Learning From Hitler

If napalm was a chemical weapon,

it would be covered by the Chemical Weapons Convention.

It still is.

Not all chemical weapons are covered by Chemical Weapons Convention. Why? I already explained it.
Don Quixote is still tilting at 'communists'? Reds are done with, guys. There is no menace from them. The menace is single-minded doctrinaire thinking. Gotta be flex in the up-to-date, modern world.
Care to go over each one of them? Or are you not the one for questioning your propaganda mantras?

How about you disprove each figure?


OK', I'll make a start:


That's your first bogus statement flies out of the window.

No, it's your turn: take your second line and explain the numbers.
Wow. You're so disconnected from reality, I don't think there's any way we can continue this conversation.

Enjoy your "Communists are awesome!!" delusion.
Wow. You're so disconnected from reality, I don't think there's any way we can continue this conversation.

Enjoy your "Communists are awesome!!" delusion.

And this means that you decline to comment the gibberish you posted earlier?

No surprise there...
Reds are done with, guys.

Barry had 2 communist parents , voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, supports single payer, is beloved by the CPUSA, and spoke lovingly of Frank Marshall Davis, ( Communist Party number: 47544) in his autobiography.

See why we are 100% positve a liberal will be stupid?? What other explanation is possible?
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First Flounders, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro are all in the same boat when it comes to evil!

Really? How?

Btw, where would you put Clinton, Bush, Obama with regard to your understanding of evil? Remind me, who ordered to erase CIVILIAN Dresden off the face of the Earth? Who ordered to use atomic weapons on civilians of Japan? And what was that with napalm in Vietnam?

Dresden, the atomic bomb and Napalm COMBINED don't come close to the amount of civilians that Stalin and Mao murdered.
Dresden, the atomic bomb and Napalm COMBINED don't come close to the amount of civilians that Stalin and Mao murdered.

I don't know much about Mao, neither do you.

But I would like to see numbers with the source in support of your claim regarding Stalin.
First Flounders, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro are all in the same boat when it comes to evil!

Really? How?

Btw, where would you put Clinton, Bush, Obama with regard to your understanding of evil? Remind me, who ordered to erase CIVILIAN Dresden off the face of the Earth? Who ordered to use atomic weapons on civilians of Japan? And what was that with napalm in Vietnam?

Dresden, the atomic bomb and Napalm COMBINED don't come close to the amount of civilians that Stalin and Mao murdered.

so true!! The great 20th Century liberals, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao killed maybe 50 million each!! The A-bomb was a mere 120,000 or so.
Dresden, the atomic bomb and Napalm COMBINED don't come close to the amount of civilians that Stalin and Mao murdered.

I don't know much about Mao, neither do you.

But I would like to see numbers with the source in support of your claim regarding Stalin.

Anyone doubting the Stalin and Mao massacres should be sitting in prison with the holocaust deniers.
Dresden, the atomic bomb and Napalm COMBINED don't come close to the amount of civilians that Stalin and Mao murdered.

I don't know much about Mao, neither do you.

But I would like to see numbers with the source in support of your claim regarding Stalin.

Anyone doubting the Stalin and Mao massacres should be sitting in prison with the holocaust deniers.

You sound like a parrot.

Can you stop throwing mantras at me and support your statement with numbers and SOURCES!
All right, knowing your tradition of holding discussion by throwing slogans and mantras around, I am not holding my breath in anticipation of you coming up with anything even remotely intelligible...

I have to repeat myself for the third time:

According to OFFICIAL records
At the peak of "repressions" -- 1937 the whole system of GULAG contained 1.196.369 people. Out of that number 87% were criminals. The remaining %% were there for commiting counter-revolutionary crimes: acts of terrorism, sabotage, anti-Soviet agitation, treason.

In 1947 GULAG contained 1.7 million inmates, out of that number -- 40% criminals, the rest were former Nazi police, trators, Nazi agents, OUN/UPA, Vlasovtsy, Forest Brothers and other "inocent" creatures.

The maximum number GULAG ever had was in 1950 -- 2 561 351; out of that number 77% were criminals, the rest: see paragraph above.

Between 1921 (before the USSR was formed! before the civil war was over!) and 1964 (10 years after Stalin's death!) for counter-revolutionary crimes (acts of terrorism, sabotage, anti-Soviet agitation, treason) were sentenced to death 642 980 people!!!!!

There is for you a little "picture" from a document


Have a look at the numbers and find me your usual "millions of billions" of "victims"!

And there is something else for you co contemplate:

now, in peaceful times in democratic and free USA the inmate population is 2.35 million EXCLUDING Guantanamo and other CIA prisons! In just one year in US 1304 people were sentenced to death! (according to US death penalty information centre)
Unfair attack! Stalin's USSR help win the war against Nazi Germany!

It was a bad trade.

Without U.S. Intervention, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have destroyed each other. Instead we ended up with Soviet terror worse than the Nazis for our efforts.

Stalin butchered 65 million of his own people, far more than Hitler did.

That is also and unfair attack. This was right after WW II. No much they could have done!

Actually, stopping Mao would have been relatively simple and cost far less lives than the Korean war, which was a direct result of our inaction, was. We were already mobilized in the area, due to Japan. The real reason we let Mao take over is that we feared enraging the Soviets.
Another laughable thread about "history" that has nothing to do with real history.

China and Russia went commie because under the rule of nobility they were starving to death. That's what happens with top down economics. The top takes everything and leaves the bottom do die. The caveat is..that people don't die willingly.

That SHOULD be the takeaway. But to conservatives, the takeaway is the aftermath. What happened before the respective revolutions goes down the memory hole.

So there was a lot more starvation in Russia prior to the Communist takeover?

Is that your claim, Shallow?
China and Russia went commie because under the rule of nobility they were starving to death. .

and then Stalin and Mao starved about 100 million to death under the rule of liberal nobility! Had they switched to Republican capitalism those 100 million would have gotten rich rather than slowly starved to death under liberalism.

See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ?
1. Without U.S. Intervention, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have destroyed each other.

2. Stalin butchered 65 million of his own people,

1. Is that what they teach you in schools?! Why do you think Without U.S. Intervention, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have destroyed each other? Because of lend lease?! Have you ever compared the data for it with the USSR war time production? And what about the fact US was financing and supplying Hitler with raw materials and military equipment until 1944? Do you know about that?

"Bad trade"?!
US survived its economic catastrophe thanks WW2, and built itself into an empire!

2. I think, you forgot few more "0" on the end. Come to that, 65 million Stalin had for his kebabs for breakfast! The true figure is million of billion of trillions!

Where do you get your numbers from?! :D One should have no brain whatsoever just to repeat it, no wonder you, people, are so easily manipulated!
So there was a lot more starvation in Russia prior to the Communist takeover?

Oh, -- STARVATION! I see...

In 1891 - 1892 in Russian Empire 30 million people were affected by famine;
in 1897 - 1898 ---- 27 million people were affected by famine;
in 1901 due to severe drought 24 regions of the Empire were affected;
in 1906 -- 49 regions of the Empire were affected;
in 1911 -- 20 million people were affected by shortage of food;
in 1913 ......

But if you think famine was exclusively "Russian" thing, think again:

in 1930-s famine affected Soviet Union, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechya, Germany, Britain and the US!
Are you about to tell me it was all because of "Stalin"?!
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