Learn Something Democrats...Stop Making Excuses

It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know why West Virginia voted Trump. Are you fucking kidding? Trump promised them the fucking moon was going to be made out of coal mining.

Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Trump....and apparently there are NO rocket scientists in the Democratic Party.

Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.

They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.
It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know why West Virginia voted Trump. Are you fucking kidding? Trump promised them the fucking moon was going to be made out of coal mining.

Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Trump....and apparently there are NO rocket scientists in the Democratic Party.

Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.

They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.

Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Trump....and apparently there are NO rocket scientists in the Democratic Party.

Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.

They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.
Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.

They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
You got totally duped.

Coal is going down, because the first world is moving beyond coal. Ask Peabody.

Coal is going down, because we struck gas and oil - which is exactly what the RIGHT WING wanted!

West Virginia is suffering, because dinosaurs in office took no notice of the change being made in America, not just on mining, but on manufacturing as well. So, WV fought and fought against time moving forward rather than figuring out how to move toward economic success in that state.

You can't blame that on the Democratic party.

And, you won't be able to blame Trump, either.
Trump will bring jobs back to America and coal is coming out of the ground. It is economically viable.
The "jobs back to America" thing is ridiculous. The major problems faced by manufacturing workers today have nothing to do with companies leaving. They have to do with automation, with competition from other countries who have caught up to us in manufacturing, with the end of collective bargaining (smashed by the GOP) that leaves workers with no way of pushing for rational wages, retirement, job security, training, etc.

When manufacturing comes back to America it is like US Steel. When they came back they built new plants requiring 1/10th the number of employees and where the employees they need are college graduates.

Manufacturing PRODUCTION continues to grow in America. The problem is with employment.

Thinking that TRUMP knows about working class America is just plain STUPID. He knows Goldman Sachs - where he gets his top advisors. Trump lied to you, and you just haven't figured it out yet.
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.

They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know why West Virginia voted Trump. Are you fucking kidding? Trump promised them the fucking moon was going to be made out of coal mining.

Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Trump....and apparently there are NO rocket scientists in the Democratic Party.

Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.
Dems promoted training, education (including serious vocational education), investment in job sectors that have a future (such as clean energy).

The GOP smashed unions, cuts training, and facilitated replacing coal with big oil and big gas.

You made your choice. You didn't like requiring that we treat each other as equals.
You got totally duped.

Coal is going down, because the first world is moving beyond coal. Ask Peabody.

Coal is going down, because we struck gas and oil - which is exactly what the RIGHT WING wanted!

West Virginia is suffering, because dinosaurs in office took no notice of the change being made in America, not just on mining, but on manufacturing as well. So, WV fought and fought against time moving forward rather than figuring out how to move toward economic success in that state.

You can't blame that on the Democratic party.

And, you won't be able to blame Trump, either.
Trump will bring jobs back to America and coal is coming out of the ground. It is economically viable.
The "jobs back to America" thing is ridiculous. The major problems faced by manufacturing workers today have nothing to do with companies leaving. They have to do with automation, with competition from other countries who have caught up to us in manufacturing, with the end of collective bargaining (smashed by the GOP) that leaves workers with no way of pushing for rational wages, retirement, job security, training, etc.

When manufacturing comes back to America it is like US Steel. When they came back they built new plants requiring 1/10th the number of employees and where the employees they need are college graduates.

Manufacturing PRODUCTION continues to grow in America. The problem is with employment.

Thinking that TRUMP knows about working class America is just plain STUPID. He knows Goldman Sachs - where he gets his top advisors. Trump lied to you, and you just haven't figured it out yet.
Who builds the automation? So it's better to have all of our industry in China? Automation...sure. So does automation win wars,or do you have to have boots on the ground to win wars? You got to have work boots on the ground to operate machines.
They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
Yes - America let China get ahead in ENERGY!! But, you can NOT blame Dems for that. It wasn't Dems who replaced coal with gas and protected fossil fuel prices, making it harder for clean energy to compete. It wasn't Dems who promoted massive new oil fields. And, it wasn't Dems who blocked education that can give WV kids more of a future.

You talk about union wages and then vote for Trump. How stupid is THAT???
It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know why West Virginia voted Trump. Are you fucking kidding? Trump promised them the fucking moon was going to be made out of coal mining.

Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Trump....and apparently there are NO rocket scientists in the Democratic Party.

Creating a strawman? This thread is about West Virginia... you dig it?
And Democrats turned their backs on miners. These families who's sons left the mines to fight in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afganistan, and Iraq...then returned home to the mine. These are God fearing, tough, Christian people. These type of people do not fit into the ultra liberal Democratic Party.
Dems promoted training, education (including serious vocational education), investment in job sectors that have a future (such as clean energy).

The GOP smashed unions, cuts training, and facilitated replacing coal with big oil and big gas.

You made your choice. You didn't like requiring that we treat each other as equals.
Sure...give up your life and your pride...ship job overseas...Democrats will give you a couple of semesters in a junior college. I've already seen this where I'm from. It's a joke. Sure, politicians like to promote retraining, but the reality on the ground is that it is shit. So you your an egghead that reads these government stats that say how great green jobs are. Tell it to my friends whose lives were destroyed by NAFTA. Hey...tell it to the families of the guys I know that committed suicide because Democtats took their job and shipped it to Mexico. Could not provide for family. Go hug a tree prick.
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
Yes - America let China get ahead in ENERGY!! But, you can NOT blame Dems for that. It wasn't Dems who replaced coal with gas and protected fossil fuel prices, making it harder for clean energy to compete. It wasn't Dems who promoted massive new oil fields. And, it wasn't Dems who blocked education that can give WV kids more of a future.

You talk about union wages and then vote for Trump. How stupid is THAT???
Democrats sold out working class for gay marriage and Black Lives Matter cop killers.
They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.

You are a fucking loon. If, and I mean if you work at a steel mill, you've been standing to close to the blast furnace, because your fucking brain is fried.
They did? Then why was money given to the miners to be trained in new jobs? You know... the same programs that the Republicans JUST canceled?
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
It makes no sense to see education as a government handout.

When our economy was based on agriculture we required an 8th grade education.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations required more than that. So, we established high school for everyone and made that a requirement.

Today, we're moving beyond that. And, corporations are clearly stating that education beyond high school is a requirement for a significant portion of our economy.

Suggesting that college education is an insult makes no more sense than suggesting that requiring high school was an insult.

Plus, let's remember that Clinton's direction was to beef up vocational education to meet the demand for engineers who know modern production, etc. The Dem direction on education is NOT limited to academics.
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
Yes - America let China get ahead in ENERGY!! But, you can NOT blame Dems for that. It wasn't Dems who replaced coal with gas and protected fossil fuel prices, making it harder for clean energy to compete. It wasn't Dems who promoted massive new oil fields. And, it wasn't Dems who blocked education that can give WV kids more of a future.

You talk about union wages and then vote for Trump. How stupid is THAT???
Because Democrats no longer represent unions other than teachers and service employees. Guess if working class Americans felt Democrats supported them...Hillary would be getting electoral college vote tomorrow.
The left wing of the Dem party has been sacrificing middle class jobs on the alter of left wing ideology for decades now, its taken time but middle class Democrats are finally fed up with these liberal assholes. First guy who came along (Trump) who offered them an alternative and they jumped ship. THAT's why Hilldabeast lost.

The progressives wrote off the middle class, that's why they need illegals and no living to fill the gap
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
It makes no sense to see education as a government handout.

When our economy was based on agriculture we required an 8th grade education.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations required more than that. So, we established high school for everyone and made that a requirement.

Today, we're moving beyond that. And, corporations are clearly stating that education beyond high school is a requirement for a significant portion of our economy.

Suggesting that college education is an insult makes no more sense than suggesting that requiring high school was an insult.

Plus, let's remember that Clinton's direction was to beef up vocational education to meet the demand for engineers who know modern production, etc. The Dem direction on education is NOT limited to academics.
Get you degree and go into.....what? Nothing. Retraining is a government handout. How about this. Support coal use and let them continue with their lives. Support American workers against libertarian economist like you. Made in the USA is the goal.
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
It makes no sense to see education as a government handout.

When our economy was based on agriculture we required an 8th grade education.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations required more than that. So, we established high school for everyone and made that a requirement.

Today, we're moving beyond that. And, corporations are clearly stating that education beyond high school is a requirement for a significant portion of our economy.

Suggesting that college education is an insult makes no more sense than suggesting that requiring high school was an insult.

Plus, let's remember that Clinton's direction was to beef up vocational education to meet the demand for engineers who know modern production, etc. The Dem direction on education is NOT limited to academics.
I have a masters. Was a steelworker. Made more in 1996 than I make now Mr. Out of touch with reality.
Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.
It makes no sense to see education as a government handout.

When our economy was based on agriculture we required an 8th grade education.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations required more than that. So, we established high school for everyone and made that a requirement.

Today, we're moving beyond that. And, corporations are clearly stating that education beyond high school is a requirement for a significant portion of our economy.

Suggesting that college education is an insult makes no more sense than suggesting that requiring high school was an insult.

Plus, let's remember that Clinton's direction was to beef up vocational education to meet the demand for engineers who know modern production, etc. The Dem direction on education is NOT limited to academics.
Get you degree and go into.....what? Nothing. Retraining is a government handout. How about this. Support coal use and let them continue with their lives. Support American workers against libertarian economist like you. Made in the USA is the goal.

So you are against people getting help to better themselves? You really are a fucking loon.
Trained for new jobs? Are you a fucking retard? So you are going to take away these peoples pride so that only a handful can have a "green job" grinding up old tires for playgrounds. Retraining programs have existed for years in Rust Belt and are a complete failure. You learned nothing from 2016. Retraining...lmfao.

Wait... so mining is a better job than running equipment shredding tires? I'm sorry... you are going to have to explain that to me.
You have never worked in industrial sector or mining have you? These people are proud to be miners. They have for generations. When you take away a mans job and he cannot provide for his family you destroy his soul. That factory job...that mine job is his house note, truck note, his kids health care. You want to replace a $25.00 hr mine job with a $8.00 green job? You don't get it. It's about their PRIDE.

An $8 an hour job... bullshit. And I have worked factory jobs. And grinding up tires for play grounds aren't the only jobs these ex-miners are being offered. They are being given tuition for going back to school... what they do is up to them. Well that was until the Republicans took away funding.
School for what? You are a fucking asshole. They don't want a government handout. They are proud Americans and miners. Green jobs are a joke and fallacy. You worked in a factory my ass. Go back to school. Lol. They go to the high school football field on Friday nights that their father played on, they played on, and their grandchildren play on now. Paid for with miner Union wages. Green jobs. China build all the solar panels and wind mills they use in Mid-West. US taxpayer fronted bill for research and development...then companies moved to China. You are out of touch with reality. Be sure to watch Trump Inaguration.

You are a fucking loon. If, and I mean if you work at a steel mill, you've been standing to close to the blast furnace, because your fucking brain is fried.
Steel mill work too tough for you? You do not get the importance of a blue collar job do you? These people have pride being factory workers, coal miners, steel workers, iron workers, auto workers. You don't get it.

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