has no
function other than being close to Saudi Arabia. Both areas are of great
interest to IRAN and its imperialist agenda. Iran wants SAUDI ARABIA
and ISRAEL -----because the muzzies that control Mecca and the Muzzies
that murders jews -----RULE THE UMMAH. The economic woes of Iran
does not prevent it from planting cannon fodder muslims who must be
completely supported in the wasteland
south of the Litani River because the area is of strategic value against
"DA ZIONIST ENTITY" and its so easily beheaded (for the glory of allah)
infants. Of course not only does the imperialist agenda of Iran seek to
RULE THE UMMAN ---it is a big win of SHIITE OVER SUNNI. The Mahdi is
waiting in a well in the city Qom, Iran.
Hezbollah is headquartered in a part of Lebanon that has no industry or
agriculture (south of the Litani river) It has no function other than being
close to Israel, something like the northern part of Yemen which has no
function other than being close to Saudi Arabia. Both areas are of great
interest to IRAN and its imperialist agenda. Iran wants SAUDI ARABIA
and ISRAEL -----because the muzzies that control Mecca and the Muzzies
that murders jews -----RULE THE UMMAH. The economic woes of Iran
does not prevent it from planting cannon fodder muslims who must be
completely supported in the wasteland
south of the Litani River because the area is of strategic value against
"DA ZIONIST ENTITY" and its so easily beheaded (for the glory of allah)
infants. Of course not only does the imperialist agenda of Iran seek to
RULE THE UMMAN ---it is a big win of SHIITE OVER SUNNI. The Mahdi is
waiting in a well in the city Qom, Iran.

Lol. Have you been anywhere in Lebanon?

You're a sick old woman.

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