Learn from 1967 and 1973

Probably more than you have for the Jewish children tortured in front of their parents or the pregnant women who was cut open and had her baby torn from her and killed.

All of your concern has been for the perps. None of it has been for the victims.
All of the members here who speak of "genocide" falsely apply that term to the Jews while never mentioning the atrocities of October 7th.

They only cry cease fire when the Palestinians are rightly getting their asses kicked.

The ONLY real solution is to remove the Palestinians from Israel land. The Arabs have been doing it forever and the whole world is okay with that.

The Palestinians must go
Note this is note a post in who is right or wrong on the Israel and Frankensteinian war there are a million threads to debate that.

This is about what is Israelis best strategy.

They need to learn from 1967! They know Hezbollah is going to attack so don’t wait. Make ir appear that they will invade Gaza and then preemptively strike Hezbollah in Lebanon with everything you have! Make it swift, decise, and devastating! Do not care about collateral damage! That should impact the strategy one bit. Do not warn them one bit. Rain hell about them and then invade in a blitz creed style destroying everyone and everything in their way.

Once Hezbollah is neutralized, hit Gaza with a sledge hammer and reestablish control.

This Land is Mine
They were never nice to the Palestinians. Never.

They’ve given this nonexistent group of people no Arab nation wants every chance in the world to just exist and not be assholes. These pigs have rejected it by treaty and action every fucking time.
My first introduction to this conflict was during the six day way, and I can still remember Nasser boasting that he was going to drive all the Jews into the sea.

I also remember how there was no such thing as "Palestinians". It was all about Pan Arabism back then as these "Palestinians" had not been invented yet.

What amazes me today is the "Emperor's New Clothes" aspect of this. Arab strategists created this brand new people to make it look like the Jews were picking on these poor little "Palestinians" instead of the might of the Arab world coming down on Jews. Here it is just a few decades later and people just believe the propaganda instead of the reality that any of us old enough could have witnessed with our own eyes.
The caliber of people in general has really dropped. I bought something for $8.02 and handed the cashier a ten-spot and two pennies. I explained that she just has to give me $2 back, but she was unsure and said she had to call her manager.

And these are the people who get paid $15 an hour and are striking for more. They can’t even do the job they have.

SORRY….BIG DIGRESSION….but it shows how stupid people have become, and thus why they fall for all the “oppressed Palestinians” propaganda.
Israel needs to do two things. Push everyone in Gaza across the Egypt line and make them their problem. Do the same with the West Bank. Push them to the East bank and let them be Jordan’s problem. Take over both, get rid of those people and hand the problem over to those that support them.
All of the members here who speak of "genocide" falsely apply that term to the Jews while never mentioning the atrocities of October 7th.

They only cry cease fire when the Palestinians are rightly getting their asses kicked.

The ONLY real solution is to remove the Palestinians from Israel land. The Arabs have been doing it forever and the whole world is okay with that.

The Palestinians must go

You're advocating a final solution. Kill them and take the rest of their land.

Would you like for Mexican illegals to take your property and put you in the street?

Israel needs to do two things. Push everyone in Gaza across the Egypt line and make them their problem. Do the same with the West Bank. Push them to the East bank and let them be Jordan’s problem. Take over both, get rid of those people and hand the problem over to those that support them.
no good----the Jordanian border is closed to BALESTINIANS as is the Egyptian
border and according to Surada ----it is perfectly ok for the saudis to shoot
desperate refugees from African countries so-----well it's the world SHE KNOWS

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