Learn from 1967 and 1973

Israel needs to do two things. Push everyone in Gaza across the Egypt line and make them their problem. Do the same with the West Bank. Push them to the East bank and let them be Jordan’s problem. Take over both, get rid of those people and hand the problem over to those that support them.

Push them into Lebanon; Jordan has been relatively sane, and has already drove out Arafat and his scumbag crew years ago.
Of course they were. That's why they were turned away from the US, Cuba and many European countries.

They weren't turned away from the U.S.; quit lying. The U.S. accepted millions of Jews, and accepted more than our quotas allowed for after 1920, and also after WW II. Your Heroes were busy expelling Jews from all over the ME and North Africa, and Europeans were murdering them when they tried to return to their homes after the war. Your pet pieces of shit deserve no sympathy or consideration at all; they chose to be sub-humans, now they can live with their choices.
Of course they were. That's why they were turned away from the US, Cuba and many European countries.
you are a little confused. Are you suggesting that the jews that migrated to
The Palestine Mandate had first been "turned away from the US and Cuba and
European countries? Gee----I have never met such a person. It is true that the
Anglican pigs who RULED the Palestine Mandate gave them a hard time---but they
gave lots of people hard times---Talk to an Indian. What is true is that in the filth of
Shariah law----the escape from the filth was actually illegal-----is that what you mean?
Let me tell you what I remember about the war in 1973.

The US had supplied the Israeli assholes with F-4 fighter jets. It was suppose to be a sale but the US government guaranteed the loan and then forgave the loan due to pressure from American Jewish lobby. They got our best fighters for nothing. We even trained their pilots.

They kicked the shit out of the Soviet aircraft supplied Syrians.

The US wanted to know how the Phantom jets were able to defeated the Soviet fighters. The Israelis said they would be glad to hand over the action reports for the low price of $250 million. This was in addition to the $4 billion we were giving them each year.

That is just the kind of shitheads they are. We gave them the planes but the fuckers wanted money for the action reports.

Fuck the Israelis.
The warmongering sickness of some posters is truly disgusting. I really can’t believe Americans can be so ignorant and inhumane
to what war mongering do you refer-----the british resistence to the
Let me tell you what I remember about the war in 1973.

The US had supplied the Israeli assholes with F-4 fighter jets. It was suppose to be a sale but the US government guaranteed the loan and then forgave the loan due to pressure from American Jewish lobby. They got our best fighters for nothing. We even trained their pilots.

They kicked the shit out of the Soviet aircraft supplied Syrians.

The US wanted to know how the Phantom jets were able to defeated the Soviet fighters. The Israelis said they would be glad to hand over the action reports for the low price of $250 million. This was in addition to the $4 billion we were giving them each year.

That is just the kind of shitheads they are. We gave them the planes but the fuckers wanted money for the action reports.

Fuck the Israelis.
Another antisemite.

The Arab Legion​

The army of King Abdullah’s Transjordan that went to war with Israel in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1948–49 – the Arab Legion, later the Jordanian army – was a remarkable military unit. First, some 37 British officers and 25 British non-commissioned officers (NCOs) led the army; second, the Legion was the most effective Arab army in 1948, in large measure because Britain as Abdullah’s ally led, funded, trained, and equipped it.2 It was the only Arab army in 1948 that covered itself in glory, defeating Israel in two sets of battles in and around Jerusalem’s old city and at Latrun (15 May–18 July), interrupted by a ceasefire (11 June–8 July). Most British Servicemen in the Legion were seconded from the British army, some had private contracts with Abdullah, and three were detached from the colonial service, including the Arabic-speaking supreme commander of the Legion, former army officer John Bagot Glubb. Glubb’s deputy was Jordanian Major-General Abd al-Qadir al-Jundi. Israel inflated the British personnel numbers to 350, to include British soldiers with Arab irregular units and in supernumerary capacities with the Legion, some having deserted British forces as they withdrew from Palestine in 1948.3 Israel saw the hand of mercenary former Nazi soldiers and Arabic-speaking Englishmen ‘behind the disorderly, primitive Arab bands’, a reference to the irregular Arab troops that served alongside the Legion, and Jerusalem’s Anglican Bishop came upon British casualties in the city’s Austrian hospice, ‘personnel who absconded from the Palestine Police, I presume, and joined Arab forces’.4 British personnel numbers with the Legion fluctuated, London nominally withdrawing those ...

lol and some of these ass clowns think the Jews were just awful to the Brits ... fucking tards.
no good----the Jordanian border is closed to BALESTINIANS as is the Egyptian
border and according to Surada ----it is perfectly ok for the saudis to shoot
desperate refugees from African countries so-----well it's the world SHE KNOWS
Why is that a problem? Let Jordan decide to shoot them or house them. Egypt can do the same. If they don’t that’s on them.
I just want Hamas to get what they wanted; you don't for some reason .. oh yeah , you're a fraud. Never mind.
You idiot. You don’t get it. You somehow magically think Israel is killing only Hamas, while they slaughter women and children.

How does one become so fucking ignorant?

I bet you think this all started on 10/7.
awful to the Brits is an islamo nazi meme. My eyewitness credits the brits that frisked and
arrested his father with being very polite to his mother. They assured her that he would
not be held in prison. It turned out ok. (they didn't find his cousin's rifle)

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