Learn from 1967 and 1973

Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.
Israhell, the Zionist Jewish State, got its ass kicked by Hezbullah in 2006 and will get its ass kicked again, if it invades Lebanon. Gaza is full of Hamas tunnels and the Israelis know that if they invade, they're jumping into a meat grinder, full of IED boobytraps..etc. It will be a nightmare. Hopefully, America will get into a war with Russia or China soon (maybe both), that way you can have a taste of what the children in Gaza and in the West Bank are now experiencing. You right-wing, warmongering Americans need to get into a real war, with a country that will, let's just say....ROCK YOUR WORLD.

Israhell, the Zionist Jewish State, got its ass kicked by Hezbullah in 2006 and will get its ass kicked again, if it invades Lebanon. Gaza is full of Hamas tunnels and the Israelis know that if they invade, they're jumping into a meat grinder, full of IED boobytraps..etc. It will be a nightmare. Hopefully, America will get into a war with Russia or China soon (maybe both), that way you can have a taste of what the children in Gaza and in the West Bank are now experiencing. You right-wing, warmongering Americans need to get into a real war, with a country that will, let's just say....ROCK YOUR WORLD.

the children of Gaza are victims of child-abuse from their parents and government
the children of Gaza are victims of child-abuse from their parents and government

You're a sicko. America will get into a real war soon, and you will finally suffer the same fate as the children of Gaza. Your ivory tower is going to crumble, and you're going to have a taste of hell. All of you warmongering Zionists are going to get yours eventually, by the hand of Russia and China. WW3 is coming to a theater near you.
You're a sicko. America will get into a real war soon, and you will finally suffer the same fate as the children of Gaza. Your ivory tower is going to crumble, and you're going to have a taste of hell. All of you warmongering Zionists are going to get yours eventually, by the hand of Russia and China. WW3 is coming to a theater near you.
did you have an orgasm?
That is one of the reasons why I'm not on board with the "kill them all!" crowd. In general we've been lied to about so many things... especially when it comes to war. So why people are STILL so quick to believe everything they're told is beyond me.

I also get the feeling many here have never set foot in the M.E.

I mve been to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt

Now, since you have special knowledge we don't, explain the "lie" how you know these enlightened truths, and your VERIFIED SOURCES.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to show me YOUR FIRST POST where you condemned Hamas' and expressed an ounce of sympathy for the genocide victims and the hostages being taken.

Please don't run like like a scared rabbit from honest questions. It's not a good look
You're a sicko. America will get into a real war soon, and you will finally suffer the same fate as the children of Gaza. Your ivory tower is going to crumble, and you're going to have a taste of hell. All of you warmongering Zionists are going to get yours eventually, by the hand of Russia and China. WW3 is coming to a theater near you.
Another supporter of the human shield defense
Push them into Lebanon; Jordan has been relatively sane, and has already drove out Arafat and his scumbag crew years ago.

Perhaps Israel should pay Jordan and Lebanon each 2 billion dollars a year in reparations. How much do the Israelis still get from Germany?
I'm pretty sure their last election was in 2006. So a lot of the young people weren't even alive at that time. Also, like in many corrupt places in the world, reportedly, their "elections" are not even legit. So it looks like the percentage of people who support Hamas is much lower than we've been told.
Has ANY Palestinian made a call about where the Palestinians are holding their kidnap victims?

They have phones. Has any Palestinian made a call?

Has ANY Palestinian posted any information on social media?

Apparently you care more about these "babies" than the Palestinian parents, brothers and sisters

No, you're naive and gullible, and a useful idiot falling for the Palestinian strategery (I like the word)
I mve been to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt

Now, since you have special knowledge we don't, explain the "lie" how you know these enlightened truths, and your VERIFIED SOURCES.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to show me YOUR FIRST POST where you condemned Hamas' and expressed an ounce of sympathy for the genocide victims and the hostages being taken.

Please don't run like like a scared rabbit from honest questions. It's not a good look

How long was your visit in Egypt, Jordan and Israel?
The enemy is within our gates. Someday soon the Hamas' apologists (,you know who you are), will regret this move towards multiculturalism

Another supporter of the human shield defense

No one has the right to fire missiles into a heavily populated city of 2.3 million, where half the population is comprised of children. More, no one has the right, to cut the water, electricity, food, and all supplies, to a city, depriving people of those basic necessities. If the Zionist Jewish Apartheid State wants to fight Hamas, then it needs to grow some balls and deploy boots on the ground. If Israhell wouldn't imprison over 2 million people in a giant concentration camp, where people can't leave and they're forced to drink contaminated water, being subject to Israhell's bombs and missiles on a regular basis, none of this would've happened.

It's the Jews who decided to turn Palestine into a Jewish State when over half of the population isn't Jewish. The Palestinians agreed to the two-state solution in 1994, signing the Oslo Accords, and then the Jews killed their leader. Isaac Rabine was assassinated and the Oslo Accords went to shit. These Jews continued expanding their settlements in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, taking the homes and lands away from the Palestinians, essentially forcing the Palestinians into homeless refugee camps in the occupied territories. According to international law, the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal. Peaceful solutions don't work with the Zionist Jewish State.

Now the world is waking up to Israhell's true nature. Israhell is a racist apartheid state that is worse than South Africa. It's going to be defeated soon. You American Evangelicals are going to have to re-interpret all of your "biblical prophecies", because your Zionist racist "Israel", isn't going to be on the map for long. Palestine is going to be freed soon.
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Perhaps Israel should pay Jordan and Lebanon each 2 billion dollars a year in reparations. How much do the Israelis still get from Germany?
another islamo nazi meme----right from the islamo nazi literature. For those who do not know Reparations to jews are based on nazi confiscated wealth from jews----and that's it.
Some islamo nazi dogs like to create the idea that the reparations are simply PAYMENTS FOR BEING A JEW. Somehow the above islamo nazi imagines that Israel confiscated
wealth from Jordanians and Lebanese. She is not alone---she is, simply, parroting
the memes created by nazi war criminals who took refuge in Syria and Egypt rather
than face the court of Nuremberg. Kids in muslim countries get this stuff in grammar
school and mosques
The enemy is within our gates. Someday soon the Hamas' apologists (,you know who you are), will regret this move towards multiculturalism

The world is waking up, and millions of people are protesting against the genocidal Zionist war against civilians. Israhell has exposed its true nature to the world and the people now see the monster that the Jewish Apartheid Ethno-State is. Palestinians will get all of their land back and Palestine will finally be free.
The world is waking up, and millions of people are protesting against the genocidal Zionist war against civilians. Israhell has exposed its true nature to the world and the people now see the monster that the Jewish Apartheid Ethno-State is. Palestinians will get all of their land back and Palestine will finally be free.
Another post from commie scum supporting murdering any Jew living in "their land"

Go back to Russia commie scum

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