Learn from 1967 and 1973

The US and Israel learned from the 1973 war. Israel learned that Egypt had caught up militarily, and signed a peace treaty with them shortly after.

The US learned the lethality of saggers and armored columns unsupported due to SAMs. They developed Air Land battle strategy as a result and redoubled technology to support it (M1 tank, Apache, stealth etc.)

Nope. Egypt and Syria caught them off guard with their much larger armies, which they also had in 67.

Israel has to realize they are a tiny country and do not have the luxury of waiting when the barbarians are at the gates.

Hezbollah is just waiting for Israel to go into Gaza and then they attacked. Israel needs to attack first at the more deadly enemy.

Neutralize Hezbollah will also be a morale blow to Hamas. After Hezbollah is taken out, take the fight to Hamas and re-establish control over Gaza!
I don’t agree with you. Total war is a war crime. Saying oh well killing civilians is acceptable, is dumb. You need to grow up and recognize this fundamental truth.

Do you ever think mass murdering children will have consequences? Have you considered for one second the old truism, violence begets violence? Do you know which side of this war is the oppressor and aggressor, and the far more powerful force?
Then go argue you that on the million other threads the subject

oh! I have been acquainted with MANY arabs from Lebanon ---none
came from the palestine mandate----rosie

Jews left the Arab world in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They were prosperous and would still be there except for the European Zionists. OH! I am related by marriage to dozens of jews who fled the "arab world" The journey of the party which included my husband
--born in transit --started some time in the late 1930s. His mother's father died
when she was about 12---the only way to save her from the dhimmi orphan
law was to get her out of the Shariah shit hole----his father had lost a wife
and two babies to arab rape. The little couple--his father and mother were
married to overcome more shariah shit----and so in their years of flight---several
people died---hubby contracted a serious neurological disease in the shit hole---
but managed to survive to be a PALESTNIAN in the early 1940s At that time
the ONLY people called and registered as PALESTINIAN ---were jews. European
zionists had nothing to do with the fact that jews from arab countries are and
were zionists ---rosie

"the rest" of what? rosie

for almost 2000 years the ONLY "palestinians were jews living in Palestine.
In 1948 they became Israelis -----sometime in the 1960s arabs decided to
call themselves "Palestinians"

There were very, very few Jews in Palestine for 2000 years. Read the travel journals of ibn Battuta and Rabbi Benjamin of Toledo.

They were called Palestinians in Arabia in 1950. Many worked for ARAMCO.
I did not see "film footage" I was on Atlantic Avenue--an arab enclave right
across the east river from the World Trade center. I saw the smoke, the
people were jumping out of windows and the arabs were celebrating---
out in the street---the sluts ULULATED. I have friends in Paterson, NY---lived
there as a baby and worked a bit there as a young adult. The arabs were
celebrating. ----same for Jersey City

You and Trump.
Nope. Egypt and Syria caught them off guard with their much larger armies, which they also had in 67.

Israel has to realize they are a tiny country and do not have the luxury of waiting when the barbarians are at the gates.

Hezbollah is just waiting for Israel to go into Gaza and then they attacked. Israel needs to attack first at the more deadly enemy.

Neutralize Hezbollah will also be a morale blow to Hamas. After Hezbollah is taken out, take the fight to Hamas and re-establish control over Gaza!

Then go argue you that on the million other threads the subject

Israel attacked Egypt in 1967... Bombed all their aircraft on the ground. Egypt's army was in Yemen from 1962-1970 fighting the civil war against the monarchists.

You're very ignorant.
Israel attacked Egypt in 1967... Bombed all their aircraft on the ground. Egypt's army was in Yemen from 1962-1970 fighting the civil war against the monarchists.

You're very ignorant.
Surada lied----the Egyptian army was at the border between Sinai and Israel lined
up in Russian supplied Tanks as Nasser gathered members of the UAR together
for the war HE ANNOUNCED. If there were Egyptian troops in south Yemen fighting
"monarchs" that issue did not make news and was not even mentioned in the UN.
No doubt Surada will provide us with citations of the war between EGYPT and Yemeni
MONARCHISTS in 1967. I, MAGICALLY, missed it completely
Nope. Egypt and Syria caught them off guard with their much larger armies, which they also had in 67.
Egypt just plain caught them off guard, and when Israel responded as planned they initially got their heads handed to them by SAMs which stopped their aircraft cold, and then by saggers and hunter killer teams with RPGs against their armor. It took the Israelis going back to combined arms ops to turn it around.

Syria caught them off guard but still came on in the same old way and the Israelis killed them the same old way.

It was after when US investigated this in detail they realized their focus had been on the other side of the world and not on stopping 50,000 tanks coming through the Fulda Gap. So they adapted.
Your lies about celebrating Arabs on 9/11. Had they done that in either JC or Paterson there would have been a riot.

There wasn’t.

You’re a shameless liar and a fanatic
Nope---they celebrated ---no riot----it is obvious that you are not familiar with Paterson,
New Jersey. The Jersey City thing was same day information who lives there.
Surada lied----the Egyptian army was at the border between Sinai and Israel lined
up in Russian supplied Tanks as Nasser gathered members of the UAR together
for the war HE ANNOUNCED. If there were Egyptian troops in south Yemen fighting
"monarchs" that issue did not make news and was not even mentioned in the UN.
No doubt Surada will provide us with citations of the war between EGYPT and Yemeni
MONARCHISTS in 1967. I, MAGICALLY, missed it completely
I should add that there was a chronic conflict between the southern part of Yemen and
the North---the Southern part ---dominated by Aden---was even into succession.
That's what made it Monarchists vs Nonmonarchists ------not Monachists vs Egyptians.
The real issue is----DA SOUTH GOT DA OIL
gee Liar Surada----its been something like more than 2 hours and you still haven't managed to justify your "LIAR" fart directed at me.
Surada lied----the Egyptian army was at the border between Sinai and Israel lined
up in Russian supplied Tanks as Nasser gathered members of the UAR together
for the war HE ANNOUNCED. If there were Egyptian troops in south Yemen fighting
"monarchs" that issue did not make news and was not even mentioned in the UN.
No doubt Surada will provide us with citations of the war between EGYPT and Yemeni
MONARCHISTS in 1967. I, MAGICALLY, missed it completely
No they weren't. They were in Yemen. The Soviets lied
No they weren't. They were in Yemen. The Soviets lied
did I suggest that I got my information from PRAVDA? I know no
Russian at all. About what are you claiming "Russia lied" ? Did you
find that documentation on the War Between Yemeni Monarchists and
Egyptian Soldiers 1967 ?
Nope---they celebrated ---no riot----it is obvious that you are not familiar with Paterson,
New Jersey. The Jersey City thing was same day information who lives there.

I should add that there was a chronic conflict between the southern part of Yemen and
the North---the Southern part ---dominated by Aden---was even into succession.
That's what made it Monarchists vs Nonmonarchists ------not Monachists vs Egyptians.
The real issue is----DA SOUTH GOT DA OIL

gee Liar Surada----its been something like more than 2 hours and you still haven't managed to justify your "LIAR" fart directed at me.
You are so full of shit. There were no credible reports of Arabs celebrating on either the local news or the MSM.

Had they done so they would have STARTED a riot because the locals would have kicked the shot out of them.

You are repeating a Trump lie and claiming you saw something that didn’t happen.

Lying piece of shit fanatic
did I suggest that I got my information from PRAVDA? I know no
Russian at all. About what are you claiming "Russia lied" ? Did you
find that documentation on the War Between Yemeni Monarchists and
Egyptian Soldiers 1967 ?

The Soviets told the Israelis that Egyptian troops were amassed on their border. They lied. Egyptian troops were all in Yemen.
You are so full of shit. There were no credible reports of Arabs celebrating on either the local news or the MSM.

Had they done so they would have STARTED a riot because the locals would have kicked the shot out of them.

You are repeating a Trump lie and claiming you saw something that didn’t happen.

Lying piece of shit fanatic
what "locals"? during the week of 9-11 -people were not going out of their
way to visit the arab enclave on Atlantic Avenue. Brooklyn was in disarray.
Paterson, NY is not a STROLLING location in the past 50 years and Jersey city has
a virtually exclusive arab enclave. I worked in medical clinics----thus could not avoid
anything in the city
Hezbollah is headquartered in a part of Lebanon that has no industry or
agriculture (south of the Litani river) It has no function other than being
close to Israel, something like the northern part of Yemen which has no
function other than being close to Saudi Arabia. Both areas are of great
interest to IRAN and its imperialist agenda. Iran wants SAUDI ARABIA
and ISRAEL -----because the muzzies that control Mecca and the Muzzies
that murders jews -----RULE THE UMMAH. The economic woes of Iran
does not prevent it from planting cannon fodder muslims who must be
completely supported in the wasteland
south of the Litani River because the area is of strategic value against
"DA ZIONIST ENTITY" and its so easily beheaded (for the glory of allah)
infants. Of course not only does the imperialist agenda of Iran seek to
RULE THE UMMAN ---it is a big win of SHIITE OVER SUNNI. The Mahdi is
waiting in a well in the city Qom, Iran.

The Soviets told the Israelis that Egyptian troops were amassed on their border. They lied. Egyptian troops were all in Yemen.
oh then why did they fail to bring that important information to the UN
General Assembly? Why did Russia want Israel to think that there were
Egyptian soldiers and tanks on the Sinai border---did Russia want Israel to
(LOL) feel insecure? When the topic of Russian troops in Sinai came up in
the General Assembly-----EVERYONE LIED ABOUT IT?

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