Learn from 1967 and 1973

for almost 2000 years the ONLY "palestinians were jews living in Palestine.
In 1948 they became Israelis -----sometime in the 1960s arabs decided to
call themselves "Palestinians"

I know, but the haters don’t seem to want to know that.
That film footage was from May 2000 when Israel finally pulled out of Lebanon.
I did not see "film footage" I was on Atlantic Avenue--an arab enclave right
across the east river from the World Trade center. I saw the smoke, the
people were jumping out of windows and the arabs were celebrating---
out in the street---the sluts ULULATED. I have friends in Paterson, NY---lived
there as a baby and worked a bit there as a young adult. The arabs were
celebrating. ----same for Jersey City
Wow! You openly advocate for mass murdering innocent women and children. Truly amazing!

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::wtf::wtf::wtf:
Grow up! People die in war and the Jews are at war with genocidal bigots.

I never said target them, but take out the enemy at all costs. Much like we did in WW I and WW II.
Bulldoze? A better solution is to lob a few tactical nukes.
No. Preemptively strike Hezbollah first. They won’t see a preemptive strike coming like 1967. They expect the Jews to wait to be attacked like 73!

Make it look like Gaza is the target and then hit Hezbollah with everything you got! That is how the 6 day war was won!
Grow up! People die in war and the Jews are at war with genocidal bigots.

I never said target them, but take out the enemy at all costs. Much like we did in WW I and WW II.
I don’t agree with you. Total war is a war crime. Saying oh well killing civilians is acceptable, is dumb. You need to grow up and recognize this fundamental truth.

Do you ever think mass murdering children will have consequences? Have you considered for one second the old truism, violence begets violence? Do you know which side of this war is the oppressor and aggressor, and the far more powerful force?
I don’t agree with you. Total war is a war crime. Saying oh well killing civilians is acceptable, is dumb. You need to grow up and recognize this fundamental truth.

Do you ever think mass murdering children will have consequences? Have you considered for one second the old truism, violence begets violence? Do you know which side of this war is the oppressor and aggressor, and the far more powerful force?
Hey fucko, there are a million thread you can hate on the Jews and display your hypocrisy. This is specifically about the military strategy and not the politics. So kinda faux off!
I’m not the one hating. You are, but you’re blind to it.
I don’t agree with you. Total war is a war crime. Saying oh well killing civilians is acceptable, is dumb. You need to grow up and recognize this fundamental truth.

Do you ever think mass murdering children will have consequences? Have you considered for one second the old truism, violence begets violence? Do you know which side of this war is the oppressor and aggressor, and the far more powerful force?
Total war a war crime? If my late uncle, who served in WWII and was part of the DDay invasion heard that he would slap the taste right out of your pathetic piehole.
Return fire is always legal. The muzzie dogs are still shooting rockets
into Israei TODAY. They are not shooting desperate refugees at their
When you use terms like “muzzie dogs” we can safely ignore you as a fanatic
I did not see "film footage" I was on Atlantic Avenue--an arab enclave right
across the east river from the World Trade center. I saw the smoke, the
people were jumping out of windows and the arabs were celebrating---
out in the street---the sluts ULULATED. I have friends in Paterson, NY---lived
there as a baby and worked a bit there as a young adult. The arabs were
celebrating. ----same for Jersey City
You lying POS. I lived there. It didn’t happen you crazy bitch
When you use terms like “muzzie dogs” we can safely ignore you as a fanatic
depends on the nature of the conversation----pay a little attention to the expletives
and slanders attributed to ZIONISTS

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