Learn from 1967 and 1973

Hezbollah is headquartered in a part of Lebanon that has no industry or
agriculture (south of the Litani river) It has no function other than being
close to Israel, something like the northern part of Yemen which has no
function other than being close to Saudi Arabia. Both areas are of great
interest to IRAN and its imperialist agenda. Iran wants SAUDI ARABIA
and ISRAEL -----because the muzzies that control Mecca and the Muzzies
that murders jews -----RULE THE UMMAH. The economic woes of Iran
does not prevent it from planting cannon fodder muslims who must be
completely supported in the wasteland
south of the Litani River because the area is of strategic value against
"DA ZIONIST ENTITY" and its so easily beheaded (for the glory of allah)
infants. Of course not only does the imperialist agenda of Iran seek to
RULE THE UMMAN ---it is a big win of SHIITE OVER SUNNI. The Mahdi is
waiting in a well in the city Qom, Iran.
surada laughs----islamic sense of humor
Lol. Have you been anywhere in Lebanon?

You're a sick old woman.
better yet----I, have known Lebanese people since the 1950s.
First christians, a few of whom told me when I was a teenager
during the 1967 war "THEY HATE US TOO" Later on I ran into
both Lebanese jews of the variety that escaped and muslims. Unlike Surada,
I have been in mosques----both sunni and shiite. For a mosque in which
the KUTBAHJUMAAT is delivered in english-----try those that Indians and
Pakistanis attend. In my experience ---such as it is....Iranians, Indians
and Pakistanis do english but barely a word in Arabic
Read Moishe Dayan. They're thieves.

who? the Lebanese? Moshe Dayan was a very over-rated person-----
as per his wife and children and lots of Israelis. His mistakes post
the 1967 war still REVERBERATE. I never met a thief from Lebanon.
There are people who claim that Moshe Dayan seemed to end up with
TOO MANY souvenirs, I have no first hand information
Let me make.it clear.to you, Neville Chamberlain. We don't negotiate nor play nicey nice with the enemy, period. You want to appease them.
Why do you want to continue the cycle of violence that has occurred there for decades? This war didn’t start 10/7 no matter what you’ve been told. Israel and Hamas have been killing each other for a long time. You want to continue the killing because you aren’t capable of intelligent thought.

You only see RED.
Why do you want to continue the cycle of violence that has occurred there for decades? This war didn’t start 10/7 no matter what you’ve been told. Israel and Hamas have been killing each other for a long time. You want to continue the killing because you aren’t capable of intelligent thought.

You only see RED.
read your KHARAHAN muslims have been killing jews since the rapist pig of
mecca gathered his caravan robbing thugs together
read your KHARAHAN muslims have been killing jews since the rapist pig of
mecca gathered his caravan robbing thugs together
This is the problem. You are full of hate. Your hatred goes all the way back to Mohammed. So, killing them is what you desire, just as they wish to do. You’re no different.

If only you were capable of intelligent thought. Tit-for-tat is child like thinking.
This is the problem. You are full of hate. Your hatred goes all the way back to Mohammed. So, killing them is what you desire, just as they wish to do. You’re no different.

If only you were capable of intelligent thought. Tit-for-tat is child like thinking.
I have never killed a muslim or wished to do so----but I have read the kharahan
Why do you want to continue the cycle of violence that has occurred there for decades? This war didn’t start 10/7 no matter what you’ve been told. Israel and Hamas have been killing each other for a long time. You want to continue the killing because you aren’t capable of intelligent thought.

You only see RED.
Peace is impossible with these animals. All they know is war. So I'm saying they started it Israel will finish it once and for all. And if it means using nukes? So be it.
Nah, people can outrun a dozer, even women and children. The biggest problem, none of the Arab countries want to deal with them either.

.so true----but the corrie slut decided to get REAL close to the dozer and she fell in front of it--- she forgot the first page of her high school physics text----MASS X VELOCITY---they go slow but they are a BIG MASS-----they can't stop on a dime just because she decided to be the dime

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