Learn from 1967 and 1973

Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.

Hezbollah exists only to keep Israel out of Lebanon. Have you been to Lebanon?
oh then why did they fail to bring that important information to the UN
General Assembly? Why did Russia want Israel to think that there were
Egyptian soldiers and tanks on the Sinai border---did Russia want Israel to
(LOL) feel insecure? When the topic of Russian troops in Sinai came up in
the General Assembly-----EVERYONE LIED ABOUT IT?

Israel didn't care. They wanted the war since 1953. They are violent, damaged people, Rosie..
You are so full of shit. There were no credible reports of Arabs celebrating on either the local news or the MSM.

Had they done so they would have STARTED a riot because the locals would have kicked the shot out of them.

You are repeating a Trump lie and claiming you saw something that didn’t happen.

Lying piece of shit fanatic
There were dancing Israelis on 9/11. Maybe she is confused as to the nationality of the dancers.
The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks - LewRockwell
Oh gee---there was no fight at all in Sinai------that's good---fantastic reports of
victory by Egypt were coming out ----from Egypt. Egypt claimed to have shot down
planes etc etc-----but NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED Some islamo nazis also claimed
that DA JEWS shot tens of thousands of Egyptian military prisoners-----but, OBVIOUSLY
there were no Egyptians in the Sinai who could have been prisoners. They were all safe
and sound in Yemen------doing the coffee thing. The General Assembly of the UN remained in session----televised---for no reason at all. WATTA SCAM!!!!
Total war a war crime? If my late uncle, who served in WWII and was part of the DDay invasion heard that he would slap the taste right out of your pathetic piehole.
Total war is a war crime. Always has been. Please learn this.

You may think mass murdering civilians is perfectly acceptable, but sane people don’t.
Israel didn't care. They wanted the war since 1953. They are violent, damaged people, Rosie..
Oh then why did UAR diplomats CRY when the CEASE FIRE was declared.
All of them were distressed----but the Syrian diplomat cried real tears. It
was heartbreaking ----he wanted to FIGHT ON. Well Egypt did the right
thing, Yemen is, today, a BAATHIST PARADISE
Oh gee---there was no fight at all in Sinai------that's good---fantastic reports of
victory by Egypt were coming out ----from Egypt. Egypt claimed to have shot down
planes etc etc-----but NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED Some islamo nazis also claimed
that DA JEWS shot tens of thousands of Egyptian military prisoners-----but, OBVIOUSLY
there were no Egyptians in the Sinai who could have been prisoners. They were all safe
and sound in Yemen------doing the coffee thing. The General Assembly of the UN remained in session----televised---for no reason at all. WATTA SCAM!!!!

Just stop lying. Israel bombed the Egyptian air force on the ground. The rest of that is just you repeating propaganda.
Just stop lying. Israel bombed the Egyptian air force on the ground. The rest of that is just you repeating propaganda.
did I say that the Israelis did NOT bomb the UNOCCUPIED PLANES on the tarmac?---
ie they destroyed several Egyptian planes----NOT THE AIRFORCE---airforce is people.
You are repeating islamo nazi propaganda. Now just what is the REST ? The bit
you cited does not come close to your claim that the Egyptian army was
in YEMEN---YOU LIED. According to your assertions---there could not have been a
war and everyone in the UN General Assembly was lying including Nasser in his speeches
from Egypt and all his diplomats. But actually it is good news----the idea that any of
the Egyptian army died ----MUST BE A LIE---as per surada
From July 1920

Decoy Against Mass Destruction

In 1920, wishful thinkers thought there would be no more jihads, so that threat was irrelevant to them in judging who should occupy the land. But soon the perpetual jihad started up again with the founding of the Moslem Brotherhood in 1928. Ever since, tactics against this enemy of civilization have been the only rational relevance to what should be done in the Middle East.
Israel didn't care. They wanted the war since 1953. They are violent, damaged people, Rosie..
for those who do not know ----the description of Israelis as DAMAGED PEOPLE is
another classic Islamo-nazi meme. It actually describes jews as being "deranged"
because of christian persecution over centuries. This formula was obviously devised
by Nazi war criminals who escaped to Egypt and Syria. At least one of them actually
converted to Islam -----I cannot remember but will look for the name of the jerk. The
description is supposed to demonstrate that these "damaged" people should not live
in "Palestine ---which is "muslim land" but should return to Europe
Just stop lying. Israel bombed the Egyptian air force on the ground. The rest of that is just you repeating propaganda.
Gee Surada is now claiming that the General Assembly of the UN did not
go into session May 1967 ----and it was not televised with the title
CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST-----Surada claims I made the thing up as "propaganda"
It’s the same fucking people that think a man can be a woman. And they are making these the rules of our society you have to accept. Individually we can blow them off but this shit is sliding into our government.
This Paper Tiger Needs to Be Neutered

It is the ruling class's government, the ruling class's Constitution, and the ruling class's specious spectrum. They are responsible for our national suicide. Or we are, if we don't depose them.
Gee Surada is now claiming that the General Assembly of the UN did not
go into session May 1967 ----and it was not televised with the title
CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST-----Surada claims I made the thing up as "propaganda"

Surada gets smacked around a lot
what "locals"? during the week of 9-11 -people were not going out of their
way to visit the arab enclave on Atlantic Avenue. Brooklyn was in disarray.
Paterson, NY is not a STROLLING location in the past 50 years and Jersey city has
a virtually exclusive arab enclave. I worked in medical clinics----thus could not avoid
anything in the city
You think only Arabs live in Paterson you lying twat?

So no one could see the Arabs in JC?

How did YOU manage to see them then???
How did you manage to be in two places at once?
Lying fanatic
Oh gee---there was no fight at all in Sinai------that's good---fantastic reports of
victory by Egypt were coming out ----from Egypt. Egypt claimed to have shot down
planes etc etc-----but NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED Some islamo nazis also claimed
that DA JEWS shot tens of thousands of Egyptian military prisoners-----but, OBVIOUSLY
there were no Egyptians in the Sinai who could have been prisoners. They were all safe
and sound in Yemen------doing the coffee thing. The General Assembly of the UN remained in session----televised---for no reason at all. WATTA SCAM!!!!
Israel attacked first in 1967


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