Learn from 1967 and 1973

Total war is a war crime. Always has been. Please learn this.

You may think mass murdering civilians is perfectly acceptable, but sane people don’t.
You have a very Pollyannic view of the world. War is never a nice thing, obviously. But it is sometimes necessary.
Lolo 🤣 Egypt never attacked Israel. Nasser had called for a summit with Israel about the Straits of Tiran.
another islamo nazi lie----Nasser, very simply, blocked the straits of Tiran which was AN ACT OF WAR well---I was young ----I had no idea that the control of maritime freeway was yet another tool of islamo nazi dogs. The effort is ongoing with Iran seeking out just about every port in the very important ports of Yemen---even ADEN---and, of course SANAA.
LOL @ "summit with israel" back then all he did was describe the rape of Israel and its women
You think only Arabs live in Paterson you lying twat?

So no one could see the Arabs in JC?

How did YOU manage to see them then???
How did you manage to be in two places at once?
Lying fanatic
LOL @ "YOU THINK" I know Paterson well----I lived there at age 4. ----by that time I would not take a walk on familiar places-----it was a dangerous "INNER CITY" pile of shit----with lots of muslims. Even the bus that ran on the main road---between my surburban town into Paterson had become DANGEROUS
You have a very Pollyannic view of the world. War is never a nice thing, obviously. But it is sometimes necessary.

He's just some commie pretending to be a 'libertarian'. Anti Israel propaganda has been a staple of the old Soviet propaganda machine ever since Israel went with FRance and the U.S. as a client state instead of the Soviets. It played a big part in the anti-U.S. propaganda over the Viet Nam war.

Being Leftist and Anti-Semitic in Germany

Susanne Urban

Anti-Zionism, however - which is not mere criticism of Israeli policies, but the denial of the Jewish people's right to live in their own state - also links leftists and rightists. Since the Six Day War of 1967, both the extreme and the mainstream Left in Europe have shown strong anti-Zionist tendencies, not always distinguishable from anti-Semitism. Although leftist anti-Zionism seemed to decline after the fall of Communism in 1990, it was reanimated by the Second Intifada and the antiglobalization movement, which is today a main source of leftist anti-Semitism.

In a May 2002 survey in the weekly magazine Der Spiegel, 25% agreed that "what the state of Israel does to the Palestinians is no different than what the Nazis did during the Third Reich to the Jews."2 A new scholarly book analyzes how deeply anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are rooted in German society.3 Since 1989, united Germany seems to stand on two main pillars: a strong anti-American and anti-Israeli attitude.


Student Radicalization

During the Six Day War, the New Left definitively transformed its hitherto moderate pro-Arab positions into full support for Arab states and the Palestinians, and its fragile pro-Israeli attitudes dissolved into anti-Semitic slogans thinly disguised as "anti-imperialist" criticism of a "fascist state."

After 1967, however, not only the radicals but large parts of the German Left turned their backs on Israel. This went hand in hand with protests against the Vietnam War, against the conservative mainstream in Adenauer's Germany and afterward the "Great Coalition" that was headed from 1966 by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party.6 The New Left also idealized Communist China and Ho Chi Minh, despite their involvement in mass murder against their own people.7

Well-known intellectuals who were more moderate leftists tried to dissuade the New Left from its extreme positions. Ernst Bloch, Jean Amery, Herbert Marcuse, Iring Fetscher, and Jean-Paul Sartre argued with the radicals and discouraged blind solidarity with the PLO, as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. They warned that notions of Israel's annihilation were intolerable and linked to National Socialist ideology. However, they were not heeded by the radicals.8

... and more at the link. these faggots like 'Gipper'are also the ones who snivel about how it sucks that the U.S. beat the Japs and Germany in WW II. I seriously doubt they're Americans, just whiney Euros or Russians. This idiot cold war commie crap is still wildly popular with all the left dopers who run universities and colleges now.
Just stop lying. Israel bombed the Egyptian air force on the ground. The rest of that is just you repeating propaganda.
Surada fails to mention the Nasser the Egyptians president closed the straits of Tiran and the gulf of Aquaba to vessels bringing goods to Israel in the month before leading up to the war…. Nasser knew that Israel would consider this an act of war as Egypt was told in 1957 by a previous Israeli prime minister and yet he decided to do this because he wanted to provoke Israel into attacking it obviously backfired as Israel pre empted their( the Arab countries Syria and Jordan plans).. It helps if things are kept in context .. Surada should try to keep that in mind…
Lolo 🤣 Egypt never attacked Israel. Nasser had called for a summit with Israel about the Straits of Tiran.
That is an act of war and they were told so in 1957 by a previous Israeli prime minister…
for those who do not know ----the description of Israelis as DAMAGED PEOPLE is
another classic Islamo-nazi meme. It actually describes jews as being "deranged"
because of christian persecution over centuries. This formula was obviously devised
by Nazi war criminals who escaped to Egypt and Syria. At least one of them actually
converted to Islam -----I cannot remember but will look for the name of the jerk. The
description is supposed to demonstrate that these "damaged" people should not live
in "Palestine ---which is "muslim land" but should return to Europe
I would like to point out also that any land that was at one time Muslim is considered dar Al Islam and if it later becomes controlled by non Muslims it is considered or called Occupied territories this is why lands like the west bank or Israel itself is called occupied territories by Muslims unfortunately people get used to these terms and without realizing it they are fooled….For example the Hindu Kush is now completely Muslim with no Hindus living there so now it is not occupied because it is controlled by Muslims however if at some point the Hindus regain their ancestral homeland from the Muslims it would become occupied territories just like today the Jewish homeland is occupied by non Muslim Jews even though it is their ancestral home….Same goes for Spain and other areas that were at one time ruled by Islam they are considered occupied until Islam is strong enough to take it back…..
Surada fails to mention the Nasser the Egyptians president closed the straits of Tiran and the gulf of Aquaba to vessels bringing goods to Israel in the month before leading up to the war…. Nasser knew that Israel would consider this an act of war as Egypt was told in 1957 by a previous Israeli prime minister and yet he decided to do this because he wanted to provoke Israel into attacking it obviously backfired as Israel pre empted their( the Arab countries Syria and Jordan plans).. It helps if things are kept in context .. Surada should try to keep that in mind…

Nasser also called for a summit with Israel to find a solution.

Read Moishe Dayan. He said they wanted more land so they provoked Syria and Lebanon for decades to start a war.

Israel attacked Egypt and bombed their air force on the tarmac.

Oh gee---there was no fight at all in Sinai------that's good---fantastic reports of
victory by Egypt were coming out ----from Egypt. Egypt claimed to have shot down
planes etc etc-----but NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED Some islamo nazis also claimed
that DA JEWS shot tens of thousands of Egyptian military prisoners-----but, OBVIOUSLY
there were no Egyptians in the Sinai who could have been prisoners. They were all safe
and sound in Yemen------doing the coffee thing. The General Assembly of the UN remained in session----televised---for no reason at all. WATTA SCAM!!!!
surada gave me a thumbs down for repeating exactly what she claims took
place in 1967
Nasser also called for a summit with Israel to find a solution.

Read Moishe Dayan. He said they wanted more land so they provoked Syria and Lebanon for decades to start a war.

Israel attacked Egypt and bombed their air force on the tarmac.

A couple of points Surada failed to mention are you using Taqiyya again Surada( of course you are by failing to mention things) Leading up to Israel ” attacking Egypt) was the fact that the Egyptians once again closed to gulf of Aquaba and the straits of Tiran to shipping to and from Israel ( an act of war which Israel told them would not be tolerated) but also Nasser moved troops up into the Sinai close to the borders of Israel and concluded a mutual defence pact with Syria so Israel would face a two front war when the Arab countries were ready to attack her and Nasser ordered troops to vacate their positions between the Egyptian and Israeli borders so nothing would impede the Egyptians from carry out a war with Israel… All these steps led Israel to conclude that a coordinated attack was imminent and they attacked accordingly to head it off… Your mention of Moshe Dayan is nothing but a more screen and typical bull to explain away the acts of war and provocations that took place prior to Israel having to defend.. Yes defend herself from blatant aggression by Egypt and Syria.. Jordan came in as well and suffered the fate they did because they couldn’t keep their nose out of it….
A couple of points Surada failed to mention are you using Taqiyya again Surada( of course you are by failing to mention things) Leading up to Israel ” attacking Egypt) was the fact that the Egyptians once again closed to gulf of Aquaba and the straits of Tiran to shipping to and from Israel ( an act of war which Israel told them would not be tolerated) but also Nasser moved troops up into the Sinai close to the borders of Israel and concluded a mutual defence pact with Syria so Israel would face a two front war when the Arab countries were ready to attack her and Nasser ordered troops to vacate their positions between the Egyptian and Israeli borders so nothing would impede the Egyptians from carry out a war with Israel… All these steps led Israel to conclude that a coordinated attack was imminent and they attacked accordingly to head it off… Your mention of Moshe Dayan is nothing but a more screen and typical bull to explain away the acts of war and provocations that took place prior to Israel having to defend.. Yes defend herself from blatant aggression by Egypt and Syria.. Jordan came in as well and suffered the fate they did because they couldn’t keep their nose out of it….
That’s UN troops were asked , told to vacate their positions by Nasser between the Israeli and aeyptians
A couple of points Surada failed to mention are you using Taqiyya again Surada( of course you are by failing to mention things) Leading up to Israel ” attacking Egypt) was the fact that the Egyptians once again closed to gulf of Aquaba and the straits of Tiran to shipping to and from Israel ( an act of war which Israel told them would not be tolerated) but also Nasser moved troops up into the Sinai close to the borders of Israel and concluded a mutual defence pact with Syria so Israel would face a two front war when the Arab countries were ready to attack her and Nasser ordered troops to vacate their positions between the Egyptian and Israeli borders so nothing would impede the Egyptians from carry out a war with Israel… All these steps led Israel to conclude that a coordinated attack was imminent and they attacked accordingly to head it off… Your mention of Moshe Dayan is nothing but a more screen and typical bull to explain away the acts of war and provocations that took place prior to Israel having to defend.. Yes defend herself from blatant aggression by Egypt and Syria.. Jordan came in as well and suffered the fate they did because they couldn’t keep their nose out of it….
don't confuse her with the facts-----she has the saudi version
don't confuse her with the facts-----she has the saudi version
According to her she is a good Episcopalian turning the other cheek but unfortunately the cheek she is showing is the other one being an ass and trying to muddy the waters by lying and leaving out certain facts to confuse the issue… Taqiyya the art of lying proving she is Muslim and not Christian as she professes…

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