Learn from 1967 and 1973

Blaming Jews for the bloodthirsty attacks against them is not advocating for peace.

Quite the opposite. It is advocating for utter barbarity.

That's why I laugh at the frauds who babble about 'peace n stuff' and 'military industrial complexes' and run around claiming it's 'none of our business n stuff'. They learned nothing from history. Even Jefferson had to acknowledge isolationism is a stupid fantasy. Let the animals run loose long enough and you're next in line to be slaughtered. We built many of those bases overseas and formed alliances for very good reasons; they're a lot cheaper in the long run than fighting assholes on your own soil. We've spent decades disarming ourselves, and now we're going to pay for it.
All of the members here who speak of "genocide" falsely apply that term to the Jews while never mentioning the atrocities of October 7th.

They only cry cease fire when the Palestinians are rightly getting their asses kicked.

The ONLY real solution is to remove the Palestinians from Israel land. The Arabs have been doing it forever and the whole world is okay with that.

The Palestinians must go
You’re going to displace FIVE MILLION people???
Push them into Lebanon; Jordan has been relatively sane, and has already drove out Arafat and his scumbag crew years ago.
Yeah… five million people living in camps… pissed off and homeless…

That’ll work well
It's sarcasm, dumbass. You and Lisa should get a room. Hamas wanted to provoke a response, and they got one.
I don’t find that sarcastic or funny in any way. Pull your head out of your ass.

Pure evil got a response. And you and your ilk had better pay attention. When you side with them you become pure evil. It’s not a joke.
The fick they ain’t.

How stupid are you?

Your scum got what they wanted, and right on cue you vermin show up to snivel about how evul the Israelis are, every single time. Go fuck yourself, you're just a piece of shit who gets its rocks off on Israelis getting murdered is all.
I don’t find that sarcastic or funny in any way. Pull your head out of your ass.

Pure evil got a response. And you and your ilk had better pay attention. When you side with them you become pure evil. It’s not a joke.

You can go fuck yourself, too. Dumbass tards on both sides don't impress me.
I don’t find that sarcastic or funny in any way. Pull your head out of your ass.

Pure evil got a response. And you and your ilk had better pay attention. When you side with them you become pure evil. It’s not a joke.
I think I misread you.
Your scum got what they wanted, and right on cue you vermin show up to snivel about how evul the Israelis are, every single time. Go fuck yourself, you're just a piece of shit who gets its rocks off on Israelis getting murdered is all.
You fuck yourself asshole.

Hamas is scum
The residents of Gaza aren’t Hamas

The children being blown up are not Hamas

Eat shit you fucking fanatic
You fuck yourself asshole.

Hamas is scum
The residents of Gaza aren’t Hamas

The children being blown up are not Hamas

Eat shit you fucking fanatic

Go blow a few dozen of your 'pali victims'. You've had decades to reform them, but your ilk much preferred them as terrorists for hire. Like I said, you're pieces of shit and your fake 'concern' is just poor acting.
Why? Will they wag fingers and make Scary Faces at me?
It’s the same fucking people that think a man can be a woman. And they are making these the rules of our society you have to accept. Individually we can blow them off but this shit is sliding into our government.
Go blow a few dozen of your 'pali victims'. You've had decades to reform them, but your ilk much preferred them as terrorists for hire. Like I said, you're pieces of shit and your fake 'concern' is just poor acting.
There’s no point in talking about this with lunatics like this guy.

Fuck off and die jerk off
It’s the same fucking people that think a man can be a woman. And they are making these the rules of our society you have to accept. Individually we can blow them off but this shit is sliding into our government.

Yes, and right wingers' pols would rather snivel about tax breaks for hedge fund managers and billionaires. The GOP isn't doing shit about any of it outside of some cosmetic posturing.

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