Learn from 1967 and 1973

another islamo nazi meme----right from the islamo nazi literature. For those who do not know Reparations to jews are based on nazi confiscated wealth from jews----and that's it.
Some islamo nazi dogs like to create the idea that the reparations are simply PAYMENTS FOR BEING A JEW. Somehow the above islamo nazi imagines that Israel confiscated
wealth from Jordanians and Lebanese. She is not alone---she is, simply, parroting
the memes created by nazi war criminals who took refuge in Syria and Egypt rather
than face the court of Nuremberg. Kids in muslim countries get this stuff in grammar
school and mosques
You sick Zionist racist baby killers who do nothing but lie, are going to lose your Zionist Apartheid State. It's all coming to an end soon.
The world is waking up, and millions of people are protesting against the genocidal Zionist war against civilians. Israhell has exposed its true nature to the world and the people now see the monster that the Jewish Apartheid Ethno-State is. Palestinians will get all of their land back and Palestine will finally be free.
when did this awakening start?
The enemy is within our gates. Someday soon the Hamas' apologists (,you know who you are), will regret this move towards multiculturalism

The majority of Gazans weren't born there. The majority were forced out of East Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and Golan heights. Israel has created the problem with it's theft of land and willingness to kill Palestinians.

In the Old Testament it's forbidden to move boundary stones.
You scumbag apartheid state defenders are going to lose it all soon, watch and see. The world is waking up.
The Bible predicts we are entering THE TIME OF THE GENTILES.

I know what's coming.

Yes the demons will have their day -- for awhile. THEN the Messiah will come.

I hope the "Christians" here who support Hamas will wake up and understand how you're being manipulated by the dark forces.
lol you freaks could care less about 'The Children'; you love the propaganda value when your Hamas Heroes get them killed. sick freaks.
They passed out candy when Jews were murdered, raped and kidnapped. Nobody lifted a finger to stop Hamas. They CELEBRATED them.

Now they are paying for that support, and the gullible and the wicked here cry, "cease fire"
You're an idiot. You Zionist Jews are your own worst enemy. You're fucking stupid. Do you think these Muslims are afraid to die from your nukes? Pakistan has nukes. You Jew-Zionist assholes triggered something in these Muslims with your genocidal attack on the Gaza concentration camp. That open-air prison the Zionist racist state created has exposed Zionism/Jewish-Nazism/Judeo-Fascists to the world. You've triggered these Muslims and they're now more committed than ever to destroy your apartheid state. You Zionist Jews are up the creek without a paddle. Do you think anti-Semitism was bad before this? You have no idea what you Zionist scum are facing now. You're an idiot. Cutting water, food, and electricity from over a million children in your Zionist-created concentration camp? Firing missiles into apartment blocks, killing thousands of civilians, and over 2000 children. You Zionist Jews are SO SO FUCKED.
You sick lying Jew murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and torturers are the REAL pawns of Putin. How much is he paying you?

Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

This short proverb refers to instructions that were given in the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17). Job gave us a reason why someone would want to move these boundary marks: “Some remove the landmarks; they seize and devour flocks” (Job 24:2).

These landmarks marked the boundary of someone’s land. It was the area they possessed (Deuteronomy 19:14). If one were to move one of these boundaries, he might be able to claim something that was not his, thus cheating his neighbor (Deuteronomy 27:17). The people were to be content with the land they possessed and not try to unlawfully go beyond it.
They passed out candy when Jews were murdered, raped and kidnapped. Nobody lifted a finger to stop Hamas. They CELEBRATED them.

Now they are paying for that support, and the gullible and the wicked here cry, "cease fire"

That film footage was from May 2000 when Israel finally pulled out of Lebanon.
The Bible predicts we are entering THE TIME OF THE GENTILES.

I know what's coming.

Yes the demons will have their day -- for awhile. THEN the Messiah will come.

I hope the "Christians" here who support Hamas will wake up and understand how you're being manipulated by the dark forces.
You're the idolatrous scumbag demon. All of you ZioNazis are going straight to hell where you belong. You're a bunch of genocidal, racist demons. You're the ones who are going to be destroyed and thrown into hell where you belong. You Evangelical Zionist scum are going back to the pit of hell with your Zionist Jewish masters.
The majority of Gazans weren't born there. The majority were forced out of East Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and Golan heights. Israel has created the problem with it's theft of land and willingness to kill Palestinians.

In the Old Testament it's forbidden to move boundary stones.
wrong again----the arabs who fled East Jerusalem in 1967 ---went to Jordan and then
simply went back. The arabs of the West Bank are still there. The arabs of the Golan heights
went to Syria and the Druse stayed. There were no "boundary stones" ----there were cease fire lines. The jews who face oppression and murder in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and East Jerusalem fled to Israel -----destitute of all their wealth and land. It is legal in Shariah law to
kill jews and enslave their children and confiscate wealth (well---christians, hindus, Buddhists and zoroastrians too)
You're the idolatrous scumbag demon. All of you ZioNazis are going straight to hell where you belong. You're a bunch of genocidal, racist demons. You're the ones who are going to be destroyed and thrown into hell where you belong. You Evangelical Zionist scum are going back to the pit of hell with your Zionist Jewish masters.
I believe the Bible. Your commie propaganda is useless with me.

I know your future

I gotta go now. I'm lm gonna "change the plugs in my Vette" 😉

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